

a/n: This fic is partly based on After School Club Ep46 Guest: BTS [Feb 26, 2014] and hinted!Jimin/Kevin for this chapter. For those who might not know, Kevin I'm referring here is Kevin from U-KISS.



“Wow! J-Hope-shi, when did you prepare the performance with Jimin?” Jin asked in his ‘MC mode’ voice.

“Ahh, we always prepared” J-Hope answered cheerfully and flashed his too-bright-to-resist smile.

Then the rest of the live show programme continued. BTS self-praising, BTS being dork, BTS insulting each other, BTS laughing, BTS being embarrassing. So, what’s new BTS?


“Wow, I was really impressed with what you guys prepared!” Kevin said cheerfully. His high-pitched voice proved that. Or maybe not since Kevin always speaks with high-pitched voice.

“Ah, thank you so much!” Rap Monster said and the rest of the members copied him.

“Jimin especially…” Kevin turned his attention to Jimin. Jimin lifted up his face to look Kevin in the eyes. ‘Bad idea, Jimin. Very bad idea’ he thought to himself. “Ah, yes sunbae-nim?”

“…you were really great. You did really well. I was really impressed with your dance performance!” Kevin patted Jimin’s shoulder then his hand moved down to take a grip of Jimin’s arm. He flashed his angelic smile to Jimin.

“Ah, really? Thank you so much, sunbae-nim” Jimin said shyly and bowed to Kevin. Blush crept up Jimin’s cheeks. Whether it was from the compliments he received or Kevin’s delicate hand held his arm, Jimin wasn’t sure.

“Eh, hyung is fine. No need to call me sunbae-nim” Kevin said with that high-pitched voice again. ‘Damn! Kevin’s sunb- no. Kevin’s hyung voice sounds so freaking cute!!’ Jimin thought.

“Alright Kevin hyung” Jimin tested. It felt good on his tongue. He liked it

“Alright, hwaiting Bangtan Sonyeondan!!” Kevin said cheerfully to the rest of the members before leaving.

“Ooh ooh, looks like Jimin caught Kevin’s sunbae attention. Oh wait! Not sunbae anymore but hyung. Kevin hyung” Jungkook teased.

“Yah, Jeon Jungkook!!!” before Jimin could do anything, that brat (Jimin’s pet name for Jungkook) already fled.


“Y’all did well earlier. Let’s have pizza and chicken for dinner” their manager offered as he got into their van.

“Ah Hobeom hyung let’s have sangyeopsal instead” Yoongi tried.

“Know your limit” their manager bluntly said. The members groaned.

“Seongdeuk hyung is better” Yoongi said. Hobeom glared and all of the members were laughing.

“Ahh but I think someone deserve a special treatment” Jungkook started.

“This someone really impressed Kevin hyung” Jungkook nudged Jimin’s arm with his elbow.

“Shut up, you brat!” Jimin spat. He pulled Jungkook in a headlock.

“Oh, oh!! And did you guys see the way Jimin blushed when Kevin hyung touched and complimented him?!” Taehyung joined in.

The whole members were laughing so hard.

“I DID NOT!!!!” Jimin yelled.

“Hey, hey, control your voice. I’m driving here. I can’t be distracted!” Hobeom exclaimed. Seokjin on the shotgun snorted and rolled his eyes.


Thinking about it now, it was true though. The moment Eric sunbae and Kevin hyung... ‘Kevin hyung, huh?’ Jimin’s thought trailed off. He smiled to himself. There it goes again! The blush threatening to crept up his face again. His face heated.

‘Oh god, Jimin what is wrong with you?!! Kevin hyung is just… another hyung. Yes, that’s right!! Get a hold of yourself, Jimin!’ he mentally scolded himself.

He did notice that Kevin had been giving him a little extra attention. During the live show, he noticed how Kevin stealing glances at him from the corner of his eyes, when Jimin was dancing he could hear Kevin cheering on him (thanks to Kevin super high-pitched voice). Jimin smiled to himself. ‘I got him. I got Kevin hyung’ Jimin smiled even wider.

Wait, wait, wait!! For Jimin to realize all these little attention he has been getting from Kevin hyung, he must have been…


“Urghhh” Jimin groaned.


‘I must have been staring at Kevin hyung. A LOT’ Jimin thought to himself. He banged his head on the seat in front of him.

“Is the something wrong, Jimin?” Hoseok asked from his seat in front of Jimin.

“Uh, nothing hyung” Jimin smiled sheepishly. He felt so stupid.

“He probably regretted that he didn’t ask for Kevin’s hyung number before” Jungkook said.

“You say another word, I’ll on everything you love” Jimin warned. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself when he sensed that Jimin was actually serious.


“Uh, by the way Hoseok hyung, thanks for helping me with the choreography and being a part of the performance. It was freaking awesome!”

It was because of the dance performance that Jimin managed to catch Kevin’s attention. So if there’s a person he needs to thank to, then it’s gotta be Hoseok hyung.

“Thank me when you get a date with Kevin hyung” Hoseok teased.




a/n: Hobeom is BTS' manager (if you still can't catch it) and Seongdeuk is BTS' dance teacher. The dance I referred to ^_^

Okay, I know this is a BTS fic and I'm NOT supposed to ship BTS members with any other group as I stated OT7 on the description but I LOVE U-KISS AND I SHIP BANGTANKISS! I CAN'T HELP IT. I'm so sorry if this hinted!Jimin/Kevin offended anyone >n<

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lazy is back..... with two chapters to make it up


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ellinaannisa #1
Chapter 7: i love it..angel hoseok
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 7: That was a beautiful fiction :D well done ;)
Thank you for it and see you~
fangrlxbecky19 #3
For me, the tear-inducing chapter was Rap Monster's. Honestly, though, it seems so hard being a leader, especially with being in the middle in terms of age. I just somehow felt through him.
Jhope is such a sweetheart and it's great to see that he's being recognized. The hint of Vhope, mm yas. <3 This was such a great fic, thanks!
exohowllover #4
nice one......................