Chapter 11

Marriage Contract

"Did you get a letter?" JinYoung asked you.

"Letter?" you asked. "No, I didn't," you shook your head.



You tilted your head slightly to the side, confused.


"What are you talking about? Letter?"


JinYoung looked at you.


"You really didn't receive anything?"

"Nothing," you shook your head.

"Coward," he muttered.


You watched him.


What letter?


"Yah!" BamBam ran up to the two of you. "Do you- What?"


JinYoung was glaring at him.


"Nothing," JinYoung sighed. "I should get going,"

"See you~" you waved at him. He smiled.


When he passed BamBam, he gripped the younger's arm as if to say 'Do it'


BamBam bit his lip.


"So.... Should we go to a noraebang?" he asked.


You nodded, smiling.


"Let's go~" he took your hand.


You still didn't know why your heart beat faster this time when he held your hand.




You shouldn't be in love with your best friend.


But it's normal, in a way... You two were engaged already, shouldn't you be starting to like him?




You hit your head lightly with your free hand.


"Something wrong?" he asked you.

"No," you shook your head at once.


He smiled at you.






BamBam closed his hand around the piece of paper.


He was still trying to decide if he was going to give it to you or not.


"Hey," he said softly, looking at you. "You still awake?"

"Yeah," you said quietly, resting your head on top of his shoulder as you looked at the night sky.

"I wrote something..."

"What did you write?"

"A letter,"

"A letter?" you asked slowly. "What kind of letter?"

"A love letter," he replied. "And I want you to hear it,"

"Me? Why?" you looked at him.


He shrugged.


"Just listen, okay?"

"Okay," you nodded.


He took a deep breath before speaking, opening the paper.


"I fell in love with you for no reason at all. I don't know why I fell for you. I just did. Was it because of your eyes? You have beautiful eyes, did you know that? Or was it your voice? I love hearing your voice. Your smile, maybe? Your smile can blind me, but I always want to see you smile. I want you to be happy," he spoke softly. "Sometimes, you fall asleep on my shoulder. Your pink lips are parted slightly. They look so soft, it makes me want to kiss you. Are you dreaming about me? I want to know that. Do you see me in your dreams, or is it someone else. I hope it's me, though. I want you to smile because of me. But if it's not me, I hope that guy really makes you happy. That he can make you feel exactly how I feel for you. It's only been half a month, but I already feel this way towards you. Why? Is it normal to fall in love so fast? Is this true love?" he continued. "Am I already that in love with you? I don't know, either. I'm only eighteen. I'm still young. I don't even know what love is. So naturally, I hope you understand my heart. I hope you know what I think of you, what I feel for you. Can you love me back? I will be waiting for your answer," he finished.


She was silent.


She didn't know what to say about that letter.


"I hope... I hope she knows she's lucky," she said quietly.

"Why would she be lucky?"

"She has a great guy like you loving her,"

"Do you think she would say yes?"


He questioned, staring at you.


You bit your lip.


The lips he so wanted to kiss.


"I don't know, Bammie," you looked at him. "I don't know how she feels. I'm not her, but if I was her, I'd definitely say yes,"

"Really? You're not joking?"

"No," you shook your head.

"Can I..." he faltered. "Can I kiss you?"


You straightened up and looked away, avoiding his gaze.


"Why would you want to kiss me, BamBam? I'm not that girl you love. Yes, we're engaged, but we're not in love. It's-"


He turned your face to look at him, staring right into your eyes, his hands on your shoulders.


"Yah," he spoke softly. "Just shut up and let me kiss you,"


He put a hand on your cheek, grazing your lips lightly.


"May I?" he asked.


At this moment, your heart was about to burst. Really. You weren't joking.


You gave a slight nod.


"Are you sure?" he asked. You nodded again. "You won't regret it?"


You shook your head.


He gave you a shy smile, a smile that you hadn't seen for a long time, before leaning down and closing the space between your lips.


His kiss was soft and tender but it was also a bit forceful. Moving his hand from your shoulder, he placed it on your cheeks, cupping it with his hands.


Soon enough, he pulled away.


You felt your cheeks heat up.


"So what do you say?" he asked, a soft smile on his face. 





Hi!!~ XDD So???? What do you think of this chapter?? It's been a while since I last wrote a chapter with a kiss scene so it takes me a long time in deciding on what to write, but anyway... How was it?? Did you like it? Tell meeeeee~~~ Comment pleaseeee ^^

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CNBLUE_Katielicious #1
Chapter 18: I knew it! Hahaha! Yeeeyy! I love the whole story. Hihi Good Job, Author-nim! Fighting! Thanks for the story~ :*
Chapter 1: pretty good first chapter :)
eunhyukkie86 #3
Chapter 18: Authornim that was so nice!!!
TeamGOT7 #4
Chapter 16: why must suzy with mark ????? T.T OMO im jealous even tho its not true T.T SOMEBODY KILLLL MEEE
ruseml #5
Chapter 15: OMG!!! bammie so sweet.. bammie kiss her.. BAMMIE.... hahaha... anyway.. this chapter is so awesome.... I will waiting for the next chapter...
AlmightySheizar #6
Chapter 15: I thought Mark wants her to himself? XD