First Day (II)

She's the Man (Literally)

Baekhyun struggles to match Lu's pace as they walk through the semi-crowded halls toward their next class.


'Imagine how it'll be when we're running on the soccer field,' Baekhyun thinks, knowing that Lu plays for the team as well.


He'd been one of the fastest on the team back at his high school, but judging from how fast Lu simply walked, well, Baekhyun wasn't sure if he'd be the fastest on this team like he'd first thought.


Not that he'd been thinking he'd be the best or the fastest on this team anyways.


But he was kind of hoping it


Baekhyun snaps himself out of his thoughts in time to hear Lu saying something related to how much she likes saying his name, because "When I say Bae it sounds like 'babe', you know," and then lowering her voice to continue with "and I love terms of endearment, they make us seem more...involved" to which Baekhyun fully snaps from his thoughts with a yelp of surprise, his arm still linked with Lu's in an iron grip.


"What?!" he squeaks, gawking up at her.


"Finally, I just wanted to get your attention since you kind of zoned out, probably in daydreams with Kris," she says, muttering the last part with a wink, and then continuing past Baekhyun's sputtering. "But I was being truthful about the 'Bae' 'babe' thing, it's actually quite fun to say".


"Oh, well, I never really thought of my name in that way, but ok," Baekhyun replies hesitantly, internally fearing the new nickname.


He'd never been fond of the nickname 'babe'.


But that may have just been because he'd let Kai call him that for an entire school semester when he'd pretended to be the younger's boyfriend. 


Only because Kai had "accidentally" used Baekhyun as the boyfriend card to escape from an unusually obsessed underclassman girl who'd stalked him to the point that Baekhyun suggested a restraining order.


Why Kai hadn't used Lay as the boyfriend card still escaped Baekhyun to this day.


Probably because Lay wouldn't have put up with that mess.


But hey, what are friends for?


All in all, though, the word 'babe' still reminded Baekhyun of several unpleasant memories.


Terror filled moments of hide and seek with a panicking Kai in random janitor closets.


Walking home to find their stalker lurking in the shadows of the stairs of Kai and Lay's shared apartment (she'd found the building but didn't know the specific apartment number, thank god).


There were multiple other horrific events that had taken place.


Events that Baekhyun would rather not go into.


But the high school drama had to come to an end at some point.


And one day, towards the end of the year, Baekhyun had walked into the lunchroom only to see Kai, his "boyfriend", being cornered by the stalker girl.


Well, Baekhyun had to do something.


So he'd walked up to the younger boy and his stalker and snatched a very relieved Kai away from a very upset creeper girl.


And once he'd dragged a now slightly confused Kai to the center of the cafeteria, he'd turned to face the taller boy, grabbed him by his collar, and yanked him down to crash their lips together in a solid kiss that had almost everyone in the room gasp and/or catcall at.


Baekhyun shudders at the memory.


It had been terrible.


Like kissing your younger brother.


But on the bright side, it had done the job and stalker girl had finally gotten the message.


On the not so bright side, there are probably people at the high school who still think Baekhyun and Kai are together.


Baekhyun shudders again.


"You ok?" Lu asks from his side, having noticed Baekhyun's shudders.


"Oh, yeah, I'm good," Baekhyun replies.


'Just reliving the terrifying verging-on- moments of my life,' he adds mentally.


"Good, because we're here," Lu states, steering Baekhyun toward the correct room and then peering inside. "And it looks like we're the first ones to arrive, too".


Baekhyun follows her inside, initially just taking in the modest sized class room; rows of desks in the front and then lab tables in the back half framed by huge windows looking out on the campus. They really are the first ones to arrive, it's entirely empty.


They even beat the teacher to class.


Such overachievers






The black haired boy walks quickly up to his classroom, a sense of excitement filling him.


He loves science.


Almost as much as he loves-


'No,' he reprimands himself, 'now is not the time to think about that'.


'I have the entire rest of the day to think about that anyways,' he reminds himself, a small grin forming on his face.


