Meetings with Principles and Suspicious Figures

She's the Man (Literally)

"Roomie?" Baekhyun hears whispered very nearby, his brow furrowing in response.


"Wake up," the same voice singsongs directly in his ear, and Baekhyun turns his face into the pillow.


"No, I don't wanna-just 5, hmm, 5 more minutes," he mumbles in his half asleep state, and someone giggles.


"Ok, but Mr. Principle doesn't like to be kept waiting," responds the voice.


"What the-who?" Baekhyun grumbles, before turning around to lay on his back, eyes still closed. "Tao...stop talking and let me sleep," he continues, smacking his lips together sleepily.


"Ok, I don't know who you're talking about but come on, Bae," the voice answers, and now Baekhyun's really confused.


Because really.


What the heck is a Bae?


"Bae?" he mumbles.


"Aish, yes you, Bae!" the voice, now rising, responds.


"I don't even kno-" Baekhyun starts, right before the recent events in his life come rushing back.


His eyes snap open.


Just in time to see a large red pillow sail towards his face.


Baekhyun's following scream is muffled by said pillow, quickly pulled away to reveal a relieved looking Luhanna.


"Finally" she says with a smirk, her honey blonde hair pulled back into two tiny pigtails again. "You're almost as hard to wake up as my brother, but the pillow seems to work every time," she hefts the evil red thing up proudly.


Baekhyun, still feeling slightly disoriented, groans into his pillow and tries to slow down the rush of recent memories coming back.


He's disguised as a girl.


His roommate is Luhanna, a fellow girl at Illyria.


He has to go meet the principle this morning.




Baekhyun had forgotten about that last bit, and he hoped that he wasn't already late.


Rolling over onto his back, Baekhyun squints up at Lu, still twirling her pillow.


"Am I going to be late?" he questions, lacking the energy to even get up until he knows the answer.


"Well," Lu starts, inspecting her nails, "you have to meet with Mr. Principle at, what was it? Oh yeah, 8:30, and it is currently...8:20," she finishes with a grin, looking back at Baekhyun.


"" Baekhyun groans, sitting up quickly.


He almost lets out another couple words when he remembers the faux s strapped to his chest.


Because now they are severely lopsided.


Flopping back down on the bed, Baekhyun rolls onto his side, away from Luhanna, frantically trying to adjust them before she notices.


"Bae?" Baekhyun hears, Lu's voice tinged with a slight amount of concern.


"My back!" Baekhyun grits out, not knowing what else to say and hoping Lu will leave so he can fix. these. frickin. balls. of. torture.


"Did you pull something?" Lu asks, and then Baekhyun feels a hand press gently against his back, dangerously close to one of his s which had slipped to the side.


'Nope nope nope,' Baekhyun panics, before giving a particularly hard jerk, successfully fixing his dilemma, and then sinking into the bed with a sigh of relief.


"Fixed it!" Baekhyun says cheerfully as he springs up from the bed and heads toward his dresser, Lu's eyes following him suspiciously.


Baekhyun feels his heart leap into his throat when he opens his suitcase, still unpacked, and spots a pair of heart-printed boxers sitting on top.


Feeling like he's had way too much excitement already that morning, he curses Kai and Lay in his head before realizing that those boxers are actually his, and then curses them again for putting them in his suitcase.


"Well, those looked comfy," Lu's voice sounds from right next to Baekhyun's ear, and he tips over on the floor in surprise. Looking up at his roommate's cheshire grin, Baekhyun's heart thumps a little faster in his chest. Because he's really starting to wonder whether Lu's as innocent as she appears. 


"W-what?" he stutters out, heat creeping up his cheeks.


"Your socks, with hearts on them," Lu answers, eyes innocently looking down at him from where she's sprawled across his bed. "They look comfy" she says with a smile.


"Ahaha," Baekhyun chuckles nervously, eyeing the supposedly innocent girl on his bed. "Yup, they are! Super comfy," and with that, Baekhyun slides into the bathroom, uniform in hand.

After struggling into his uniform, brushing his teeth, and reapplying eyeliner (successfully this time), Baekhyun skids back into the room, hustling to grab his bag before leaving.


Luhanna watches him from her bed, a book opened in front of her face but her eyes peeking out over the top of it.


"What's the time now?" Baekhyun asks breathlessly, blowing his hair out of his face.


"It would be...8:00," Lu answers over her book, and Baekhyun nods for a moment before pausing.


"8:00?" he says with a frown. "You told me it was 8:20 when you woke me up," he continues, eyes narrowing at Lu's mischievous grin.


"I didn't want you to be late, so yes, I woke you up early," she says, standing up to bow. "You can thank me later," she smirks.


