Chapter 13

Marriage Contract

"Where are we going?" you asked BamBam.

"We're going to meet Mark hyung's new friend," he told you.

"A girl?"

"Yup," he nodded.


A smile made its way on your face.


"Do you think she's his girlfriend?"

"Impossible," he shook his head. "Mark hyung never gets a girlfriend that fast,"


You laughed.


"Come on," he took your hand in his. "Let's go meet hyung and his so-called friend!"

"Where are we meeting them, anyway?"

"His house,"

"Oh~" you smiled. "They're probably close already,"

"Or maybe he's just lazy to go out,"


You laughed.


"I wonder who she is...." he said. "Do you think she's pretty?"


You stared at him.


"What?" he smiled innocently. "I'm just curious, jagi,"


You kept on staring.


"But of course, she won't be prettier than you~" he said cutely. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, jagi~"


You didn't say anything and hit the back of his head.


"Ow! What was that for?! I complimented you and you hit me?" he whined.

"Thanks for the compliments, but don't you ever try to call me jagi. I'll just hit you again. It makes me feel weird,"


He laughed and wrapped his free hand around your waist. You pushed him away, pouting.


"Aish... Don't pout," he pinched your cheeks. "Even though you do look cute~"

"Let's just go, Bammie," you sighed and pulled on his hand.






"Annyeonghaseyo, Bae Suzy imnida~" Mark's friend bowed, smiling.

"Annyeonghaseyo," you smiled back. "That guy who's busy staring at you is BamBam,"


You looked at BamBam and hit him lightly on the shoulder. Suzy laughed.


"Bam, stop staring," Mark smiled at his friend. "Someone's getting jealous,"

"Yah!" you glared at Mark. "I'm not jealous!"


He laughed.


"Pretty..." BamBam mumbled.

"BamBam. Suzy can hear you, you know. I mean, she's standing right here," Mark told him.

"Yeah, I know," BamBam smiled. "Noona, you're very pretty~"

"Thank you," Suzy smiled shyly.


You bit your lip.


"Your girlfriend's jealous, Bammie~" Mark smiled.

"Mark!" you protested.

"Don't deny it~" he said.

"Eyy~" you hit him on the arm. "Stop it, Mark! I'm not jealous, okay?"

"And who do you think would believe that?" he raised his eyebrows before turning to Suzy. "Suzy-ah~ Do you think she's jealous?"


Suzy gave you an apologetic smile before nodding.


You turned to BamBam.


"Bammie~" you said.

"What?" he looked at you.

"You are so dead,"

"What?! Why?!"

"Because of you, Mark thinks I'm jealous!" you pouted.

"So you are jealous?"



He laughed.


"Then why do you have to kill me? Why not Mark?"

"Because he knows I can't kill him,"

"Why can't you?"

"I tried so many times before and I never manage to,"

"Aww. That's so sad for you~" he smiled.


You glared at him.


"Sorry~" he apologized cutely. "You'll forgive me, right? Suzy noona is really pretty, though,"

"BamBam..." Mark sighed. "You are not making things better by telling her that you think Suzy is pretty,"

"She really is pretty, though," BamBam shrugged.


Mark looked at you, whose head was lowered and your lips were forming a pout.


"Watch your girl. She's going to hit you anytime soon," Mark warned.


BamBam smiled and wrapped his arms around you from the back.


"Yah~ I'm sorry~ You know I love you~"

"Sweet talking her might not work this time, Bam," Mark said slowly.


BamBam pouted.


"They're look good together, don't they, Suzy?" Mark asked Suzy, smiling.

"Yeah~ BamBam's so sweet," she commented.

"Thanks, noona~" BamBam smiled before looking back at you. "Yah~~ Don't ignore me~ You know you can't so don't ignore me~"


Mark laughed.


"This is what I like about watching best friends turn into lovers~" Mark smiled. "They already know each other so well that they don't need to go on so many dates just to get to know each other,"


Suzy just nodded in agreement,


"They're like a TV show, Mark," she told him. "We can watch them for hours and never get bored,"

"But we could cringe because of BamBam's cheesiness slash sweetness,"


She laughed.



"The guy's extremely cheesy. Trust me,"


Suzy nodded before looking back at you and BamBam.


You were still ignoring him, but Mark noticed how you were trying not to smile.


"Look at me~" BamBam turned you around to face him.


You raised your head to look at him when he quickly planted a kiss on your lips, making your cheeks turn red.


"BamBam!" you pouted.


He laughed.


"Sorry~" he apologized again. "But were you jealous?"


You stared at him.


"Do you want to get hit?" you asked.

"No," he shook his head.

"Then shut up," you said.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Got it?"





Watching you and BamBam, Mark and Suzy were smiling.


"You two are so cute!" Suzy smiled.


BamBam just smiled back and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.






"What's this?" you asked BamBam, staring at him as he was sitting on your sofa.

"Your birthday cupcake," he smiled. "Since I know how much you dislike having big celebrations for your birthday, it's just the two of us and this cupcake~"


You laughed.


"Make a wish," he told you, motioning to the lighted candle on the cupcake. You smiled at him and closed your eyes, thinking about what to wish for.


When you finally thought of it, you blew out the candle and opened your eyes.


"Mind telling me what you wished for?" he asked

"Can't, Bam. I don't want to jinx it," you smiled.

"Not even a hint?"


You shook your head and sat down next to him on the sofa. He put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him.


"Happy birthday," he leaned down and gently kissed you on your forehead.



"I love you,"


BamBam had never been happier. And it was obvious he was happy because of the smile on his face.





Hi!! XD Sorry I only updated this story again today.... How do you like it?? What do you think of it?? Any comments??? (And this story only has a few chapters left until the end. Maybe around 2-5 chapters...)

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CNBLUE_Katielicious #1
Chapter 18: I knew it! Hahaha! Yeeeyy! I love the whole story. Hihi Good Job, Author-nim! Fighting! Thanks for the story~ :*
Chapter 1: pretty good first chapter :)
eunhyukkie86 #3
Chapter 18: Authornim that was so nice!!!
TeamGOT7 #4
Chapter 16: why must suzy with mark ????? T.T OMO im jealous even tho its not true T.T SOMEBODY KILLLL MEEE
ruseml #5
Chapter 15: OMG!!! bammie so sweet.. bammie kiss her.. BAMMIE.... hahaha... anyway.. this chapter is so awesome.... I will waiting for the next chapter...
AlmightySheizar #6
Chapter 15: I thought Mark wants her to himself? XD