Chapter 8

Drive Me Away, Mr Taxi ...


“What do you think you’re doing ?” He growled menacingly, I could his footsteps coming closer and the three girls shuffled quickly back from my bruised body. The girls’ footsteps grew louder and he called out “don’t even think of running away; you’re coming with me.” I heard their squeals of fear before more shuffling and the sound of car doors opening and closing around the corner from where I was laid down on the ground. A minute later I felt my shoulders being lightly shook as I forced my eyes open, blinking hard as my vision cleared to see Sehun crouched beside me, eyebrows furrowed. I groaned when he pulled me up into a sitting position and I stared at Sehun’s concerned facial expression. “Minyoung … what are you doing here ? Why were they doing that to you ?” He exclaimed quietly trying not to be too loud; I was bruised and weak.

“I don’t know …” I lied again, as I had done to Luhan, glancing at my hands in my lap which were fiddling and twitching nervously.

“Don’t lie to me Minyoung … I know that they must have had a reason ... it’s because of that boy isn’t it ! It’s because of Luhan – aren’t you two dating now ?” He asked, slightly angered at my stubbornness. My head shot up when he mentioned how Luhan and I were dating and I eyes him carefully, curious as to how he could know such a thing.

“How do you know about that ?!” I cried out, my head cocked to the side in confusion. He just shook his head with a small chuckle.

“I left the house, that doesn’t mean I won’t keep an eye on you, especially after what happened that night … Minyoung … I don’t want you seeing that boy again …” He spoke with an authoritative tone.

“And why on earth would that be ?! Why should I listen to you ?! I’m not a child !” I shouted before clutching my head in pain as the effort send daggers shooting through my head and I begin to feel dizzy and sick. Sehun patted me on the shoulder.

“Okay … we’ll speak about this when you’ve feeling better. Right now I’m going to get you to the station – I can’t let those girls simply go about beating you up without being punished.” He sighed wrapping his hands around my arms and pulling me to my feet. I staggered a little and he kept him arm around me, supporting me, as I leant against him and made my way towards his car which was parked just around the corner from where I had been laying. The three girls were sat beside each other in the back of the car, nervousness flitting across their originally smug faces, as Sehun helped me into the car before closing it behind me and walking to get in the driver’s seat. When he closed my door, the girl behind me leant forward and whispered into my ear.

“You two seem very close … don’t even think about cheating you , you don’t deserve Luhan as it is !” Her hot breath sent disgusting shivers down my back as I trembled in my seat. My limbs aching from the bruises as I brought my legs up to the seat and wrapped my arms around them.

Sehun opened his car door and sat down in the driver’s seat before starting the engine and driving off towards the police station where he was located. I glanced at him to only see his concentrated expression on the road. The girls in the back didn’t speak a word and stayed still in their seats as we drove off in silence.




When we arrived Sehun helped me into the building while a few other men escorted the three girls in behind us to stop them trying to get away before they got into serious trouble. They shuffled inside, meekly glancing at everyone around them in an attempt to make themselves look pitiful in order to be let off but, when they were ignored, I could feel their glares burn holes in my back and we headed towards a main desk in the foyer with a formally dressed woman sat typing away on her computer and another man was behind her organising some paperwork. The man looked up and he glanced first at me and the three girls slouched behind me before his gaze fell on Sehun.

“Officer Oh ! Do you have something to report ?” He asked and Sehun just nodded in return before the man let him walk through with me by his side and the girls following behind. I remembered how Sehun used the surname ‘Oh’ in the police station because he didn’t want his common surname to be confused with other or used to track down any other information about him. A fellow male officer approached Sehun with a huge grin and swung his arm over his shoulder casually, despite being a good inch or two shorter, before Sehun brushed him off jokingly.

“Sehun ! You’re here … and who might this be ?” The man asked gesturing towards me who was now standing behind my brother awkwardly as he greeted his friend.

“Ahh … this is my sister, Lee Minyoung.” He replied and the man smiled at me. I heard a small, sharp intake of breath from behind me where I could only assume that the girl who had accused me of cheating on my boyfriend had realised her mistake.

“Nice to meet you Minyoung. My name is Zhang Yixing, your brother and I worked together in China before we both transferred to Korea.” His tone was friendly and I smiled in return with a small bow despite my uncomfortable posture due to my injuries.

Sehun then led the girls and me towards the back of the station where we had to make some statements and write down details. The girls were let off with a warning and a small mark on each of their records to make sure that they didn’t go around causing trouble again. My back was hurting less by the time we had finished and Sehun told me to take a taxi home because he had to finish working although I made him promise to keep in touch. He ensured me that he would but also need to speak to me about my relationship with Luhan which added to the great pit of worry in my stomach which was weighing me down day by day.