"Uugh, I hate you," Baekhyun grumbles with a grin and an attempted swing of his bag in Lu's direction, which she avoids with a laugh. Falling onto his bed, Baekhyun gives a sigh of relief for having a half-hour before he needs to leave and also for having a roommate as nice (but mischievous) as Lu. "Oh," he remembers, lifting his head up to look over at Luhanna, her gaze now focused back on her book. 


She gives a hum in response for him to continue.


"Could you possibly take me to the Principle's office for this meeting, because I don't know where it is," Baekhyun asks, knowing that Luhanna's been there longer than he has.


She looks up with a pout, closing her book. "I would, Bae, but I've got some stuff to do pretty soon," her innocent gaze looks at Baekhyun until she perks up as if with an idea. "Oh! Actually, the office is on the way that I'm headed, so I'll just walk with you and drop you off there, so yeah, I can," she finishes with a laugh, and then heads off to the bathroom to change.


Baekhyun gathers up his stuff before Lu comes back out of the bathroom, now in her own school uniform (revealing some pretty impressive legs, Baekhyun notices in surprise) and then the two head out of the dorm, Baekhyun struggling ever so slightly to keep up with Luhanna's large stride.




The dark haired boy gives a sigh as he sets down the last of his luggage next to his dormitory bed, stretching out the soreness in his limbs from going up and down stairs repetitively.


Looking around his dorm room, he realizes that his roommate had already been there, the opposite side of the room displaying a bed covered with dark blankets and suitcases similar to his own.


'Why aren't you here?' Suho thinks to himself, wandering over to his roommate's side of the room. It's not like he doesn't know his roommate, he's just never talked to him.


And, well, if they were going to be roommates now, they might as well start by having a conversation, right?


Spotting a picture frame sitting on top of the dresser, Suho leans closer to look at the two boys smiling in the picture. He sees his roommate, dark hair falling almost over his eyes, and a small burst of excitement at meeting said boy rushes through him. The other male next to his roommate grins mischievously at the camera, large sunglasses obscuring his eyes. 


Turning away with a small sigh, Suho heads back to his side of the room to unpack.






Baekhyun's waiting.


After being dropped off by a cheerful Luhanna, whose grin had grown suspiciously wider the more they'd neared the Principle's office, Baekhyun had made his way inside.


And what had he been met with?


Well, definitely not the Principle.


Only a male who didn't look too much older than Baekhyun and topped with a headful of straight dark-reddish hair had met Baekhyun's gaze as he'd walked inside. He wore a slightly bored expression as he slouched in the sole chair positioned in front of the Principle's desk, glancing up at Baekhyun as he'd walked inside.


Baekhyun had adjusted his skirt, given a small smile at said guy (which was ignored), and then proceeded to make a face behind said mystery guy's back as he strolled past.


Seeing the lack of another chair, Baekhyun had chosen to stand, leaning slightly against the wall to the side of Rude boy.


And then he waited.






"Done!" Suho declares triumphantly, pushing his last drawer closed and then zipping up his now empty suitcase. Turning back around, he sends a glare at the opposite and still empty side of the room.


Still no roommate.


Hence, Suho's lack of actual interaction and/or activity outside of unpacking his suitcase.


"What to do, what to do, what. to. do?" Suho mutters to himself, flopping back down on his bed.


He pauses for a moment before making a face and nodding.




Still got nothing.


Suho lets his mind wander as he lays spread eagle on his bed, the occasional idea popping up before he shoots it down again.


He could call home, since he was only there in the beginning of the summer before leaving to come back to Illyria for some extra work he had to do.


Introducing that one overachieving child in almost every family.


But Suho pushes that idea aside, not wanting to endure his mom's never ending questions concerning what he's eating, how his research is going, if he needs more "tighty whiteys".


You know, the works.


Not to mention his dad's occasional reminder about the debt he owes him, continuing to increase every school year.


Suho's really starting to wonder whether that's a joke his dad continues to feed him.


Or at least, he hopes it is.


Because he's screwed if it's not.


Suho gulps and averts his thoughts, twiddling his fingers on top of his stomach as his eyes roam the ceiling.


His eyes widen as he's suddenly hit with an idea.


"Baekkie!" he says happily to the empty room, digging into his back pocket to retrieve his phone.


He hasn't seen his baby brother almost all summer, Baekhyun being too busy with college applications and Suho too busy with his extra work.


Suho gasps as that thought hits him.


He doesn't even know where his brother's going to college.




His baby brother's going to college.


Suho nearly drops his phone on his face as he fumbles to find his brother's number, happiness and a sense of suspense filling him at the thought of talking to his brother and finding out where he's going to college.


'That little punk didn't even let me know if he's going to college' Suho thinks to himself, letting out a huff of annoyance before lighting up happily as he spots the other's number.


