
A crime to be alive

It’s been three weeks now that Uee and Jooyeon joined Kahi, and everything was fine. Uee started liking Kahi more and more everyday, seeing in her what all the other girls already saw; acceptance. 

This week, they started an activity, the cooking lessons. Uee liked to cook a lot so she totally agree with Kahi’s idea, and Jooyeon liked food so she couldn’t say no. Kahi send some of her girls in different activity zones, to spy on the other team, the Black clan. And hoping to stop the war before it starts. But the girls didn’t get any information about the war…

Everything was so calm in the prison this last weeks, no fight, no bully… Kahi was sure something was up. In a way, for Kahi it was like the calm before the storm.

Uee entered the kitchen Jooyeon followed her, they took place and listened to the teacher. Once the teacher was done with the instructions Uee started, Jooyeon didn’t listened because she was too busy eating the food.

« What do we need to do? » Asked Jooyeon to Uee.

Uee rolled her eyes. « Cut the ham in little pieces. » Said Uee looking at her. « You ate all the ham? » She asked seeing the ham disappeared. Jooyeon made an innocent face. « You’re unbelievable… » Said Uee shaking her head before continuing the preparation for the plate.

The ambiance was nice in this class. And everybody seemed happy to do this activity. The teacher was very patient with them, especially with Jooyeon who was a catastrophe and always ate the half of the food…

They were about to put the food in the oven when they all heard an explosion. It was coming from the visiting room. The teacher looked panicked. Jooyoen came closer to Uee.

A guardian entered the cooking room and closed the door quickly. « Everybody stay here. » She just said.

Uee frowned and looked at Jooyeon. « Do you think…? »

Jooyeon shook her shoulders. « I don’t know. »

The teacher came closer to the guardian. « What is it? What was the noise? » She asked scared.

The guardian turned around and faced everybody. She looked at all the faces, nobody seemed in the Black team so she started. « Some people entered the prison with weapons. They work with the Black clan. They killed two guardians and three prisoners. They held some hostages in the visiting room. »

« And what are you doing? » Asked Uee. « Why aren’t you stopping them? »

The guardian looked at Uee. « The army is outside now, and will stop them from going out, but it means they will stay inside, with guns and they seem very angry so we will try to protect everybody. » Explained the guardian. « I’m waiting for the signal, when I got it, I will took you in the dorms. » She said calmly. 

« Why do you want to lock us in the cells? » Asked Uee. « It will be easy for them to find us and kill us! » She said angry.

Some girls behind agree with her. The guardian nodded. « I know but we can’t let you wander in the prison or something. We need to bring you all together and fast. » Said the guardian.

Jooyeon looked at Uee then at the guardian. The two of them were kind of right. The prisoners needed to be protected and put somewhere all together, but locking them in the cells wasn’t the good idea.

Nana suddenly entered the kitchen. « Oh you’re here. » She said looking at Jooyeon and Uee. Then she looked at the Guardian. « It’s okay, you can get out of the kitchen now » She said leaving them.

Jooyeon called her. « Wait! Nana! » 

The young girl stopped and turned around. « You can’t let them lock us in the cells? » She said looking at Nana. « And where are you going? »

« We will come back to you, just listen to the guardians. We try to handle the situation for now » She said leaving for good. 

Everybody went to the door to follow the guardian. Jooyeon took a knife and put it into her uniform. Uee saw her and smiled. « What do you think you will do with that? » She asked. « They have guns… » 

« I don’t know. » Said Jooyeon. « But it saved us once so… » 

They walked carefully through the corridor of the prison. They could heard some shot and scream coming from the outside. Jooyeon walked to the window and looked at the yard. Prisoners were killing each other. She closed her eyes and followed the group. Half way, they meet Jungah. Uee stopped her.

« Don’t let them lock us there… » Just whispered Uee.

« I can’t do anything, we will lock the dorm and protect you. They won’t enter it we will do our best… » Said Jungah sorry. « Kahi told us to protect all of you. »

« Where is she? » Asked Jooyeon worried.

