A "Normal" Star

The Stars

With their debut day fast approaching, both sub-units of their group are practicing to the bone everyday. Luhan is more than happy to be practicing for something they've been dreaming off. Also, they will officially move in to the company's dorms so as to have easy access to the company and vice versa. The only worry he has now is that living with other people means restraining himself from using his powers. Yes, he has powers. At first he was so scared of being "different" but he eventually overcome the shock and now he can actually use it in his everyday life, or to be precise it's part of his life already. Telekinesis is a very convenient thing to have. After finding out how his powers work, he looked it up and found out the name for it, though he doubted that anyone really do have this kind of ability but then again who is he to tell considering that he is one. 


On the day that they moved in, he almost lifted all of his luggage inside with just the power of his mind. Good thing before he can lift even a millimeter of it, Minseok arrived with his luggage. He really doesn't look like someone who is past their teens, his first impression of Minseok was that he was someone way younger than him only to be surprised that they are about the same age and is actually older than him by almost a month. Minseok greeted Luhan with a smile and started moving his boxes inside the dorm and Luhan lazily picked up one of his luggage and followed Minseok inside. He's not used in using his arms for simple things like this but considering that he'll be living with the other members from now on, he needs to get back to being "normal".


Inside they found Kyungsoo already arranging his things, he didn't actually noticed them coming inside. Luhan was surprised that Kyungsoo can carry boxes twice the size of his body without any problem. He moved the box inside his room effortlessly and only noticed them when he came back to move his other things. he then picked up a much smaller box than before and this time Luhan can see him having a hard time lifting it. Maybe the huge box only contains light things, he thought. 


After finally finishing his move, he exhaustedly sat down on the couch at their living room. He really needs to start working on being "normal" again, his body is definitely in no shape to be doing "normal" stuff right now. After Minseok finished arranging his things, he also sat down next to Luhan and he immediately felt a slight touch of cold air which removed a bit of his exhaustion. 


"We have some really good airconditioning huh? It feels cool, it's great.", Luhan told Minseok.


"Uhm... Y-Yeah, I guess you're right." 


Why is he getting flustered all of a sudden? Luhan thought, but he didn't say it. He was too tired to be curious about little things right now.


"Do you want to come with us? Kyungsoo and I are planning to go to the nearest mall to pick up a few things we still need.", Minseok asked Luhan.


He wanted to come, he really do, but as tired as he is right now, he doubt he'll be of any help even if he did come.


"Maybe next time Minseok-ah, I want to rest right now."


"Minseok-hyung~ Luhan-hyung~" He heard Kyungsoo calling for them from a distance.


"Go! Kyungsoo's waiting." he urged Minseok. He smiled at Luhan and disappeared to where Kyungsoo's waiting.


He have to get used to this fast, he can't always turn into a puddle of goo every time he will do "normal" stuff. But for the time being his back is literally killing him right now. A glass of water would be nice to soothe his dry throat right now, but it's troublesome to stand up and go to the kitchen to fetch himself some water. Luhan scanned the surroundings and found a water bottle just a few meters from where he's sitting. 'I'm alone right now right? It wouldn't hurt to just fetch the water right?' Luhan thought to himself. Then without further ado, he raised his hand and willed the water bottle to come to him. Just as he grabbed the bottle, the front doors opened up and Yixing came in with his own luggage. 'He didn't saw that right?' Luhan panicked a little but Yixing just smiled and greeted him.


"Luhan-ge, are you the only one here?"


"Minseok and Kyungsoo were here a while ago but they went out to buy some stuff right now."


"Oh, then I'm going to start moving my stuff too. You look tired Lu-ge, are you alright?"


"I'm fine its just my back, its killing me because of all the lifting i did."


"Okay, be sure to rest well then." Yixing said as he patted Luhan's back.


When Yixing pulled his hand away and went out to bring his luggage inside, Luhan felt an immediate relief. His back no longer hurts, it's like Yixing's pat took away his back pain in an instant. With his exhaustion mostly gone and his back completely better, he followed the younger outside to help him carry a few of his things. He stepped outside just in time to see how Yixing scraped his elbow near the gate and a small cut immediately bled. He was about to approach him and help him with his injury, when he saw how Yixing's cut closed on its own. It was as if the cut was all an illusion, there was no trace of there being a cut at all. But Luhan was sure that he saw a cut on Yixing's arm for a moment. And that was when a few things clicked in his mind. 'Can it be? That he's also not "normal"?'

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been a century since i last updated this... i'm really really sorry (deep bow) i'll try to update as much as i can next time :3


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DarkSideOfMe #1
Chapter 9: Still waiting...
Potatosarelifepeople #2
Chapter 9: Ahh I hope you update. This story is great and it's been over a year....
ereri4ever #3
Chapter 9: i love how this is written!
kenny0550 #4
Chapter 9: I hope Minnie releases some of his built up powers soon! It's making me worried, I hope you will have an update about him! Amazing story keep writting!
may73084 #5
Chapter 9: This is sooo good!!! :D
orange_milkshake #6
Chapter 9: nice! hope you update soon!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 9: Awesome story! Loved the way they discovered the powers and can't wait to see what happens next : )
Chapter 9: This is getting Very GOOD!!!! They know about each others power!!! Thank you for the update, I hope you can do another one soon!!!
Eleanor1998 #9
Chapter 9: Nice chapter hope you update soon