Drive Me Away, Mr Taxi ...


The girl everyone passes without a second glance ...

The girl who studies in university like every other student ...

The girl who is seemingly average ...

Has another face, another image, another life ...

Behind closed doors and under club lights ...

The side of her that no one has seen before ...

Until she encounters a doe-eyed chinese boy in the club one night ...

Until she meets him again ...

And again ...

He has the chance to break the girl's reputation ...

The girl with the perfect grades ...

And with eyes of fire and a heart of ice ...


This is my story for the Mincentric Fanfic Festival


Category 1 - Music - Prompt Four - Lips - Miss A


Please enjoy the story ^^


Poster credit goes to the Graphic Donation from Nyanggi for the festival - it's amazing !!


Note: This will most likely contain M-Rated content / References but the chapters will be marked M ...


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Chapter 11: I really miss this story. I hope you know you can continue. The Fanfic Festival is a community now where authors who finish their story receive points as a reward. ♡
Chapter 10: Aigoooooo, poor Luhan... but why must u become a drug addicts again???? Hmmmmm :(
Btw, that song is my gav song!!! Tears In Heaven ♡
OwlQueen #3
Chapter 10: omo omo omo~~~~ I don't know what to say :'( that chapter was so heart-breaking and intense and omg :'( nice song choice tho ;)
Chapter 9: what exactly happened ????? is someone threatening Luhan life ??? is that why he disappeared ??
OwlQueen #5
Chapter 9: VERY evil joke.... awww but he disappeared?? :( poor min... and luhan... neither of them would be having the time of their lives coz they seemed so close and awhhh so sad :( they seemed like a cute little perfect family with Dong sun <3 cute update :* keep it up ;) (tho less of the evil jokes would be appreciated :P)
Chapter 8: Woah. That was soooo unexpected, I hadn't foreseen it at all. He has a son? For real?
I never thought that the secret would be something like that... I'm wondering how Min is going to react at the discovery.
Oh, and I really enjoyed the scenes between Min and Sehun. I loved seeing some brotherly affection, and I was able to understand more the relationship of the siblings. And sehun's personality is growing on me, I think he's really caring and that he loves his sister a lot :)
I'm really excited about what will happen next, so I can't wait for the next update! Hwaiting!
4everhite #8
Chapter 8: wow, so this is the secret. oh my goodness ~ can't wait for the next update when everythhing is clarified.
OwlQueen #9
Chapter 8: AHIFFEWNFFVKJENFKNMCLKK LUHAN YOU WHAT?? :o please say he's like adopted or something... *dies from the tension*
Chapter 7: Whoever that person that just show up....please beat the hell out of that ing 3 awful !!! They need to learn their lesson!!! I want them to be hospitalised!!! Urghhhhh....