Good Things In Life

5th Life

      The sun was shining and the smell of spring wafted in through the windows. I decided to redecorate my home as I felt it was too archaic and depressing. I don’t know why I didn’t change it before.

      I had gotten out of the hospital a week ago after being in a coma for a few months. I was in Changwon when I got into a car accident. Apparently, the other driver had gotten out of his car before impact so he survived. The accident was also his fault and I did not argue with that. I couldn't remember the accident anyways.

      The doctors were concerned that I had no memories of the days prior to the accident. I don’t have severe retrograde amnesia or anything, so they believed I would eventually recover what I lost.

      I have no idea why I was there in the first place but I assumed it was because Changwon was my hometown. I was probably there to visit my parents' graves or something. I do that sometimes.

      I came back to my house that I had built in Jinhae and it was messy. There was two teacups in the sink, which probably means I had a guest over before I was in Changwon. There was a vase that I did not recognize in the living room. It was beautiful but there were random scraps of paper inside it. They were all dusty and the writing was in Chinese. That honestly confused me but I had a gut feeling it was extremely important so I placed it back up on my fireplace.

      When I went up to my room, the bed sheets were all over the floor with random articles of clothing peppered around. That I didn’t have an explanation for because I’m generally a neat person. The state of the room looked like I had with someone and I didn’t bother to clean up, but I really don’t know who I could have slept with. I generally don't indulge in such least I don't think?

      Would I ever forget a lover if I had one? Could I have had some kind of relationship with someone? I consider myself fairly wary of social situations but I guess anything could have happened. I scratched my head and shrugged. In due time, I’m sure I will remember something because it’s not like I forgot everything.

      I know I am immortal, I know how I got immortality, but there was this big chunk of my memory that was missing. No matter how much I wracked my brain, I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was that I forgot, but I knew those memories were significant. I physically felt like there was a hole in my head and in my heart because whatever I was forgetting was a big part of my life.

      The doctors say that I may be forgetting or repressing memories because they were painful for me but I don’t really know what was so emotionally or psychologically debilitating enough that it would cause me to forget them.

             “I'm happy to inform you that you have a clean bill of health,” the doctor said to me, his smile making crows feet by his eyes. His hair was a nice shade of gray with highlights of white.

             “That's good to hear,” I said to him. "I figured I'd get over it quickly. I get Hay fever every year during Spring but the nuns at the orphange thought I should get a check up before I move out of there."

             “The nuns are wise,” the doctor said. "You are only 18 so you will recover quickly from things like Hay fever but you must always go in for a yearly check up, even without guardians telling you to do so. Do you understand?" he asked me, his eyes ernest.

            "Don't worry, Doc. I promise."

            "So now that you are graduating high school, you have to move out of the orphanage?" he asked in concern. The doctor had always looked out for me despite all his other patients. His reason being that I reminded him of his younger brother who passed away awhile ago. He would be 39 years old this year.

             "Yeah, government policy says so. It's not a problem, I have 2 jobs and I have enough money to pay for rent. I studied hard for a full ride to college so I'm all set," I said and gave him a thumbs up. The doctor also gave me a thumbs up in return and then suddenly grabbed my hands.

            "Son, congratulations on graduating. Come visit me again," he said.

            "I will Dr. Byun. Thank you."

             As I left Dr. Byun Jaehyun's practice, I got on my bike and rode down closer to the orphanage which was a few miles out.  I probably won't be coming through this route once I move out of the orphanage and start my life as a working college student.

             I grew up an orphan. My parents were apparently teenagers and could not afford to take care of me, as they were not ready for a child. I had gotten over that resentment, that I was thrown away, because I grew up with something that I might not have had if my parents kept me. Unconditional love and a relatively stable home environment.

             Basically, I have 5 mothers. 5 nuns who ran the orphanage. I also had 20 brother, whom were other orphans, at all times. Some came and went but for the most part, we were always together because we were almost all the same age. Some orphanages have bad reps for being cruel to children but I grew up relatively pampered. It was going to be hard leaving behind all I know but this was the start of a new page in my book. I was more excited than I was scared.

            As I biked down hill towards the last few blocks near home, I noticed that the forsythias were in full bloom as it was late-April now. I could feel the Earth shaking off the cool slumber of winter and trying to renew itself for another scorching summer. If people don't believe in global warming, they are just fooling themselves. It is getting hotter and hotter every year!

            I took a shortcut around a newly built park. They had built this in for the new "Beautification of Korea" project. The government wanted to make Bucheon look more pleasant for the tourists. The park had many trees planted into it so that there would be “cleaner” air for the smog-filled city. I thought it was a great installation, especially since the kids at the orphanage had a new place to play now.

            I got off my bike and decided to walk the trail within the park. They used this nice, smooth cobblestone that didn’t mess with my bike tires and there were bright yellow forsythias growing at every corner. There were tulips and irises, as well as hydrangeas and azaleas growing within the gardens. Some were in full bloom while some lagged behind.

            I watched as old couples and little children enjoyed themselves in the warm weather but there was one man, dressed in all black, sitting on one of the far-off benches, feeding the birds with what seemed like bread crusts. I don’t think he knows that feeding the animals here were prohibited, so I walked up him.

           My breath caught when I saw his face and then I tried to compose myself. I felt like my heartbeat was so loud, the man could probably hear it. He looked up at me with curiosity, his hand in the brown paper bag full of bread crusts. His brown eyes were just as I remembered.