The next day, around midday, Sehun appeared at my door wanting to speak to me. Although I had been expecting this I was still anxious that he wouldn’t allow me to see Luhan and despite my age and independence, my brother meant so much to me that I would feel restless without his approval especially if he was going to go to any great lengths to keep up apart. I sat down on the couch beside him, expecting a long lecture which, in fact, had been reduced to one question.

“Do you love him ?” He simply stated, completely openly, as he sat down on the sofa, staring into to my eyes, consolidating that my words were honest ones.

“Uuu..hh..” I stuttered, unsure and slightly flustered because of his bluntness, “I think I could …” I spoke after a long pause “I think I could learn to love him … I mean … I like him, a lot, but … I’m not in love with him quite yet … but … I trust him … completely …” I whispered embarrassed as Sehun kept making eye contact which I was frantically trying to avoid.

“Okay” he uttered nodding his head, before standing up from the couch as I sat shocked once again at his strange attitude. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his jeans and typed in a few keys before walking into a separate room, the phone held to his ear as he waited it to ring. I was frozen in place on the sofa for a few seconds before I snapped out of my trance and stood up, heading towards the door to the room and pressing my ear against the door, eavesdropping on his conversation. Luckily, I managed to reach the door before I missed the beginning however I could only just make out Sehun’s speech.

“Luhan … I need to speak to you about Minyoung … I don’t want you to end up hurting her … We both know that there is a lot that you haven’t told her yet and I have to trust that you will tell her because if you don’t, I will; it’s unfair on her … I know, I changed my mind … she’s so much brighter now, less cold, I believe that’s because of you, as much as I dislike the idea of you being anywhere near my younger sister, I’m going to have to trust you with her … don’t forget Luhan, I’m not letting you do this for you, this is for her … don’t ever hurt her you know what I could do …” He spoke down the phone between pauses when the other caller was replying. Despite my immediate surprise at him calling Luhan, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that he had seemingly approved our relationship and, although he was still uneasy, I felt so much more comfortable knowing that he was okay with it.

I let out a sigh of relief, finally feeling able to breathe easily since Sehun left, knowing that my brother would always be by my side.




When Sehun left later that night, I texted Luhan and agreed to meet him at his house to study, he said that he had a shock for me when I got there. I was nervous but also a bit excited as I rounded the corner to his apartment and came to the familiar navy blue door that led to him and Jongin’s accommodation. I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered, the door swung open to reveal Luhan’s smiling face.

“Hello !” He beamed at me as I returned the gesture and greeted him. Suddenly he was pushed to the side and my eyes widened in shock as a small 3 or 4 year old child appeared beside him in the doorway.

“Who’s this ?” I asked awkwardly, growing anxious.

“This is Dong Sun …” he placed his hand on the small boy who was clinging to his leg “… my son …”




Author's Note:
Hello everyone !! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated, I was away for the whole weekend and I'll be gone for this coming weekend so my updates might take a little longer but should get back to normal soon !!
Is this really Luhan's son ??
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Chapter 11: I really miss this story. I hope you know you can continue. The Fanfic Festival is a community now where authors who finish their story receive points as a reward. ♡
Chapter 10: Aigoooooo, poor Luhan... but why must u become a drug addicts again???? Hmmmmm :(
Btw, that song is my gav song!!! Tears In Heaven ♡
OwlQueen #3
Chapter 10: omo omo omo~~~~ I don't know what to say :'( that chapter was so heart-breaking and intense and omg :'( nice song choice tho ;)
Chapter 9: what exactly happened ????? is someone threatening Luhan life ??? is that why he disappeared ??
OwlQueen #5
Chapter 9: VERY evil joke.... awww but he disappeared?? :( poor min... and luhan... neither of them would be having the time of their lives coz they seemed so close and awhhh so sad :( they seemed like a cute little perfect family with Dong sun <3 cute update :* keep it up ;) (tho less of the evil jokes would be appreciated :P)
Chapter 8: Woah. That was soooo unexpected, I hadn't foreseen it at all. He has a son? For real?
I never thought that the secret would be something like that... I'm wondering how Min is going to react at the discovery.
Oh, and I really enjoyed the scenes between Min and Sehun. I loved seeing some brotherly affection, and I was able to understand more the relationship of the siblings. And sehun's personality is growing on me, I think he's really caring and that he loves his sister a lot :)
I'm really excited about what will happen next, so I can't wait for the next update! Hwaiting!
4everhite #8
Chapter 8: wow, so this is the secret. oh my goodness ~ can't wait for the next update when everythhing is clarified.
OwlQueen #9
Chapter 8: AHIFFEWNFFVKJENFKNMCLKK LUHAN YOU WHAT?? :o please say he's like adopted or something... *dies from the tension*
Chapter 7: Whoever that person that just show up....please beat the hell out of that ing 3 awful !!! They need to learn their lesson!!! I want them to be hospitalised!!! Urghhhhh....