'Alright, deep breath now, keep it steady, and remember, don't grin too wide, let's keep that straight face' he coaches himself mentally, remembering the past advice from his friend.


And so, with a not so focused fully focused mind on his science class, he strides inside, wishing with all his might that the source of his distractions would meet him on the other side of the classroom door.


Alas, the only thing awaiting him inside the classroom are two girls, one black haired individual with a new but semi-familiar face, and another girl with blonde hair who he recognizes from the past year.




'Lufanna?' he questions mentally. 'That's not right, damn, just stick with Lu if questioned' he decides quickly.


They both look up from whatever they're talking about, and the black haired girl raises her brows at the blonde as if in question.


"Hello!" Lufanna or whatever her name is, greets cheerfully with a small wave.


He returns the wave, right before tripping over the leg of a desk and nearly toppling over.


Blushing, he straightens up and clears his throat.


"Hi," he starts, and before he can humiliate himself further the blonde speaks up again.


"I'm Luhanna," she says, and the black haired boy frowns in confusion because doesn't she remember him from last year? 


"But you can call me Lu," she continues, and he nods externally while cheering internally at at least getting the nickname right.


"My friend here is Bae," Lu further introduces, and the black haired girl, Bae, scowls at not getting to introduce herself.


"Hi," she says with a small wave. 


And then they're both staring at him in expectation.


Oh, right.




"Sorry," he says quickly, "I'm a sophomore here at Illyria, and you can call me Sehun".






"Please," Kris pleads, grabbing onto Chanyeol's hand that's wrapped around his arm and also grabbing ahold of the nearest wall. "Please don't make me go!" he continues, and Chanyeol huffs and then grabs him around the waist to haul him away.


It's a good thing they're nearly the same size or this would never have worked.


"Kris-you knew-this-was a-science-class-" Chanyeol grits out, tugging his hellaciously tall friend in between words.


"Yeah, but I didn't know we had so much lab time in this one!" Kris yelps.


Chanyeol mentally facepalms.


He'd totally forgotten Kris' hatred of lab work in classes when he'd brought it up on the walk to the class, and now he was completely regretting bringing it up at all.


Because now it was costing him physical exercise that he really didn't want to do and a hell of a lot of stares from passing students who probably thought he was killing Kris judging by the sounds the other was making.


He'd already had to wave off a concerned teacher, reassuring him that "Yes, my friend is quite all right" and "Yes, he is my friend, no, I am not abducting an innocent student to take to my Chamber of Secrets under the school, it'd be much easier to just use my dorm room" to which the teacher had given him a startled look and taken off, leaving Chanyeol behind with a heavy guy-man in his arms and hoping that that teacher had understood the sarcasm in his words.


"Well, we've already signed up for this class so we are going in!" Chanyeol nearly shouts, finally dragging Kris up to the doorway of the classroom.


Only to have the other giant place his arms on either side of the doorway firmly and plant his feet stubbornly.


Chanyeol curses and then backs up a few steps.


Two can play at this game.


Chanyeol leaps at Kris' back with the last of his energy, but right before he hits, Kris stiffens as if in surprise.


And then Kris completely lets go of any strength or tension in his body, going slack in the doorway.


So when Chanyeol barrels into him from behind like a freight train, he doesn't simply push Kris through the doorway like he'd planned.


Instead, they both crumple through the door and face plant into a pile of long limbs, soon followed by multiple groans and mumbled profanities.


On the bright side, Kris took the harder hit to the floor, since he hit once and then was hit again when Chanyeol's full weight landed on him.


On the not so bright side, however, when Chanyeol planted a hand on Kris' back to lift himself up (pushing Kris into the floor again), he rose to see Luhanna's startled and almost amused face staring down at him from over at her desk.


'My dignity' Chanyeol mourns mentally, dropping his head once before getting up and offering a hand to the cause of this disaster his friend.


"You ok?" Chanyeol asks through a forced smile, and Kris looks at him with a dazed look and a slight smile on his face.