           “Hi. Sorry to bother you but you aren’t allowed to feed the animals in this park. It makes them too friendly with humans and people doesn’t want any animal attacks,” I said to him. His cheeks grew slightly pink, “Oh, I apologize. I had no idea,” he said.

            “It’s okay,” I said as I took a seat next to him, “A lot of people don’t know that rule. They really should make signs.”

             We sat in silence for a few moments until all the bird flew away, taking the hint that he wasn't giving out anymore food. He suddenly flinched as a tiny bee flew by which caused us to make eye contact. He chuckled at himself a little. “I had this terrible experience with bees once and I’ve never been fond of them since,” he explained.

            "By the way, my name is Park Chanyeol," he said trying to get off the topic of bees. I think he wanted me to forget about the little flinch I just witnessed.

             He stuck out his hand so I shook it with a smile. His hands were as strong, calloused, and warm as I remembered them. I felt a lump in my throat. He doesn't remember but I remember everything, including his hatred of bees. He always used to call them, “satanic creatures” and it always amused me when he tried to act tough and not react.

            “Nice to meet you, Park Chanyeol-ssi. My name is Kim Jongin.”

             “Jongin? ‘Jong’ as in 'follower' and ‘In’ as in 'person'?” he asked, disassembling the meaning of my name. I smiled. Of course he knew what my name meant.

             “Quite correct. I grew up Catholic, though I’m not particularly religious, so my name is fitting for a follower of Christ. Don't you think?”

             “Ah, I see. That makes sense,” he said, seemingly interested. Chanyeol was never one to follow a religion but he loved learning the ideology and virtues behind them. He was rather an open-minded guy for someone who can be so cynical at times.

            Another moment of silence passed between us but it wasn’t awkward. At least it wasn’t for me because I knew who Park Chanyeol was. This was monumental and earth-shattering for me. I knew who Park Chanyeol was.

            “The forsythias are lovely this year, aren’t they?” I asked him, breaking the silence. He blinked at me, a little surprised that I had started another conversation with him, and then nodded in agreement.

            “I don’t know why but they remind me of all the good things in life,” Chanyeol said. I almost laughed out loud if I hadn't bitten the inside of my cheek. I don’t think Chanyeol actually remembers that’s what he was supposed to say but it seems his unconscious knew and said it for him.

            “They do,” I said to him, “Looking at forsythias kind of makes me feel immortal.”

            He looked at me a little surprised but he hid his expression quickly and expertly. I swallowed my chuckle because I was definitely just playing around with him and he had no idea. I’m definitely cheekier than my past lives. That’s what happens when you grow up in an all boys orphanage. Boys are weird and manipulative.

            I am weird and manipulative.

            “Park Chanyeol-ssi,” I said as I stood and got up on my bike. “I just wanted to inform you that not only are you not allowed to feed the bird but as of today, your curse is broken. You are no longer immortal and you will be seeing me more often.”

               His eyes grew wide and he looked around the park, alarmed with what I had said to him. He then composed himself, fighting the urge to ask more question. And like the loser he is, the only thing he came up with was, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

                I ignored that. “I’m not sick anymore so I’m going to make you fall in love with me,” I said with a sinister smile, inspired by the deity herself. I feel kind of evil for saying this to Chanyeol when he doesn't remember anything but his reaction was quite adorable, you know, for a tall guy who is 230 years old.

               “What?! Love?” Chanyeol exclaimed, “Is this a joke?”

               “I’ll see you around!”

               I kicked off the ground and rode off down the path with as much speed as I could. I watched Chanyeol sputter and scratch his head as he watched me ride away. I started laughing. Today was a good day. Not only did I get to see my brother from my past life, Jaehyun, but also Chanyeol who doesn't seem to know who I am. But that's okay. He will know who I am eventually.

               This is my 6th life and 5th reincarnation… but it was also my last. In my last moments as Byun Baekhyun, I had made a deal with a deity. She said that when I meet Chanyeol again, he would no longer be immortal and that she would finally let destiny take its course and let us grow old together. However, he wouldn't be able to remember me. The moment we shook hands, his curse had lifted. Chanyeol can't see it but I saw the kiss mark upon his forehead, the symbol of his immortality, stop glowing and disappear.

               She told me that this was my last reincarnation and that I have to live it as interestingly as I possibly could. She was up for that kind of entertainment. She took away the illness that ailed my past lives and I physically felt much lighter than I did before. I felt invinsible and I also never saw her again. Just as she wished.

               However, I will see Chanyeol again. It is in our stars. We were fated to love each other. My heart felt like it was flying because I finally met him after recovering my memories two years ago. It wasn't all at once like it was in my past life, it was gradual, and I fell in love with Chanyeol with every memory.

              Park Chanyeol, the man whose love for me had transcended time and space. Park Chanyeol, the man I love.

              The forsythias are lovely this year. They remind me of all the good things in life. They remind me that there will be good things to come and we will live this lifetime so much happier and better than we did yesterday.



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2001sunny #1
Chapter 10: I adore this fanfic, thank you for making me cry.
babyvin #2
Chapter 8: Great story authornim !
beefelous #3
can i translate ur ff in bahasa and i will give the original link in my post. thanksss ?
yaleave #4
Chapter 8: Awesome !
jmusnt #5
Chapter 8: ...I did not see that coming.
Chapter 1: ouch, I like the quote in the picture <3 ^^
Kpopandjrocklover567 #7
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is really good
mhargelynne #8
Chapter 5: huhuhuhu
i'm excited for the next update author-nim :)