Introductions of Sorts

Star Illusion

~Minhyuk’s POV~

I finished putting up all the books on the chart already. I went back to the spot where I saw her. She was still there reading, her hand under her chin, book held up by her right hand, and her whole face stuck in an expression of concentration. A piece of her cinnamon hair was resting on the table. She used her left hand to move her glasses back up on her nose. What the hell am I doing?

I watched for a little longer, feeling more and more like a creeper with each second. Go talk to her! I screamed at myself. I tried to move myself from behind the bookcase but found my feet glued to the floor. GO! I gave myself a mental push and found I was already a few feet from the table.

She looked up from her book to acknowledge I was there before lowering her head again. I pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. I couldn’t look at her though so I stared at the bookcase to the far right or my fingers or really anything that wasn’t her. I saw her peek over the top of her book at me. Gah! She is looking at me. I opened my mouth to say hello. “…” No sound came out. She was still watching for my next move. My cheeks were on fire.

I slid the chair back and got up as fast as I could. I ran behind some shelves and leaned against them. My heart was in over drive and my face felt like it had sunburn. Nice social skills, Minhyuk… I sighed.  I really want to talk to her. At least to get to know her name.

~Jonghyun’s POV~

“Go talk to her…” I mumbled to myself. Chimera was still in the café talking to a person at the bar like they were old friends. I’ve been sitting here for an hour trying to convince myself to talk to her. So far it hasn’t worked. I leaned back in the beanbag and ran my fingers through my hair. I don’t understand why I can’t do it.

Worst case scenario is that she remembers me and totally hates me. There is no reason for her to hate you. She broke up with YOU. I sighed; I doubt she’ll recognize me though. She moved back to the States when we were in high school. I think I’ve have changed a lot look wise. Maybe it would be best if she doesn’t know who I am. Fresh start… yeah…

I pushed against the beanbag and stood up, popping my stiff joints. I put my foot out to take a step forward but pulled it back. Should I brother her? She looked like she was in deep conversation; it would be rude to interrupt. Stop making excuses. I shook my head and took a few steps forward before stopping again.

The guy at the bar turned around in his chair and spotted me. He waved at me, “Hey, Jonghyun, I didn’t know you were here.” The guy at the bar said. I had no idea who he was but I was a regular so everyone knew me.

Chimera started to turn in her chair. Oh snap. I felt my heart race and felt this little adrenaline rush.  Fight or Flight? I turned quickly towards the entrance of the café and ran. I couldn’t talk to her just yet. Flight it is.

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mecheko #1
chimera being like that, was it because she felt guilty for leaving jonghyun? come's not like she could choose to stay at korea at that time, right?
Snoopnut98 #2
If Stella cant even see Chimera who was right in her face, how was she gonna see Minhyuk?!
LeePeppers #3
aww so cute Stella!!! <br />
asdfds JongHyun so funny xD that hobo <3
mecheko #4
ah...won't she be surprised to see the lib guy is actually part of the band she went to see. Can't wait for that! And as for jonghyun...really now, a beard? Hahaha..he went to all that trouble just to ask her to see him perform? He should introduce himself first and perhaps then she'll remember about their once relationship together. He really should stop being all shy towards her.
mecheko #5
did jonghyun really change that much until she can't recognize him? Or had she even have forgotten all about jonghyun? And as for minhyuk, that is already quite of an achievement, right? He should try greetings next, then conversation.
LeePeppers #6
:D i like it so much!! Hmm now i get it, there are two girls epic fail by me xD, UPDATE!
it seems interesting update soon! :D