He must have hit harder than Chanyeol thought.


That makes Chanyeol feel a little better.


"Good, I'm good," Kris replies slowly, running a hand through his dark hair.


"Dude, what was wrong with you?!" Chanyeol hisses as soon as he starts steering Kris towards some seats that are semi-far from Luhanna.


And by semi-far he means on the complete opposite side of the classroom.


"Nothing," Kris mumbles, still dazed. "I'm good," he repeats.


Chanyeol shoots him a doubtful expression before lowering his friend into a desk.


'At least the teacher isn't here yet' Chanyeol thinks, shuddering at how much worse that would have been.


Chanyeol glances over at Luhanna again, only to see her laughing about something (probably that embarrassing event) with her black-haired friend, and then promptly slumps over his desk.


'Probably not too much worse than it already is,' he concludes somberly.






'My class had better not have started already' the small framed guy thinks as he strolls non-hurriedly towards his science class, passing by students whispering excitedly about some event that'd just occurred.


Something about some student kidnapping another student and forcefully dragging him through the hallways.


Or killing the other student, because murmurs of "did you hear the screams of terror that tall one made?" kind of supported that theory.


He was too busy to worry too much about it, although he was kind of sad he'd missed the event.


Not that he enjoys fights or violence or anything like that.


Not at all.


But anyways, he'd just arrived back at Illyria for the beginning of his third year this morning, due to some issues he'd had to take care of earlier, and he was already feeling pretty rushed.


'It's a good thing I didn't have an early morning class today though,' he thinks with relief, because he definitely would have missed that one.


And let's just say, he tries to not miss any classes.


He's never missed a class before.


He hadn't even gotten to meet his roommate, (although that hadn't really been the most exciting thing he'd been looking forward to), but he had already dropped off his luggage and set up a few things in his dorm room a couple days earlier.


He'd already forgotten his roommate's name.


'That's unfortunate,' he thinks to himself drily.




But he doubted he'd see him in this next class, because he did at least know that his roommate was a senior, meaning that he'd probably already taken the course.


'I'll just meet him tonight,' he decides, seeing his classroom come into view with no sign of his teacher inside yet.


Taking a step into the room, he takes in the faces of his fellow classmates quickly, some appearing familiar and others not so familiar.


But mostly familiar, since he prides himself on knowing people pretty well.


'There's Oh Sehun,' he thinks, eyes roaming over the black haired younger, 'the Kris and Chanyeol duo,' he continues, starting to guess the participants of the kidnapping/murder out in the hallway due to the forming bruises on their faces, 'Luhanna, looking snazzy with whatever she's changed, hair maybe?' he ponders.


He's allowing his eyes to continue to the next student when it happens.


This student is smaller framed, with jet black hair cut in slightly choppy lengths around her face and simple but effective eyeliner her eyes.


There's something just not right about her.


It shouldn't be possible for one person to be so, so-


"Beautiful," he whispers, eyes widening like saucers as he moves automatically towards his prey source of interest. 


It's only when he's almost directly in front of the black haired girl that he snaps from his reverie.


Well, sort of.


"Is it possible," he starts, much to his beauty's surprise, "for one to possess a beauty as great as yours?"


She opens as if to respond, but nothing comes out.


Not that that bothers him, it was a rhetorical question anyways.


But now almost the entire classroom is looking their direction, although no one really heard his question aside from Luhanna, who's jaw had dropped simultaneously with her friend's.


She’s now shaking with repressed laughter, although that slightly confused him because he was being dead serious.


He looks back over at the beauty in time to see her face flush pink almost completely and he smiles down at her.


"Adorable" he comments mentally, and Luhanna makes a noise similar to a strangled cat to the side.


Oh, that one hadn't been supposed to come out.


Oh well.


"Excuse me?" the black haired beauty finally squeaks out, face still pink.


"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't even introduce myself" he replies smoothly, sticking out a hand to shake.


She takes it slowly, and he has to bite back a gasp at the sensation of sparks that follow.


