Valentine's Day: Results!

10Sc2 2014

“Finally the last batch is in the oven,” Gayatri said, as she popped the bones in her back, she had spent the whole day baking, some to give to her friends and some for her cousin, Vidya, who LOVES bread.

            It was actually kind of sad, everyone is either in love or trying to find love and she’s home alone with yeast, her sisters had dates and even her parents have a night out. She wiped down the kitchen counter, “I guess you are my Valentine’s Mr. Oven” she said with a chuckle.

            Riing, the phone rang, she picked it up and was startled to hear her classmate’s, who was abroad, voice.

            “Hey, Gayatri, I just touched Brunei, wow Holland was fun, but I’m glad to be back in 10Sc2 and find my powers, anyways, I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I want to catch up on BD High gossip and you are just the person to call,” said Azhan Airwan on the other line.

            Gayatri’s flour covered hands started to sweat and dried up, all she could hear was the date part.

            “Go out? As in like a date?” Gayatri fumbled.

            “Haha, sure, if you put it that way, look, I’ve got to go, we’ll talk about it soon, bye,” said Azhan and the line went dead.

            After 5 minutes Gayatri finally put the receiver down, she had a crush on him for like forever and now he wants to date her, to old Gayatri would have been blushing like crazy and ignored him because of shyness, but this new super powered Gayatri that can defy gravity and fly won’t get beaten. She texted Azhan the details and ran to take out the bread in her oven and made another batch, a heart-shaped bread just for that special someone.

Gayatri Naidu: Pass

            After a whole day’s worth of studying, Redhuan felt like he was smart enough to beat Linaa, that smartest person in 10Sc2, may be even the school. Rhusna was still furiously writing down notes and points and that was what he admired about her, her determination.

            He had go through this scenario in his head days upon days and he finally did it,

“Rhusna, do you have a minute?”

She looked up.

“I am trying to ask you, uhh, do you think,” Redhuan fumbled, then the Superhero Factor worked it’s magic and he confidently said “Will you be my girlfriend?”

There was a pause as Rhusna think things through; Redhuan was nervous and smiling at her concentration face at the same time.

“Uh, sure, I mean I guess it means we study more than usual and I don’t want to be those girls with no love life, okay,” said Rhusna, then going back to her schoolwork.

That was all Redhuan wanted.

For now.

Redhuan Ramlee: Pass

            After the whole screaming mishap stopped, Joshua and Stella was sitting on the bleachers, gazing at the sunset, Joshua had really felt like a monster, but Stella comforted him down.

            Never in Joshua’s life that he thought he would sit so close next to a hot girl; even while he was completely composed of wood from the wooden bleachers. He would talk to one of the teachers that help 10Sc2 with their power control later, but now he was quite content just sitting and daydreaming with a hot girl’s head on his shoulder.

            “Well, I got to go,” Stella said, standing up and gathering her stuff.

            Joshua’s heart sank, he knew this “date” was going to end, but does it need to be so soon?

            To compensate for his obvious sadness, Stella leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, his powers immediately deceased and he was back to normal.

            “Don’t worry, I’ve been through worst dates than this,” she whispered.

            As he watched her walk away, he went back to the date table, grabbed a spoon and felt the metal molecules creep up his entire body, covering and entering him, being made of metal meant carrying the heavy table easy.

            Even though the clean up took longer, with him stopping once in a while to daydream about Stella, but it was worth it!

Joshua Belayan: Pass

            Safwanah finally had to say goodbye to hypnotized Byul, Byul wasn’t even supposed to stay back in school so late. But it was still one of her best memories, Zoe even promised her a few hypnotize sessions later on.

Safwanah Daud: Pass

            As for Zoe, she was still questioning her emotions towards Safwanah. Sadly, she had no date for Valentine’s and had to spend the whole day figuring out if she had feelings for her best friend or not.

Zoe Hon: Fail

            After all the dancing, Changmin treated Uyun to a yogurt shop where they learned more about each other and he even walked her home.

            When the moment he kissed Uyun’s cheek, if Uyun was at school, she would have been randomly teleporting around the school compound for an hour.

Uyun Sanip: Pass

            After rushing back to the ICT Room, it was too late, Bomi had already seen “Hamizan” disintegrating.