"I'll find out now," Suho mumbles with a smile as he taps on the number and lifts the phone to his ear.






Baekhyun is feeling hella bored, irritated, and just a little bit nervous as he sits in the Principle's Office.


Bored because he's still waiting, irritated because he's still waiting and also because of Rude boy who's still there with him, and nervous because the suspense at meeting the Principle is killing him.


On the plus side, he is sitting now.


After standing against the wall near Rude boy for so long, Baekhyun had decided that he may as well sit down.


Don't worry, he didn't sit in Rude boy's lap.


Baekhyun wouldn't mind squashing him though.


Or seeing a different emotion on his face aside from aloofness.


No, Baekhyun chose the Principle's seat.


"Who run the world? Bae-"


And the highlight of Baekhyun's day came right after he'd sat down on the cold, black leather situated behind the large Principle's desk.


Rude boy looked up.


And smirked.




Baekhyun had nearly fallen off of his chair (which he realized had wheels, mind you) at that event, smiling creepily at the top of Rude boy's head after the other looked back down at what Baekhyun was hoping was a phone of some sorts.


Or maybe he just enjoyed ogling his own crotch in moments of boredom.


Hey, to each their own.


But in either case, Baekhyun's red haired companion had looked up and made some facial expression, for the first and last time since Baekhyun had been waiting with him.


And it had been a wonderful event.


Unfortunately, Baekhyun's currently back to waiting, albeit in his comfortable leather chair, with nothing to do.


That is, until his phone rings.


Baekhyun bites back a yelp as his skirt starts vibrating, since he'd stuffed his phone into one of the handy pockets in the uniform, and then he's scrambling to find it amidst cries of "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard".


Courtesy of one of the three spawns of Satan he calls friends back home.


Breathing a little harder now, Baekhyun manages to silence his phone, the echo of "it's better than yours, damn right-" ringing in his ears as he stares down at the screen.


'Junmoney' flits across the screen as the phone continues to buzz. 


Baekhyun decides against answering it.


He knows he'll have to face his brother at some point.


It's just that, in his mind, that point is much farther in the future.


But he still does want to talk to his older sibling, especially since he hasn't seen him almost the entire summer.


"I'll call him back later," Baekhyun mumbles to no one in particular, shoving the phone back in his pocket and then heaving a sigh as he moves to adjust his s.


The damn things slide all over the place sometimes.


A sudden screech of a chair against the floor and an "Aha!" break the silence, catching Baekhyun's attention. Looking up, Baekhyun freezes when he sees Rude boy standing up from his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. But what really throws Baekhyun off is when the guy smiles. An arrogant, triumphant smirk settles on Rude boy's face, and Baekhyun is so shocked he can only raise his eyebrows at the other.


"That's it, you're caught," Rude boy says, gaze glancing over Baekhyun situated in the Principle's chair.


Baekhyun's heart drops as he quickly drops his hands from his chest and straightens up.


Who is this guy?


Was he going to tell on Baekhyun for sitting in the Principle's chair, or had he picked up on his disguise after Baekhyun's prior adjustments?


Either option was frightening.


Baekhyun clears his throat. "I'm sorry, excuse me?" he questions, trying to still the pounding of his heart in his chest.


"I've observed you for what seems to be long enough, and I've figured you out," the guy says proudly, arms still crossed over his chest.


Baekhyun's glad there's a desk in between him and Rude boy at this point, and he stands from his seat as well.


"What?" he says, trying to keep his voice from going up too high. "Who are you, do you even go here?" he follows up, squinting at the other.


"Not exactly, no," Rude boy responds, and Baekhyun feels his eyes widen slightly.


He's trapped with some psycho in the Principle's office.




But his train of thought is cut off as the red-haired guy starts moving around the desk, closer to where Baekhyun's standing. Baekhyun yelps and stumbles around the opposite side, managing to grab his bag out of the Principle's chair. 


He comes to a stop on the opposite side of the desk, in front of the chair Rude boy had previously occupied, heart thumping away wildly.


"Look, I don't know what you think you've 'caught'," Baekhyun starts quickly, clutching his bag to his chest. "But you need to explain yourself this instant before I call for someone, besides, the Principle will be coming any second now!"


Rude boy looks up from whatever he'd been looking at on the Principle's desk, a grin pulling at his mouth.


"Ahh, you're one of the feisty ones," he says nonchalantly, head cocked to the side as he stares at Baekhyun.


"Oh my god you're a creep!" Baekhyun nearly screams before turning to run towards the door.

Which is, conveniently, closed.


"One moment, dear," Baekhyun hears from behind him, but he's too busy attacking the door to care.


It's locked.


