The Worries of a Star

The Stars

Ever since Minseok and the gang went out of the building Joon Myeon's been really out of it. He's talking with them but once in a while he'll fall silent and then he'll start having a staring contest with the glass water. Minseok on the otherhand is a lot more silent than usual. Lu and Jongdae who's sitting beside him comments once in a while about the cold weather. Since, it is the middle of December it is quite understandable how cold it is despite the thick clothes they're wearing. But these comments only urges Minseok to grip his clothes tighter silently praying that he isn't too out of control that it affects the people around him.


After their little celebratory dinner, they all parted ways going on their own ways. After making sure everybody left, Minseok quickly went to a corner where no one can see him, removed his gloves and checked his hands, and as he feared little snowflakes are already forming on his skin. He thought he already got the hang of controlling his "gift" but it seems like todays news was a bit too much for him to keep his "gift" in check. 


It has been a few years since he discovered that he's not quite as normal as he thought he was. The first weird thing he noticed was that he doesn't feel any sense of "cold". He once asked his mother, why she puts on so much clothes on him whenever the winter season comes and she responded with "So you won't get cold" but little Minseok didn't understand what "getting cold" means. To him the summer and winter season pretty much felt the same, but he decided to keep it to himself since everyone he sees are wearing thick clothes during this season. When the snow started falling his classmates commented on how "cold" the snow feels, so to give himself a sense of the "cold" he buried his hands in a pile of snow. He didn't feel anything new, the feeling is the same as burying his hands on a pile of sand, but again he kept it to himself. These kinds of small details piled up until he concluded that he was different among everyone. "Cold" is something he can't feel, that was the only thing he thought was different.


But everything changed when he entered a contest. He was so nervous that his mind went blank for a moment. Minseok's mind only came back to reality when the boy sitting next to him commented "Why is it so cold?". Cold? As far as Minseok can tell it's the middle of summer and "cold" is supposed to come during winter. But the boy next to him clearly said that it was "cold". Is it "cold"? Is he supposed to pretend it's cold too? Then the boy started blowing his hands to keep himself warm. Minseok had seen this action a lot of times, this is one of the things people around him do when they're "cold". He was about to blow at his hands too when he noticed that something is on his hands. He can't believe his eyes as he stared at it, but it's definitely "snow". How or when it got to his hands he has no idea, so he excused himself for a while and went to the restroom to wash it off. 


Along the way, he was constantly staring at his hands trying to figure out how the snow formed on them, making him unable to notice a boy running towards him. The boy bumped on him and did a quick apology, saying that he was the next to perform and in a real hurry. Minseok was about to stand up when he noticed that the portion of the floor where his hands are, is starting to freeze. He panicked and went to the restroom in a hurry. Again he stared at his hands, the amount of snow only increased as his mind went on the continuous panic attack. He tried to wash it off but the water quickly froze and turned to ice. The frozen parts of the restroom only grew as he tried to turn off the faucet with the frozen water, the frost only crept along the faucet and on to the mirror, then a moment later half of the small restroom is completely covered in ice.


Minseok can't really remember anything after that, just the bit that he wore cotton gloves althroughout that summer in fear that his hands might form little snows again. Then told other people that he is sensitive to the cold so he'll have an excuse to always wear the gloves and the thick clothes. The fear only lasted for a while, beause when the winter came his worries lessened a bit because this time he doesn't have to pretend so much. He also used winter as a time to practice his what he called "gift". After a while he learned that he can control it as long as he can keep his emotions in check, and that he can make the same "white-breath" as the others have whenever it's winter if he willed himself to do it. Though there are still some occasions when he loses control over it but atleast he knows now that panicking will only make it worse.


And now a few years after entering the company, he is faced again with the little white snowflakes on his hands. Through the years, he noticed that as he got older, controlling it became harder, or if what he's thinking is right, it's getting stronger. It has been a while since he last practiced using his "gift" and now seems like a nice time to try how strong his control is. He flicked his hand and willed the snowflakes to form faster on his hands then concentrated on transferring the frost from his hands to the side of the building he touched. and in a split second the whole side of the 8-storey building is completely covered in ice. He quickly withdrew his hand and walked away before anyone notices the glimmering side of the building covered in ice.

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been a century since i last updated this... i'm really really sorry (deep bow) i'll try to update as much as i can next time :3


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DarkSideOfMe #1
Chapter 9: Still waiting...
Potatosarelifepeople #2
Chapter 9: Ahh I hope you update. This story is great and it's been over a year....
ereri4ever #3
Chapter 9: i love how this is written!
kenny0550 #4
Chapter 9: I hope Minnie releases some of his built up powers soon! It's making me worried, I hope you will have an update about him! Amazing story keep writting!
may73084 #5
Chapter 9: This is sooo good!!! :D
orange_milkshake #6
Chapter 9: nice! hope you update soon!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 9: Awesome story! Loved the way they discovered the powers and can't wait to see what happens next : )
Chapter 9: This is getting Very GOOD!!!! They know about each others power!!! Thank you for the update, I hope you can do another one soon!!!
Eleanor1998 #9
Chapter 9: Nice chapter hope you update soon