Last Arguement


"Where are you?" Daehyun asked, as he walked towards the fridge to grab his midnight snack before they resume practice. He heard Hara yawn at the other line and she grumbled. "Yah, answer me."

Hara made a loud 'shhh' sound. "Let me sleep for once, Jung Daehyun."

"But I'm just asking..." he replied. "I told you to sleep early and sleep whenever you can but of course I'm sure you did't listen."

Hara wriggled annoyingly in her car, trying not to be annoyed by Daehyun's nagging but her humanity was against it.  "Yes I didn't sleep early because I waited for you for two hours last night! Is that the answer you want?" 

"I thought we were over that." Daehyun sighed, doing his best to avoid another arguement because adding stress while the two of them are busy as hell isn't helping at all and of course, he knows that Hara becomes cranky as hell if she doesn't get at least four hours of sleep. "I just want you to rest."

"Then stop calling me so I can sleep before I go to another 10 hour long filming." Hara snapped. 

Daehyun pursed his lips and nodded. "Fine, I won't call you then." he said before hanging up.  A few minutes later he found himself looking blankly at his raging phone but decided not to answer it to show her that she can't just snap at everyone like that. Yes, he loves her but she does need to control sometimes.



Daehyun settled on the middle of the floor with his tub of popcorn before scrolling on the news site to at least be updated with Hara's promotions to know why she's very cranky until he got a call from Junhong who's been missing for hours. 

"H-hyung...noona is in the hospital." the maknae cried on the other line before he hung up.

Immediately, Daehyun dropped his tub, catching everyone's attention. He ran to his room, grabbed his coat and ran out the door, managing to mumble on his way out.  "I-I'm going out."


Daehyun's knees gave up on him when he saw Hara's fragile body in the hospital bed with a lot of unknown things injected unto her skin, the mild sound of her heart rate beeping in the background. He closed his eyes,trying to cling to the hope that this is a hidden camera and people will be waiting for him to cry so they could prove to everyone that they're together but it never came.

"Ra..." he muttered, feeling every part of his body shaking as he approached her limp figure with some tube that supported her breathing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...just... what happened..."

And with that he broke in to hysterical sobs before looking away, unable to bear seeing her face marred with wounds of different lengths, her twisted arm and her pained expression. It was too much to take.

He didn't even pay attention to the people behind him who patted him and kept murmuring comforting stuff in his ear, he only closed his eyes and eventually drifted off.


Daehyun was woken up by his manager for their schedule and he didn't want to. But he knew he had to go early or the media will see him leave Hara's hospital room and frankly, the issues won't help anyone at the moment.

He regretted not leaving earlier when he opened the door, only to be faced with a couple of flashes from different photographers with their mouth open wide at the sight of him. Of course, who would guess Zelo's sister would be dating the infamous Jung Daehyun. 

"D-Daehyun-ssi..." a reporter muttered.

Daehyun's eyes wandered lazily and saw the horrified look on his manager's face and it turned in to an approvemt mostly because Manager Kang knows that Daehyun would never deny his girlfriend, especially with her in this state. He was never asked so he never lied, simple as that.

"Yes. We're dating but that's not the point now. Please pray for her." Daehyun answered robotically before walking out, wiping the stray tears that escaped from him.  When he reached their van, he realized that Junhong was taking this harder than he was the moment the younger looked at him with red puffy eyes that cannot produce tears anymore, Zelo's pale complexion showed how he was stressing over this as well.

Junhong looked at him with tired pleading eyes. "Th-they didn't let me see her."

Daehyun reached out to the younger and engulfed him in a hug that Zelo didn't react to until the older mumbled in his ear.


"If I could take your sister's pain, I would do anything to."



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sapphire11 #1
Chapter 8: Omo...dun..dun..dun..
Chapter 7: omg this is so interesting!!!
Chapter 7: creepy LOL,update soon anyways.
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 7: omo....creepy fwish....
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 6: I shuddered a bit when that girl entered... She sounded cute, but um... It was scary >.<
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 6: omo....whats with the fwish girl.....???? omo...and...both of them will have to pay for the wish?????
Chapter 5: update soon ! :))) waiting xD
Chapter 5: Another update xD
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 4: sweet....update soon authornim...
Chapter 3: upvoted and subribed! Update author nim! XD