"I'm Kyungsoo".






Baekhyun is confused, flattered, and flustered, to say the least.


And feeling slightly murderous, if the giggles coming from the blonde at his side don't cease soon.


But he doesn't have too much time to spend thinking over the sudden events that just took place with that guy he'd never met before, Kyungsoo apparently, because just as Baekhyun's about to put a forceful end to Luhanna's giggling, a slightly disheveled and also familiar man walks into the classroom.


"No way," Baekhyun mumbles, feeling tired just by looking at the new person in the room.


"Hello class!" the man says, giving a slight bow. His light colored hair looks windswept and his black rimmed glasses are slightly askew on his face. "For those who don't know me, I'm Professor Leeteuk, your BioChem teacher" he continues with a blinding smile, and the class minus Baekhyun responds cheerfully.


Of course, Baekhyun already knows Professor Leeteuk.


He'd had him this morning.


You know, that one teacher with way too much energy for a class that early.


And it doesn't seem like that energy is going to dwindle any time soon, either.


"Sorry for being slightly late," Baekhyun hears Professor Leeteuk say, and he looks up again.


"But it seems like everyone's here-oh, no nevermind" their professor cuts off suddenly, looking at an attendance paper in his hand.


"We're actually missing two students" he says thoughtfully, frowning at the paper. Then his face brightens as if remembering something.


"It's all right, we can continue because those two are upperclassmen that will be doing research in the lab, they won't actually be in this course," he says cheerfully, and then moves to his computer, probably to take attendance.


"Oh, Kris could you come up here for a second?" Professor Leeteuk calls out, and Baekhyun perks up.


But then he frowns because the blackish-red haired guy with a slightly dazed expression is Chanyeol, according to Lu.




Baekhyun turns to the blonde, who shrugs innocently.


Almost everyone in the class turns in their desks to start murmuring quietly amongst themselves, and Baekhyun looks away from Chanyeol, not Kris, who's sitting in his desk, to see a grinning Luhanna who's energy seems equal that of Professor Leeteuk's.


He'd hoped she would have forgotten about the previous incident.


Evidently not.


"Shut up" he says instantly, and Lu cackles evilly.


"So you've got your heart on one guy, love professions from another one," she lists off, a faux-thoughtful expression on her face. "Am I missing anything?" she asks with a grin before dodging Baekhyun's following slap.


Baekhyun's just about to open his mouth to respond when yet another person comes running into their classroom.


A person with a headful of black hair, clothes that Baekhyun himself has borrowed in the past, and a face that Baekhyun knows better than his own.




Unfortunately, Baekhyun's mind screams "Run!" while his body screams "Stay cool", which doesn't result in a graceful outcome.


Luhanna gives Baekhyun a concerned look as he seemingly chokes on air and flails in his desk. He's torn between slipping under his desk and completely falling out of it in order to avoid his brother.


In the end, he decides on slumping back in his chair with a hand splayed over his face.


'Smooth as fu-' he begins to chide himself, cut off as Lu leans closer to whisper in his ear.


"Don't tell me you've got the hots for the upperclassman too, Bae," she says with what seems like awe.


Baekhyun gags.


On the outside, though, he just shakes his head 'no' rapidly while keeping his eyes trained on his brother through his fingers.






Suho was late.


On the first day.


'The shame' he cries mentally, trying to catch his breath as Professor Leeteuk looks at him in concern.


It's not his fault he was late, though.


Well, maybe a little.


After walking around campus a bit the night before, he'd had nothing to do, no roommate to talk to, and his best friend at Illyria wasn't even there.


So he'd retreated back to his dorm room, popped some popcorn, and settled down with his huge Disney movie collection on Netflix.


Unfortunately, Suho had ended up fighting the Huns, singing with John Smith, and flying Aladdin's magic carpet into the wee hours of the night which weren't really considered night and were more properly defined as sunrise.


And then he fell asleep.


