A Sudden Thought

One Minute, One Day
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               After riding a bus, I finally arrived at the train station. I bought a card pass and waited at the waiting area. After some minutes of sitting at the bench, I felt bored. I tried to think of something but, nothing interesting was coming up my mind. I don’t know what to do. I picked up my hand phone inside my coat’s pocket hoping that there was at least a thing that would occupy me. I tried to play a game but soon, I grew bored, yet again. And so, I just decided to put back my phone in its respectful place. Nothing just really seems to catch my interest, my attention.

               I have to sigh. I’m so bored and the train to my destination was not coming yet. Oh c’mon… train… train… train… when are you coming?

               I looked around in hope that I would find something interesting while the train wasn’t around yet. Just then, realization hit me and to my surprise, I found the station almost bare. I didn’t realize this earlier. Mostly, train stations were often packed. But this time, it wasn’t. I wonder why…

               Out of the blue, my phone rings breaking my thoughts. I quickly reached out for my phone thinking, in chance, that it was probably mom or dad calling to check me but then, it was not the name that I was exactly expecting, it’s him again… “Yoboseyo?”

               “Uh… Are you at Busan now?” He asked. I can sense a little hesitation or what in his voice. I’m not sure.

               “Why do you ask?” Not bothering to answer him, I threw a question back.

               “Uh, nothing. I just asked…”

               “Do you seriously called just to ask me that? Is it even necessary for you to know?” I must tell you, I’m a little pissed off. Wondering why? It doesn’t matter who the person called. I don’t care if it’s my sister or my brother, or my best friend or whatsoever (but parents are exception). But I don’t like it when people tries to call me and ask me such question that didn’t seem necessary at all. Or maybe yes, somehow. At some point. But after giving me such lame reason as to why they called, err… just don’t call. That’s much better. Plus, I don’t like chitchatting on phone calls. Not my style.

               “What if I say yes?”

               “No Baek, no. It’s not like you’re my mom nor my dad for you to know,”

               “But I’m your best friend! I care and I—“

               “…has the right to know?” I continued for him. “It doesn’t matter, Baek. When you’re with her, you didn’t even bother to call me just to ask where the heck I am. I didn’t either do that,”

               “What? So it’s wrong now to care for my best friend? Does that really matter to you? What if I tell you—“

               “You don’t have to tell me anything,” I cut him off not wanting to hear the next thing he was about to say. I’m just afraid of what I might hear. I’m afraid I’ll just feel hurt all over again.

               “Tell me, Sandy, are you mad at me? Why are you being like this, huh? What did I do wrong for you to act like this? If there’s any, tell me and let’s fix this…”

               “I’m not mad at you or what. You didn’t do anything wrong either,” I answered lowly. “It’s just… me,”

               Yes it’s me. The p

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yanabyun #1
Chapter 12: thank you for updating, love this!
Chapter 3: thanks for the update <3