Jungah went to a window and looked down. Kahi was running in the yard avoiding the hit and trying to get into the visiting building. In the crowd Jooyeon spotted Nana and Kaeun, trying to stop the fights.

« What are they doing? » Asked Jooyeon.

« They try to convince them that the Black team will not help them, that they’re using them to save their own life… » Said Jungah.

Uee looked at her. « Give me that. » She said taking the speaker that Jungah had hanging on her belt. She opened the window and yelled. « STOP FIGHTING! » All the girls looked up to her. « YOU WILL ALL DIE IF YOU LET THE BLACK TEAM WIN! » She said. « SO IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, HELP US, EVERY GIRL WHO WILL TOOK OFF THE TOP OF THEIR UNIFORM WILL BE IN OUR TEAM, THE OTHERS WILL DIE. » She said before closing the window and looking at Jungah. Uee opened her uniform and hang the top of it on her pants, letting herself in only the orange pants and white tank top. Jooyeon looked at her and do the same.

Jungah nodded « Okay, so the war started? » She asked. Uee nodded. « I will tell the others it started. » She said before leaving.

Jooyeon turned around, the cooking class was still here, looking at them. All the girls were wearing the uniform like them, Uee smiled, she looked at the guardian, the one who find them in the kitchen the first time. « We need weapons. You heard Jungah? The war started. »

The guardian swallowed hard. « We don’t have any arms in the prison it‘s forbidden, only some tasers and rubber batons… » She said.

Jooyeon looked at Uee. « It will be okay, it’s better than nothing and like that we won’t kill anybody just like neutralize them? » She said sadly smiling. Uee nodded and asked the guardian to take them to the weapons room.

Once they all have some weapons, Jooyeon looked at the guardian. « How can we join the other guardians? » She asked.

The woman shook her shoulders. « We can’t use the walky talky, some of us are in the black team and will listen to us. »

Jooyeon sighed. « We need a way to talk with Jungah. »

« We have phones… » Said the guardian handling Jooyeon her phone. Jooyeon nodded and took it, dialing Jungah's number.

« Jungah? » Asked Jooyeon when she answered. « Everything fine? »

« Yeah for now yes. Kahi just entered the visiting room. We can’t talk to her, she hope she can stop them from the inside… Because of Uee speech, lots of girls are on our side. »

« Okay, send them to the weapons room, they need to protect themselves. » Said Jooyeon before taking a big breath. « How many are they? » She asked.

Jungah hesitated. « I’m not sure. Two dozen people entered after the explosion, and an hundred of prisoners are with them… » She said. « They is lots of dead body around the visiting room and some injuried girls in the yard, but were still in a numerical superiority and almost all the guardian are with us. » She said. « Be careful, some of the black team prisoners are running the prison to kill the one who want to fight against them… »

« Okay, just send the girls who still want to fight against the Black team to the weapons room. » She said before hanging up.

Uee looked at Jooyeon. « So what now? » She asked.

Jooyeon looked at the girls in front of them. « Now we fight… » Said Jooyeon hopping she made the good choice.


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Chapter 12: Feel like i'm reading a prison break story author-nim!
It's really cool with Kahi as a charismatic leader (or mother hehe) who try to proted the girls....... so noble =)

Really glad for the happy ending and no one get hurt.... thank you for the story /o/
Chapter 12: Loved this story so much! :)
sloppyscribblr #3
This story made me love JooEe!
Chapter 12: Fin already?? Im not ready yet!!! :3
Chapter 12: Its so sad the story must end...
Chapter 12: what happened with e-young's brother?
bento19 #7
Chapter 12: Thank u for happy ending story. Please write more JooEE stories.
happybee93 #8
Chapter 12: what?? FIN already??
make sequel for this, please~
Chapter 11: The feels of this story are beyond.... Everything TT^TT
Don't leave me hanging :"""""