Chapter 5 The first encounter

Love or Revenge?

After the limo had pulled up into the school’s car park, it was already 10:30 but to maintain his cool playboy image, Kai didn’t run, instead, he took big steps and dragged his bag on the ground and entered the school building.

The school was quiet because it was already the second period and Kai wandered at the corridor, finding his boring classroom, when he turned a corner, he bumped into someone who dressed very well in an Armani suit, and nicely polished black leather shoes. “Hmm, not bad”, Kai thought, but the person who was bumped didn’t move and Kai pulled up his eyes from those black shiny shoes to the person’s face.

“He was in his late 50s, or maybe early 60s”, Kai thought,”Oh well, that’s not my business”, he shrugged and muttered “Move” to the man, shoved him aside and continued walking until after 5 steps, he heard, a stern “Stop!”, he turned around to see that the man he shoved earlier was the one who was ordering him.

Kai was confused. Nobody in the school ever tells him off for stuff he did. Even if he showed up with 2 models in his arms, the teachers shut up and the students minded their own business. Just who this man was to order him around?

Kai turned around, “Yeah?” he asked, gaining a grunt from the old man who was walking up to him, “Did you just shove me and leave without saying sorry? And could you care to explain why are you wandering at the corridors, when it is time for the lessons?” he asked and glared at him.

Kai sighed, “Another newbie teacher”, he said to himself, took another step towards the man, “So, you must be new here, I guess” he said lazily.

The man replied, “Yes, I’m new here but that doesn’t mean you have any right to talk to your headmaster like that and explain immediately why you are more than 3 hours late to school!!” his voice boomed. And some of the students in classrooms were now glancing at them, and start whispering to each other.

Kai rolled his eyes, “Well, listen to me carefully, Mr. Newbie Headmaster,” his voice was low and dangerous, “I’m Kai and my dad invested his money on building this school, so, in a way, I owned the three third of this godamn school, and I can go anywhere I want and arrive any time I want and I don’t need anyone’s permission or scolding”, he took another step forward and he was very close to the man, who was now looking at him calmly which Kai thought it was strange, all of the staffs in school were on their knees, if Kai warned them in this tone, but this new Head was looking at him like he was some pathetic animal.

“Don’t give me that look, you old man” Kai warned again.

 “You don’t have any right to look at me that way or yell at me in the first place, I owned this place, remember? I’m the boss here and if you feel uncomfortable with this, feel free to quit the job”, he ended, giving the other person, a final violent shove and walked out.

Kyungsoo was at the end of the corridor, witnessing the whole scenario, he waved to his friend furiously until Kai came over, he dumped his bag off the stairs and walked up to his friend, whose eyes were now thrice his normal size. He shrieked, “Why did you throw your bag over the stairs for?! The poor bag has nothing to do with your fight with the new Head!” He flapped his hands like a mad bird, “What if someone actually got hurt by your bag?!!”

Kai scoffed, his best friend was always paranoid about everything, “Chill, dude, did I ever mention that you look like a girl when you do that?” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, “Yes, for the 1000th time, you had told me that and mind you, someone could get injured because of the bag you threw, the velocity and the mass of the bag were very powerful so the acceleration…” Kyungsoo kept on blabbing, Kai looked around to find something to shut him up until Kyungsoo flapped his hands again and yanked him to a dark corner, and said in a low voice,

“Why did you yell at the new Head?! Did you or did you not know who he was?? I tried to wave you to stop, but you didn’t see me!”

Kai was confused, “Why? How am I suppose to know who he was?” he loosened his tie and sighed, “Kyungsoo, if this is about respecting-your- elders-and-seniors-talk, save it, the last thing I want to hear right now is my friend talking to me to have respect to some random staff at school.”

Kyungsoo took a deep breath. “Kai, I know who the man in the photograph was. And brace yourself because this news’s kinda bumpy for you.”

“What is it? Who is he? Come on, Kyungsoo! Spit it out already!” Kai waved his arms desperately.

Kyungsoo gulped, “Kai, the man you shoved earlier was the man we were looking for, your dad’s best friend.”

Kai gulped. Right now everything was silent and all they could hear was a loud thud of Kai’s bag hit something and a soft muttering.

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my very first fanfic! hope u guys enjoy it!


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Chapter 4: This story seriously has got nice plot for real! Waiting for an update, Fighting!
Chapter 1: ooooooo can't waittttt