Chapter 5


You can't remember walking with someone to the bus stop before. You can feel his warmth at your side as you accidentally brush each others arms while you were walking. It was nearing midnight and it looked like you two were one of the few people who are still walking on the streets.

"The moon looks weirdly great tonight." He beamed as he looked at you and damn was his eyes weirdly great too.

"It sure is. It's full moon." you smiled trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Tomorrow's Saturday right?"

"Yeah. why?"

"That means we won't have to wake up early tomorrow. Come on, wanna do something fun?"

"I'm so sorry but have this-"

"No. I'm sorry too but I won't take no for an answer. No buts tonight. Not again. "

"But I-" too late. He was already holding your wrist and dragging you to god knows where.



"The old playground." your voice broke and tears were starting to form in your eyes. "I din't know it was still here." you faked a smile as you wiped the tears that were about to fall.


That sad boy from years back. Such a pity I never got his name.

"What are we doing here?" he asked as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I come here everyday. This is where my mom told me to come before she left." 

"Where did she go? Didn't she love you anymore?"

"There!" I pointed my finger at the orange sky where the sun was about to set. "My mom loves me. She told me she love me very much but she had to go. She said it was better there. I come here often so we can see each other everyday. Me and my mom." 

The two of us sat there while watching the sunset. It was a wonderful thing. I saw him smile for the very first time.


"Are you okay? You look a little lost." Taehyung clapped his hand in front of you pulling you back to reality.

"Nothing..just some thought." you breathed deeply and tried to shake off the memory. "So why are we here again?"

"We're about to do something fun." he laid on the grass and patted the space next to him.

You laid flat next to him and took a good look at the view. The moon was perfect and the stars were shining beautifully around it. It was like the universe knew that the two of you were looking at it.

"This is nice. I've never seen the night sky this bright before." you smiled and raised your hands as if trying to touch the stars.

"It's because you never took the time to look at things like this. You strictly follow your rules and schedules and never let real life happen to you." he held his hand up next to yours and "Oh look! my hand is bigger than yours!" he smiled that idiotic smile again as if that was a really big deal. Way to ruin the moment Kim Taehyung.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"You unexpectedly say something serious but then you always drop it immediately and talk or act like a three year old afterwards. You confuse people. You confuse me.."

He looked at you and smiled ever so childishly. "That's my charm."

"You are weird you little alien." you scoffed and got up to your feet. "Race you to the bus stop!"



AN: I really hope I can finish this fic early that's why I keep updating..

Just a random share, I'm currently waiting for bangtan's concept photo #1 for dark and wild and damn i think they are really going to be very hot in this comeback. ok i'll stop... 

lastly, this has nothing to do with the story but V's recent vlog has been gaining too much attention.. I think it's kinda disturbing.



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hyesong #1
Chapter 2: whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<3