So when Suho woke up, it took him approximately five minutes to understand that, "yes, eleven o'clock has two ones, one o'clock has one one," and that the alarm clock on his nightside table was displaying the second of the two options.


And then one more minute to remember that his class was at 1:15.


"Sorry, Professor," Suho says faintly once he regains his breath.


"You're fine, Suho, we were just getting started," Leeteuk replies. "You won't be doing too much today, so just go find a seat and I'll bring your separate syllabus in a minute".


"Thank you, Professor, and Xiumin isn't going to be here today," Suho says, remembering the absence of his little well, not that much smaller than himself friend the night before as well as today, when Suho had knocked on his dorm room and received no answer.


Suho turns to face the class, most of which are still chatting amongst themselves, and spots some familiar faces.


He doesn't, however, notice the one pair of eyes that widen as he walks in between the desks.


'Hmm, I didn't know Chanyeol and Kris were in this class,' Suho ponders, giving a smile and a wave as Chanyeol calls out a cheerful "Hyung!" while Kris looks on by his side.


He looks slightly dazed, in Suho's opinion, or maybe he's just avoiding having to say hi.


'Not that that would surprise me,' Suho thinks with a mental pout, since Kris had always seemed slightly colder towards him for some reason.


But before he can dwell any further on that, Suho spots a certain someone.


A certain someone he hasn't seen in a while.


'Roomie?' he thinks, eyes caught on the guy with dark red hair and large eyes.


'That's definitely him,' Suho confirms, thinking back to the previous years he'd seen Kyungsoo walking around.


Not knowing what to say or how to approach the younger, however, Suho simply decides to find a seat that's slightly close to his roommate instead.


A seat that's also close to two girls, one black haired and one blonde, with the black haired girl being the closest to Suho's side.


She seems extremely squirmish, breathing harder than normal and moving in her seat a lot, and Suho's almost about to ask her if she's ok when the blonde throws an arm around the other girl's shoulders and whispers something in her ear.


'Oh, she's got her friend, that's good,' Suho thinks, glad to know the black haired girl's got someone to help her through her nerves.


'First days can be stressful,' Suho thinks knowingly.


The class goes smoothly, for the most part.


Key words: for the most part.


Suho does get his syllabus for the research he'll be doing through the year.


He does not, however, get a word in to his roommate.


What could he say?


There was: "Hey, roomie, where were you last night?".


Too clingy. 


He'd thought of "We have some catching up to do tonight" as well, but that one sounded wrong once he said it in his mind a couple times.


And then there was "We could have ridden Aladdin's magic carpet together last night if you'd been there".




Just no.


Come to think about it, the syllabus was just about the only positive of that class.


He didn't even talk to anyone, really, besides his Professor.


Chanyeol and Kris were too far away to talk to, Xiumin was absent, and Suho got a weird feeling from the black haired girl.


Almost like she was trying to avoid him.


Maybe Suho was over thinking things, but the girl spent a majority of the class with a hand over her face, she twisted in her chair so her back faced Suho, and when Suho accidentally dropped his pencil in between their desks, she didn't pick it up and hand it back to him.


She just kicked it closer to him, with one hand still shielding her face.


But Suho tries not to dwell on it, and soon enough Professor Leeteuk's dismissing them with no homework for the first day.


The black haired girl, who Suho heard the blonde call Bae, stands quickly, swinging her bag up onto her shoulder and nearly hitting Suho in the face with it.


Unfortunately, just as Suho stands from his seat, the blonde girl bumps into her friend, sending the black haired girl stumbling backwards.


Right toward Suho.


And being the nice person he is and not wanting her to fall over, Suho instinctively brings his hands up to hold her shoulders in order to stop her fall.


Suddenly he's washed over with a sense of familiarity as he stands there with his front to this stranger girl's back, hands still holding her shoulders. 


It's like he's held her before.


Which is absurd.


He leans to the side to try to see her face, but she's tense and angles her head in a way that it's impossible for Suho to see anything else but her short hair.