            After going home sad, he found that his laptop had an incoming Skype call, he opened it and it was Bomi, she demanded to know what happened and when Hamzian finally told her about his powers, she was so happy, she almost bought a flight to Brunei to see it.

            She herself already seen Hamizan’s clone breaking down in front of her, if her showed her next time in school how he cloned, she will probrably marry him.

            Hamizan sighed, one day at a time.

Hamizan Lihan: Pass

            The girls hang out moved to a Starbucks near the school, at first they were gossiping about everyone in BD High, but then, since it’s Valentine’s Day, Linaa and Farah got lovey odvey fast and Asyeeqah and Cavell had to move to another table.

            Then Afiqah walked in, she was busy during the afternoon, but she still came in evening.

            “Hey you, haven’t seen you in a while, trying to be invisible around me?” asked Cavell to Afiqah as she walked over, dodging the romantic explosion that is Linaa and Farah.

            “Where’s Emily? Ditched you again?” asked Afiqah.

            “Yes, women, except for Asyeeqah seemed to not realize I exist,” said Cavell, pointing at the lovey dovey classmate lesbians.

            “I do,” Afiqah said as she pulled a chair over and started to talk.

            Sure, Cavell might be with his girlfriend during Valentine’s Day, but at least he was talking to a hot girl. That was good enough for him.

Cavell Sim: Pass

            Meanwhile, Asyeeqah was busy reading for the fourteenth time her favorite book, “Always Something to Remind Me” by Beth Harbison.

            “Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt,” said an angelic voice, Asyeeqah looked up and saw the cutest guy in the world.

            “I saw the cover of your book and I love this book,” he continued.

            Asyeeqah immediately got interested, this book is her all time favorite and few people agree, and this cute guy seems enthusiastic.

            He pulled a chair over and introduced himself, Logan Zafrel, hearing that name makes Asyeeqah melt in her seat.

            They talked more and she really liked this guy, he was adorable, hot, friendly and laugh at her jokes. If this is how love at first sight feels then Asyeeqah Is loving it!

Asyeeqah Zulkepli: Pass

            After the whole Victoria failure, Adnin went home and showered, even if he shapeshifted his clothes, it still felt weird.

            “Adnin, Fahmi is here,” called his mother.

            Why would Fahmi be doing here? He went down and saw Fahmi carrying a wounded kitten. That sight melted Adnin’s heart, not only was the kitten adorable, Fahmi was sweating and had some cut and bruises on his own. Those two looked smoking together.

            Adnin took the kitten to the basement, where he generally tended animals. He wanted to grow up to be a veterinarian when he grew up and he really did like animals.

            He tended to the kitten’s wound as Fahmi told him he crawled into a drain to save this kitten, Adnin asked Fahmi to help him put the bandages on the kitten.

            Adnin looked at Fahmi’s sweat and sparkling eyes and Fahmi’s signature musky scent of cologne and deodorant, Adnin leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, Adnin quickly pulled away, Fahmi’s face looked in horror, Fahmi quickly gave a lame excuse and left.

            Adnin wanted to punch himself over and over, but Fahmi had left his outer shirt and Adnin smelled that and felt his romantic feelings come back, but the truth hit him like a car, Fahmi Is straight and there is nothing changing that.

Adnin Hakeem: Fail

            Adam’s date with Robin was amazing, they talked and Adam finally felt comfortable with a girl. This girl was definitely the one.

            Dinesh came back to school to take something he had left and he saw that one of the classroom’s lights were on, he walked up and saw through the window Adam and his crush eating lunch together.

            Dinesh felt betrayed that his best friend would do this to him, he felt his world go spiraling, his best friend since elementary was with his first love and the dozen roses were not cheap.

            He closed his eyes, electricity swirled around him again but this time they stinged like betrayal, the classroom was the only one that had a power outage and all its light bulbs shattered.

            In the darkness, Robin leaned over and kissed Adam in his mouth.

Adam Boey: Pass

Dinesh Tan: Fail

            Dinesh had never been so pissed in his happy-go-lucky, easy come easy go life.

            This means war!

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eeyahjoker #2
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