♦ Chapter 4 - Min's Secret ♦

♚ Little Miss Perfect ♚
♦ Little Miss Perfect Chapter 4 ♦

Sunday Night; Night Club; 7:00pm

Chapter 4

Min's POV

I got into the club and was immediately pushed into the bathroom so I could change. I came out in a whole new outfit and went up to my group. "You know getting engage don't mean you can forget about us~" Nada said and I laughed. "I'd never forget about you, boo~" I said sweetly. We all laughed while she just said whatever. We got called up to the stage and we walked in Jia leading us. Befor we reached the middle Jackson screamed "Hwaiting!" I looked over to Amber and she winked playing the song.

(Min's outfit)

Luhan's POV

I watched Min dance her hardest alog with the rest of her group; I hadn't know what to fell. I felt shocked, amazed, and astonished all at the same time. I mean who knew that the girl who seemed so perfect actually performed here at a night club with sleezy men and drunk women, it was just so unexpected. After she finished her dance I grabbed her and pulled away from her conversation. "Who do you think-" Min said pausing once she saw it was me.

"Luhan?" she said questioningly. I nod and she says "Why are you here?" "I followed you here after you disappeared so suddenly." I said calmly. "So what now? You gonna tell my parents?" she asked. I shook my head and with a sigh I said "Nope~ If I do that then the contracts off. Plus what kind of fiance would I be if I did tell." 

Min's POV

I look at him with wide eyes; "Really?" I said practically screaming .He nods and says "But we're going home this instant young lady." I nod quickly "Yes sir," I pause "But first-" I say as I drag him to my friends. "Luhan this is my group, and guys this is Luhan." I say. "So you're the so called husband~" Nada saysand shakes his hand "The names Nada~" "And I'm Jia~" Jia unnie said butting in. "Ayo Amber here~" Amber said giving him a hi-five.

And then there was Jackson "Luhan?" he said I looked at them with an obvious confused face. "We're cousins" Luhan said and I nod in understanding. "Well it was great meetimg you guys^^" Luhan said "But we gotta go home~" he finished I just nod in agreement and we bid each other good bye and Luhan and I get in the car. "You know the contract?" I ask and he simply nods. "Well you can forget about the third rule." I said. "Which is?" he asks. "Read it yourself." I say and just like that we arrived home. I walk out quickly and get ready for bed bidding him goodnight. Afterwards I fell asleep.

Luhan's POV

I was shocked at how quickly Min did everything but just shook it off. I got ready for bed as well and just before I go to sleep I see the contract sitting there. I remembered what Min said about the third rule. "No PDA/gettig intimate huh~" I say to myself. I chuckle and put it down. 'I guess she's finally getting closer to me^^' I thought to  myself with a smile. Just like that I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


Author's Note:

Hehe chapter 4 is up^^ You like? It's short I know *sobs* Anyways yah love you all bai :3

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harlibug #1
Chapter 1: Finally a story including NaDa -drools-
Chapter 8: Ok, I smell troubles are coming near... This girl is an obsessive and also crazy about Luhan until she would do just anything to get him... Don't this girl have any shame?? Aish, if I was Luhan, I'll never gonna date this girl and never ever give hope to her... Update real soon... xoxoxo
Chapter 8: Niceeee!! I love this fanfic. Keep updating ^o^
Chapter 8: I wonder who's the antagonist hahaha xD
4everhite #5
Chapter 8: wow who's she.. she is up to no good, isn't she? ~ ommo 3 updates, your awesome, kekeke. wow wedding is coming up already. ~ can't wait! fantastic updatESSS
4everhite #6
Chapter 7: luhan wants to see his wife keke so kyeopta!! <3 why doesn't min eats, lol, she loves food ;) M U S T eat so you'll have energy to dance ~
lol really, fei & that sunny guy.. i shall try to imagine him, but meanwhile im imaging someone else, dont like that sunny guy.. love the update, it was fantastic.
Coniii #7
Chapter 6: Who is the girl texting luhan??? Min and Luhan are actually cute together xdd. I'm also curious about Min and Kris ... . I bet the guy Suzy likes is Sehun xd
4everhite #8
Chapter 5: Oh goodie this was fantastic!!! I love this, lol. Wondering why min is awkward with kris, what history do they have together. XD lol luhan c; is happy that min is comfortable with him. I want some PDA. Keke.
Coniii #9
Chapter 4: Luhan is so cute ^^ . He deserves something good so I hope Min doesn't hurt him
Xander34 #10
Chapter 4: Oh gosh what going to happen!!??