Once she regains her footing, Suho lets his hands drop to his sides instantly, because judging on how tense she became when he'd touched her, prolonging the contact is not something he wants to do.


"You ok?" Suho asks, trying to break some of the mystery tension in the air.


That doesn't exactly go as planned, however.


Because she nearly jumps when he speaks, clutches the strap of her bag tighter, and then takes off speed walking out of the classroom.


'Why do you hate me?!' Suho yells in his mind, feeling down and lonely and tired thanks to Disney.


'I need my MinMin,' Suho thinks, really wishing his friend hadn't been absent on the first day.


He's cut off from his train of thought, though, by a loud "Hi!" close to his ear.


Looking up, he sees the blonde girl who'd been talking to Bae grinning at him.


She holds out a hand.


"I'm Luhanna, but you can call me Lu," she says as Suho shakes her hand.


"Hi, I'm Suho," he replies, already liking this girl.


She rubs the back of her neck for a second before gesturing towards the door her friend just exited through.


"Sorry about my friend, Bae, she's just having some-" Lu pauses for a second, searching for the right words.


"Conflicting emotions," she finishes, winking at Suho.


Suho gulps.


And then before he can ask what these "conflicting emotions" are, the blonde is giving a small wave and then exiting after her friend with that mischievous grin back on her face.


Suho sighs and then grabs his stuff to head out of the room, calling out a quick "Bye" to his professor.


Whatever Lu meant, Suho just hopes it isn't what he thinks she's meaning.


He's already got enough problems with that.





Yay for double updates!

Hope everyone enjoyed this first day chappie, I had fun writing it:)

I am going to be experimenting a little with formatting (because my computer keeps messing things up:/) so don't mind me;)

*Oh, and a little side note here: Baekhyun is the "main character" I guess, but the others will have equal if not more development in this story:)

Until the next update then!! 

See ya;)


P.S.: maybe a little bit later, I'm gonna try to make a "characters section", to show which person in Exo is which person in the movie She's the Man;);)

But until then, feel free to guess and comment who's who;)


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BubbleTeaAddict #1
Chapter 11: I just finished reading all of this in one sitting. And that V8 part made me laugh like a retarded seal. xD I find the weirdest things funny.
But now I'm sad there's no more. ;[ *cries silently*
Oh well, till the next chapter update!!
P.S Nice user name. :P
Chapter 11: YOU UPDATED! And it was amazing as always <3 I absolutely love the Tao-Lay-Kai trio and their grandma disguises... And Sehun is the best Eunice ever *Dies laughing* Keep up the brilliant work \(*^.^*)/ *Hugs all around*
THE CHARACTER LIST *Dies and falls to the floor* Thank you, thank you, thank you... Except I still don't know who Chen is *Frowns* But I'm super excited for the next chapter <3 And yay, I got them right *Dances around*
I just wanted to say that I just started reading this today (I finished everything you have so far btw) and I freaking love it <3 I absolutely adore the "She's the Man" movie, and now I absolutely adore your characters *^.^* I was laughing througout the entire story ^.~ Keep up the good work \(^.^)/

P.S. - I watched the FIFA World Cup too, to answer your question *^.^*
P.P.S. - And I think I have most of the characters matched up to the ones from the movie, but I'm still excited to see your characters list!
I love this story!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!!!! :)
Chapter 6: I'm confused. Is Luhanna Luhan crossdressing (because it would be hilarious if they BOTH were and were trying to hide that from each other), or is Luhan going to show up at some other point?

Also, I guessed Suho would be in Baekhyun's class. Brilliant XD

One last thing... when are we going to find out what Heechul figured out about Baekhyun?
Chanyeolfanfangirl #7
DAEBAK!!! This story never fails to make me cry everytime I read it! 1 word. WOW!!
AHHHHH I love this so much!!
imperfect_narcissist #9
Chapter 3: Ahahaha. So, 2 cross dressers as roommates? This couldn't get any better...
lilybellz #10
the story sounds really interesting ~
i hope you start this soon <3