Midnight Call


Hara wiped the sweat trickling down her forehead before she sighed in exhaustion. She glanced at her manager and looked for approval so she could take at least an hour of sleep before she spends her week doing various stuff that she didn't even dream of. 

She cuddled with her pillow when her phone rang, making her groan in irritation. "Yes?"

"Ra? Are you awake?" Daehyun's mellow voice asked, somehow making her smile even though she hates everything at the moment. Sometimes she even wonder if she's an idol material, considering her cranky acts and her constant mood swings. 

She snorted and nodded though the other won't be able to see it. "No, you're talking to a sleeping person."

"I...sorry about earlier, I'd make it up to you?" Daehyun's voice turned from firm to shaky when he heard her sigh at the end of the line. Daehyun knew a lot of things about her and one of it is Hara's impatience. He knew he just finished pushing her buttons and he felt guilt, everyone would. 

Groaning as she sat up, she reached out to her laptop. "Dae, video call."


Hara blinked several times as the bright light of the site burned through the dark room until Daehyun's face popped out, his bare face smiling at her. She laughed a little and blinked sleepily.

"You look pale, are you sure you're okay?" Daehyun asked, looking at her worriedly. Hara shook her head twice and opened the nearby lamp to show him that she's just perfectly white, or so she thinks.

She said nothing and studied his face until she couldn't bottle it up any more. "So, I'll ask you this because I'm going to be really cranky tomorrow and you know I'll hate everything."

"What is it?" Daehyun asked lowly, his face tinted with amusement.

Hara hid her face in her hands for a minute, causing Daehyun to chuckle at this rare side of her. She spends her day smiling at the cameras so behind them she's pure tired and he knows it because he's just like that before. Seeing her being shy in front of him was too cute for him to handle. Until she faced the web cam again. 

"W-why do you like me?" she asked and covered the camera for a moment. 

Daehyun opened his side lamp as well. "Ra, let me see you?"

Hara removed her hand only to war him to stop talking for a bit. "I mean...I'm always cranky and I'm always expecting something from you. I'm not like those pretty idols who's always laughing and we barely see each other. I....why?"

"Do I have to give you a reason? I don't have one." Daehyun shrugged and Hara continued to look at him questioningly. "I just really really really like you."

She pursed her lips and tried to stay calm even though a thousand butterflies surged in to her stomach at his words. "A-ah...I see."

The two were covered in thick silence until Junhong's face ate up the whole screen. "G'mornnight noona." he smiled groggily, pushing Daehyun away as he grabbed the laptop back. "Why are you atill awake?"

"I'm not sleeping today, just resting." she cooed, laughing at her brother's little antics. 

He rubbed his eyes and pouted. "Stop talking to her, hyung. Let her sleep."

Daehyun groaned and pushed the maknae off his bed and grabbed his laptop and faced it to him. "What do you mean you're not sleeping? You should sleep! It's 2:30 am and you only get 2 hours to sleep. Bye goodnight, I love you."

Hara blushed even though Daehyun talked as if he was a professional rapper and she could hear Zelo's faint shouts. 

"Yah, what're you doing to my noona!" 

She continued laughing until Junhong's face was back. "Yes, I'll sleep well, you sleep well too."

"What about me?" Daehyun pouted, earning a glare from Hara's brother. Junhong isn't really happy that Daehyun is with her sister but whatever makes her happy makes him happy...he thinks.

She chuckled and opened to talk when she was called by the manager again. "Ah, I have to go. My schedule is moved earlier. Bye, I love you both."


The screen drew black and Daehyun smiled, completely ignoring Zelo's whines behind him. He turned to Zelo and scoffed. "You heard her, she said both."



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sapphire11 #1
Chapter 8: Omo...dun..dun..dun..
Chapter 7: omg this is so interesting!!!
Chapter 7: creepy LOL,update soon anyways.
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 7: omo....creepy fwish....
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 6: I shuddered a bit when that girl entered... She sounded cute, but um... It was scary >.<
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 6: omo....whats with the fwish girl.....???? omo...and...both of them will have to pay for the wish?????
Chapter 5: update soon ! :))) waiting xD
Chapter 5: Another update xD
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 4: omo...so sweet....update soon authornim...
Chapter 3: upvoted and subribed! Update author nim! XD