Chapter 2- Who Is It?

The Impossible Evil Feelings


 Hee Yong planned to turn on the pipe and directly aimed the rubber pipe to make Hara pay for what she did. But then she re-think, should she do it or not. Then Hara screamed something that abely changed any innocent into evil minds. 

"Hee Young is so NAIVE! Haha. A ROCK TOAD!" Hara rolling on the grass. 

 Suddenly, a bucket of cold water was poured harshly on Hara's body. Both Hara and Hee Young was suprised.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING! THAT WAS MY PRANK!!! Well i wasn't going to do it... Whatever! It's my prank!" Hee Young throws a nearby bucket at that mysterious guy closing her eyes.

"HEE YOUNG!!!!!" Hee Young opened her eyes. She saw the bucket is on Hara's head!

"Opss.. So sorry.. I was aiming at.. eh? Where he go?" Hee Young searched for the mysterious guy she saw earlier.

Hara take the bucket off her head. Hara suddenly feel dizzy and she notticed she got a bump on her forehead.

"NO! NOT MY FACE.. HEE YOUNG!!! YOU ARE DEAD!!" Hara stands up and start walking towards Hee Young.

"I can explain.. It wasn't me.. It was.. Hey! Come back here! You have awaken a beast inside of Hara!" Hee Young reversed her steps.

"Come here.. I won't hurt you. Don't you trust me?.." Hara smirked.

"No, thanks... Bye!" Hee Young ran as fast as she can when she got the chance and go straight to her bedroom and locked it in case Hara barge in.

"You owned me a Sper Junior T-shirt! WIMP! Kyunhyun, mianhae~" Hara try to dry herself.



"Gomawo, Mr... YOU? YOU?! IT'S YOU! Is it really you? Hara examine the mysterious person weirdly.

"Hee Young! You better see this!" Hara went inside and shouted for Hee Young to come down.

"What....? I won't come down. You'll kill me." Hee Young voice was heard from her room.

"No... Why would I kill you? You are my sister, my loveable maknae. Saranghaeyo .. Now.. GET OUT FROM THERE AND COME DOWN HERE!!!" Hara persuaded Hee Young to come down.

"I don't believe you. Promise first?" Hee Young still won't come out.

"This stubborn kid.. FINE! DON'T COME DOWN! Eh? Wait.. It's better if she didn't come down... Nevermind! DON'T EVER BOTHER TO COME DOWN OR YOU'LL REAGRET IT!!! Understand, maknae-ya~?" Hara bring the mysterious person to the kitchen.

"Hungry? Come.. I'll cook your favourite dish. Beijing Fried Rice." Hara started to cooks.



 Hara never seems so happy. But today because of this 'person', she is so... nice.. CREEPY...  Then the aroma went into Hee Young's room. She who is busy updating her Blogger, smelled that long-time-never-smell-aroma , she smiled.


"Hmmm... Wait a minute! This is her famous BEIJING FRIED RICE! But she only cooked it when.. SHE IS HOME!!!

SHE IS HOME!!" Hee Young quickly get up and going to the door but then Hara's word popped out from her thought.

"Don't get down OR you'll regret it!..."

"Eeee.. That creepy witch.. Nevermind. There's always tomorrow.I don't want MY pretty face to ruined.." Hee Young changed into her pajamas.


Hee Young turned off the light and went to bed. While Hara is enjoying supper with the mysterious 'person'.

While Mr. and Mrs. Park is out, date to celebrate Mr. Park promotion.

"Should we tell them?" Mrs. Park asked her husbend.

"Later. Now, let's enjoy this night together without the girls." Mr. Park poured plain water into Mrs. Park glass.

"I wonder how he handle the girls.." Mrs. Park forget about it and enjoy her date.

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