
Coed Yellow is a Coed group with a new entertainment company. They just debuted and the company wanted them to do a season of hello baby so that they could start their idol careers with something that will help them get supporters. NOTE: THE NEW IDOLS ARE NOT REAL. YES I HAVE TAKEN THE IDEAS OF THE NEW IDOLS FROM PEOPLE I KNOW, NOT. THE. NAMES. PLEASE READ THE FOREWORD!!!!!!!


"We are going to be raised?!!!!"----------------------------------------------------Ikeda Tamie-- 14 year old. Leader Stage name- Mien Birth: Osaka, Japan. -------------------Choi Minzi-------- 15 years old. Lead rapper with Niko Stage name- Minty Birth------- Oregon, America.------------------------- Tomika Aya- 14 year old. Sub vocalist Stage name- Maiya Birth: Tokyo, Japan. ---------------------------------------Park Kyuyeon--- 15 year old. Lead vocalist Stage name- Kayoung Birth------- Seoul, Korea.------------------------ Chen Laisi-- 15 year old. Lead dancer Stage name- Lissy Birth----- California, America.-------------------------- Sam Natalie - 13 year old. Sub vocalist Stage name- Neeyam Birth------ Chicago, America.--------------- Takeda Kenta- 15 year old. Sub vocalist/rapper Stage name- Kenyou Birth------------- Tokyo, Japan.-------------------------------------- Romaya Nobuo- 15 year old lead rapper with Minty Stage Name: Niko Birth- Seoul, Korea.---------------------Mien is the youngest than Natalie,but the company said that on stage, she is a better leader than anyone in Coed Yellow.------------ THE COUPLES----- MINHO/YURI === MIEN/NEEYAM----- ONEW/TAEYEON === MINTY/LISSY (hehehe Ontae lol)----- SIWON/JIYEON === MAIYA/NIKO----- JONGHYUN/KYURI === KENYOU/KAYOUNG.


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Tagongluv #1
@ kraYcel: Just wait and see!
haha..Taeyeon took the children..?<br />
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Tagongluv #3
@ kraYcel: Yes more Ontaeng is coming. I am sorry if I do not reach it fast but I will try. I have a surprise for you soon after all of the children and parents meet. It has ONTAENG!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Tagongluv #4
@ kraYcel: hahaha ok ^_~
i think it will be better if you try that one..<br />
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but as along as your story has ontaeng, everything will be fine for me..
Tagongluv #6
@kraYcel: Thank you for subscribing and commenting. I want to know, will it be easier to read if the story is in paragraphs?
Tagongluv #7
@anniekhun: I am not very sure how to fix the space, but for the story will it be easy if I write in paragraphs?
anniekhun #9
Hi, I'm just reading your foreword and I think it's pretty good. Please don't get offended but I thought it was a bit hard to read (the foreword). Maybe space it out a bit so people could read it easier :DDD<br />
Just a suggestion :)