

            You always had everything figured out. Society is just a big machine consists of many different parts trying to move as smooth as possible and become one with the whole system. ‘You have to fit in to live.’ – That’s your rule. You go to class, do your homework, study your lessons, and follow your parents. It seems like you can do everything perfectly except for one thing. You don’t dare try to do something different.

            This morning, you woke up to the sound of your alarm still feeling annoyed about your roommate who just moved out yesterday. Thanks to her you’ll have to find another homeless human being to live with you in your apartment.

            “Very genius Eunhee!” you managed to tell yourself silently as you held the flyers that you had printed a while ago. You are still feeling very annoyed that other students already get to enjoy their break while you’re still stuck with looking for a new roommate. “All you have to do now is put this flyers everywhere and just wait for someone to contact you. Anyway all the information is already there so they won’t have to ask a lot anymore. “You told yourself silently while irritatingly sticking your flyers on different bulletin boards.


            You rode the bus going back to your apartment with the leftover flyers on your lap. You plugged your earphones to both your ears and pretended to look outside. You just hated the idea of someone recognizing you and being forced to talk to them until one you get off. You closed your eyes unconsciously allowing your problems to take over you. What if you don’t find a roommate by the end of the break? Then, you’d be forced to pay the rent all by yourself. What if the owner kicks you out because you were not able to pay on time? Then, you’ll be out on the streets scanning different flyers and looking for a place to live. Ooooh, OTTOKHE?! This is such a hassle. You were still deep in your thoughts when suddenly someone pulled the earphone on your right ear.

You opened your eyes and turned your head just to come face to face with an alien of some sort. He wasn't normal in any way. From the very top of his bright orange colored hair, thick eyeliners, white loose sweaters which by the way don’t make sense in this hot weather, down to the tip of his red colored sneakers-so weird. He smiled and stared at you as if he was expecting you to laugh with what he did. He continued staring with his two small eyes for about five seconds. You couldn't take the weirdness anymore so you started the conversation.

“Excuse me?” were the only words that came out of your mouth.

“Hi!” he answered enthusiastically and continued to stare at you for quite a few seconds before blinking his eyes in a very irritating way. As if he’s waiting for you to say something to him.

“I’m sorry but… do I know you?” You asked still trying to figure out what’s going on with this strange creature.

“Oh..Right! My name is Taehyung.. Kim Taehyung! 20 years old. I am a third year student in performing arts. Sorry for my outfit." He said innocently and again, smiling as if too satisfied with what he just said.

"So?" you glanced at your watch hoping that he would get the signal that you don't have the time for whatever he is doing.

"So.. You already know me!"

*mental facepalm!*

You swear to all the mother of aliens you would massacre this creature if only you were not in a public area.

You let out a deep sigh and tried to control yourself when suddenly...

"Hey! Your stop's here!" He held your wrist and dragged you down the bus with him. This is really really becoming too confusing.

“Are you a stalker or something?” you asked him still trying to figure out why he knew your stop. Damn! His smile is so irritating? Why does he keep on doing that? So weird.

“Well.. I’m sorry Miss Eunhee but…”

You noticed his smile grew bigger and his eyes looked at you in a way that you can’t explain.

“You happened to be holding a bunch of flyers with your name, address, contact number and other details on it.” He finally finished his sentence and looked at you as if telling you how stupid you are.

You felt like the dumbest person in the world! It feels like you just want to shrink and disappear and never come across this person again. Why didn’t I realize that?!


You reddened as you try to hide all the embarassment that you were feeling at the moment. This guy.... This guy is just... arrghh

“So what do you want?” you tried your best to sound as professional as possible waiting for him to give a logical answer.



".........ummm.." he scratched the back of his neck as he tried to look at you directly in the eye.




AN: Taehyung's alien fashion


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hyesong #1
Chapter 2: whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<3