Chapter 15

Marriage Contract

"Yah!" you pushed him away, laughing. "Stop it, Bam,"

"Stop what?" he asked innocently.


You pouted.


"Don't act cute, jagi. You're already cute. You don't have to do aegyo,"

"Eyy... How many times did I-"


He pressed his lips to yours for a second.


"Don't curse me, okay? Cursing your soon-to-be-husband is not good, especially for me,"


You hit him on the back of his head.


"Ow!" he whined. "Don't hit me, either!"

"Sorry," you smiled sweetly. "You're just too lovable,"

"You just can't resist me, can you?"

"Shut up, will you?"


He laughed and took your hand in his.


"Should we go to Hongdae, jagi?"

"Don't call me that, Bam!" you whined. "It sounds so weird, you know!"


He laughed again.


"Should we go there? Does that sound better?"

"Much better."


He pinched your cheeks.


"Ow, ow! That hurts!"

"Sorry." he smiled innocently. You made a face at him, making him laugh for the third time. "Let's go!!~"


He said happily and dragged you outside your house, locking the door behind him as he went out.


"Oh wait," he stopped walking and looked back at you.

"What?" you asked.

"Go change your clothes."


"As your fiancé slash best friend slash extremely adorable boyfriend-"

"You're already my fiancé and you're still my boyfriend?"

"Don't mind what I said. Just go change your clothes! I'm not allowing you to go out wearing shorts!"

"I'll just stay home, then." 


"Bye~" you waved at him before walking back to your house again.

"Yah! Yah!" he ran after you. "Fine, don't change, then."


You laughed.


"Okay~" you hooked your arm through his. "Should we go?"






"I never thought I will see this day when my baby girl will get married." JinYoung said, pretending to cry.

"Eyy~ JiRongie~ Don't be so dramatic~" you told him.

"And hyung, she's mine, not yours!" BamBam said. Mark laughed and spread his arms.

"A hug for your Mark oppa?"


You laughed and wrapped your arms around him.


"Yah, yah," BamBam pulled you away from Mark after around ten seconds. "That's enough,"

"Jealous idiot,"

"Don't you mean your jealous husband?"

"Shut up. I will never recognize you as my husband, Bam. Just as my annoying best friend,"


Mark and Suzy laughed.


"What about you guys, hyung? Noona? When will you start dating and get married?" BamBam asked.

"I'm guessing they'll get married after dating in a year or so, Bam," you said, smiling.

"Already?" BamBam feigned surprise before turning to JinYoung. "What about you?"

"He won't get married, Bam. He'll be a bachelor forever,"


JinYoung glared at you, which you returned with an innocent smile.


"You know you love me, JinYoung."

"I hate you two when you tease me." he mumbled.

"Get used to them," Suzy told him. "They'll annoy you to death soon enough."

"I'll make sure to stay away from them."


You smiled at him.


"I'd hate to imagine what their kids would be like..." Mark sighed.

"Kids? Us?" you and BamBam said loudly at once.

"No thanks~" you shook your head.


"BamBam! Don't be a ert! I'm your best friend!"

"I'm not!"

"I'm eighteen!"

"I know."

"Don't you dare think bad things!"

"I'm not!"


Mark laughed at the two of you.


"Bam, you should wait until you guys get older. Don't-"

"Oppa!" you protested.

"Oh god, I love you guys!" Suzy laughed. "You guys are so cute!"

"So are you and Mark oppa!"


Mark made a face at me.


"You guys are really serious about this, aren't you? Me and Suzy?"

"Yup!" BamBam nodded.

"And we'll all go to your wedding!" JinYoung added.

"We're not even dating!"

"You will soon!" you said.

"And we'll all be there to support you guys and to wait for your wedding!"

"You guys are the worst," Mark sighed.

"But we're your friends, anyway~"

"I know."


BamBam wrapped his hand around your waist and leaned in to whisper something in your ear.


"I'll take Mark hyung's advice to wait until you're legal," he murmured in your ear. "Then... Well... You get what I mean."

"BamBam!" you whined, hitting his arm. He laughed.

"You're stuck with your best friend for the rest of your life. The best and the worst thing you could wish for."






Hi!! I'm sorry this took so long! :( But this story has finally ended! Which means I'll start another one!! XD How was this last part, though? Did you like it?

Thanks for reading this story, guys!! I really hope you guys enjoyed it!! ^.^ Thanks again!

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CNBLUE_Katielicious #1
Chapter 18: I knew it! Hahaha! Yeeeyy! I love the whole story. Hihi Good Job, Author-nim! Fighting! Thanks for the story~ :*
Chapter 1: pretty good first chapter :)
eunhyukkie86 #3
Chapter 18: Authornim that was so nice!!!
TeamGOT7 #4
Chapter 16: why must suzy with mark ????? T.T OMO im jealous even tho its not true T.T SOMEBODY KILLLL MEEE
ruseml #5
Chapter 15: OMG!!! bammie so sweet.. bammie kiss her.. BAMMIE.... hahaha... anyway.. this chapter is so awesome.... I will waiting for the next chapter...
AlmightySheizar #6
Chapter 15: I thought Mark wants her to himself? XD