Baekhyun spins around, ready to knock this guy's lights out, only to see the other lounging in the Principle's seat.


'Oh, so you want to play, hm?' Baekhyun fumes mentally.


Because if this jerk pulled all this just to steal Baekhyun's seat, it's about. to. go. down.


But then Rude boy reaches for something on the desk, and as he straightens up from the chair Baekhyun sees a pair of black rimmed glasses that had previously been on the desk now settled on the other guy's face. 


Although the guy still had his jeans and sweatshirt on, the glasses suddenly make him appear older, and the fact that he just grabbed them off the desk makes Baekhyun even more confused.


Not that any of that is going to make him trust this guy anymore.


Baekhyun just glares at him from the closed door of the room, and the other clears his throat.


"I'm sorry if I've scared you, I may have come across slightly creepier than I intended," he starts, and Baekhyun has to hold back the sarcastic "No, really?" creeping up his throat. "But it was all for good reason," the guy continues.


"Please, do tell," Baekhyun remarks drily, hoping the other's motives have nothing to do with figuring out his disguise.


"Ah, Ms. Byun," red-head says with a smile, and Baekhyun's heart speeds up a bit at hearing his name. 


On the plus side, though, it's still "Ms.", so maybe gender isn't the issue.


But what comes next is what really shocks him.


"You see, I am Mr. Kim, your Principle, but please, call me Heechul".






Suho gives a rather large sigh as he locks his dorm room from outside, glancing back down at his phone again.


Baekhyun hadn't answered.


"That little jerk," Suho mumbles under his breath as he sets off down the hallway.


Having nothing to do, and apparently no one to talk to, Suho had decided to go find something to eat, ignoring the voice saying "Food is not the answer, Suho" in his mind.


Food is always the answer.


Suho's grumbling stomach seconds that thought as he walks slowly down the empty dorm hallway, still looking down at the phone in his hand as if he could will Baekhyun to call him back faster.


He's too busy looking at his phone to notice the slim, black clad figure follow silently behind him down the hallway, a small Polaroid camera strapped around his waist.


Nor does he notice the same figure watching him from another table in the cafeteria later on.


Or following him essentially the rest of the day.


Or even watching him walk back to his dorm room.


The figure only stops once Suho's door closes for the night, his Polaroid finally resting at his hip once again.








What exactly did Mr. Principle "catch" Baekhyun for?? And who's stalking Suho? We'll find out later;) 

Thanks to everyone who subscribed, commented, upvoted, I know it's been a looong wait for an update (I've just been lazy and had a major writers block:/) 

Comments are loved, so feel free:) 

I should be updating sooner now (I should really feel motivated with FIFA going on and everything;))(ANYONE ELSE WATCHING FIFA NOW??!) so hopefully we won't have another giant wait in between updates!


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BubbleTeaAddict #1
Chapter 11: I just finished reading all of this in one sitting. And that V8 part made me laugh like a retarded seal. xD I find the weirdest things funny.
But now I'm sad there's no more. ;[ *cries silently*
Oh well, till the next chapter update!!
P.S Nice user name. :P
Chapter 11: YOU UPDATED! And it was amazing as always <3 I absolutely love the Tao-Lay-Kai trio and their grandma disguises... And Sehun is the best Eunice ever *Dies laughing* Keep up the brilliant work \(*^.^*)/ *Hugs all around*
THE CHARACTER LIST *Dies and falls to the floor* Thank you, thank you, thank you... Except I still don't know who Chen is *Frowns* But I'm super excited for the next chapter <3 And yay, I got them right *Dances around*
I just wanted to say that I just started reading this today (I finished everything you have so far btw) and I freaking love it <3 I absolutely adore the "She's the Man" movie, and now I absolutely adore your characters *^.^* I was laughing througout the entire story ^.~ Keep up the good work \(^.^)/

P.S. - I watched the FIFA World Cup too, to answer your question *^.^*
P.P.S. - And I think I have most of the characters matched up to the ones from the movie, but I'm still excited to see your characters list!
I love this story!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!!!! :)
Chapter 6: I'm confused. Is Luhanna Luhan crossdressing (because it would be hilarious if they BOTH were and were trying to hide that from each other), or is Luhan going to show up at some other point?

Also, I guessed Suho would be in Baekhyun's class. Brilliant XD

One last thing... when are we going to find out what Heechul figured out about Baekhyun?
Chanyeolfanfangirl #7
DAEBAK!!! This story never fails to make me cry everytime I read it! 1 word. WOW!!
AHHHHH I love this so much!!
imperfect_narcissist #9
Chapter 3: Ahahaha. So, 2 cross dressers as roommates? This couldn't get any better...
lilybellz #10
the story sounds really interesting ~
i hope you start this soon <3