Chapter 4

Love Me

You came to me, into my heart,

As something more than a friend

Next to you, I  hid my heart,

Hiding behind the friend label



That night Yonghwa invited Joohyun to stay at his house , because he knows at Joohyun’s house she only be more depressed and stressed. Joohyun need peace and he knows in his home Joohyun would be quieter.

"Sleep tight you need a break" Yonghwa said when delivering Joohyun to one guest room at his house.

"If you need anything just call me or my servant, they will definitely serve you well. Good night, sweet dreams" Yonghwa Joohyun's hair and kissed her forehead, before he turned off the light and shut the door and went to his room to rest as well.

Joohyun tried to close her eyes but instead Yonghwa's face appear when he was worried at her at the police station, while in the car Yonghwa hugged her, holding her hand and when Yonghwa kissed her forehead and her hair just now.

"Arghhhh why all of a sudden I became like this . Seo Joohyun it is unusual so forget and think all sorts "

"But I've never felt anything like this with all my ex boyfriends. They can not make up my heart pounding like this. What's wrong with you Seo Joohyun? Jung Yonghwa is your friend, your best friend, ok, friend, friend, friend, friend .... " Joohyun kept repeating that word to calm her and she finally fell asleep

@ @ @ @ @ @

Joohyun woke up when she felt her eyes blinded by the light coming through the bedroom window. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes this morning is Yonghwa who was opening the window curtains and smiling sweetly at her.

"Good morning?"

"Morning oppa" it would be nice if every day that she saw the first time was Yonghwa, that's what Joohyun think .

"Oppa, this early in the morning you're neat, oddly enough. Want to go to the office?

"Yeah I want to go to the office . But this is not morning Joohyun, it's already 11 AM noon"

"MWO?" Joohyun immediately took the phone and looked at the clock it is true is already at 11 AM.

"I do not think I slept for a long time. I think it was at 7 am. Aishhh I wonder why you go to the office in the morning, it 's already noon"

"Yeah I go to office today because my father told me. He will meet with one of his client this afternoon , so he wanted me to come all to teach me how to negotiate with the client, treating clients well"

"I wonder why your father keep doing this, but this time instead of you never noticed? Almost sleep and make your father ashamed in front of the client and employees"

"I do not know. Maybe because for him there is no other choice, I'm the only heir, so he be patient to continue taught me about the business before he actually submit the whole business to me"

"Well there you go fast do not make your father angry. Do not worry about me, I 'll take a break in your house and even then if you're not rid of me"

"Ok. If you need anything just call my maid. Remember do not go anywhere, I will take you home later"

"Ne.... there goes fast, a good boss candidate must arrive on time. Do this for the sake of your mother, be a success for the sake of your mother" Joohyun continue to push Yonghwa out of her room.

"Ok ok ok. Aish your body so smell, go quick shower"

" YA!!!!!!!!!! " Yonghwa ran away before Joohyun threw a pillow to him.

@ @ @ @

Joohyun bored in the room, after she took a shower and ate, now she confused she would do anything. She checked her cell phone and it turns out there are incoming messages and miss call from Minhyuk. Actually Joohyun expects her parents to call her, asked how she was.

"Did they forget that they have a child that’s me Seo Joohyun? I just got arrested by the police last night and I did not come home since last night, why they do not worry about me?"

"Joohyun, Stop don’t crying . This is common, your parents never worried about you? Do not cry over the same thing, your tears are too precious" Joohyun tried to calm herself by talking to herself ..

Joohyun then read the message from Minhyuk

From : Kang Minhyuk

'Where are you ? Why is not picking up your phone and reply to my message since last night? I'm very worried about you.'

Joohyun lazy to reply message from Minhyuk so she put her phone but her phone vibrate and then turns Minhyuk call.


"Where are you? You made me worried, I called your house but your maid said you do not go home"

"Gwenchanayo. There is only a little problem. Sorry I could not call you last night, I was at the police station for driving drunk, but now I'm free"

"Mwoya? Are you okay now? I'm sorry I can not stay overnight, last night you should contact me, I will definitely help you"

"Gwenchanayo. Yonghwa oppa already helped me. Now I was at his house"

"I have to thank to Yonghwa - ssi. Tell me where his house , now I 'll pick you up"

“Do not. I'm comfortable here. I'm sorry , I'm a little tired because of the case last night and I just wanted to rest a little. I'm still afraid to come out”

"Oh well, maintain your healthy body adequate rest. I love you"

"Ne...... "

Joohyun tried to sleep but could not. Finally she went to Yonghwa’s room and sleep on the Yonghwa’s mattress, she inhale the scent of the room and smiled to herself .

"I can smell Yonghwa oppa in this room, I am very familiar with the smell of his perfume very manly at all” Joohyun smiled when she saw in Yonghwa's bedside table, on the table there are two small figura and it is Joohyun photo with Yonghwa on the rooftop of the school when they were still in high school and next to it is a picture of Yonghwa with her ​​mother. Joohyun often go to Yonghwa room and that photograph it never moved, always sweet displayed there. Joohyun once asked Yonghwa why he did not put a photo of his father and why he did not put his girlfriend photo.

"I do not like to put pictures only while that we will change just like that when the person is no longer meaningful to us. I put pictures of you with me and my picture with mother because you are two women who meant so much to my life and will not be replaced. I do not have a good relationship with my father, I hate my father so it is clear why there is no photo of him in my room. And you know by yourself I have never had a long relationship with my girlfriend. I often change girlfriend. In fact I never dating same girl going more than half a year, so it 's useless for me when I put my girlfriend photo in this table but a few weeks or a few months later I had to throw it away because we had broken up and replaced it with a new one when I have a new girlfriend. I do not want to be like that, I'd better not put their photos when in the end I would throw that photo. But you and my mother are very different I can assure you will never be replaced. No one can replace my mother and would not be able to replace you although I have a new friend" Joohyun smiled remembering of Yonghwa lengthy explanation. Joohyun also do the same. She put Yonghwa picture with her in her room. Even her cell phone wallpaper is a photo of her and Yonghwa was wearing mickey mouse headbands. Her boyfriend was jealous why Joohyun not use her boyfriend photo but other people's photos. Joohyun explain Yonghwa is her best friend and he always was at her side when she was having trouble, Yonghwa was like her brother so he does not need to be jealous. But when her boyfriend was angry and kept telling Joohyun to replace her wallpaper, but instead Joohyun decided her relationship with her boyfriend.

DRRRRTTTTT Joohyun’s phone vibrates and turns Yonghwa call

"Yeoboseyo Joohyun - ah"

" Yeoboseyo oppa . The meeting its already finished?"

"Yes though I was a little bored but because my mood is good today so I really pay attention to the meeting today, and it was successful "

"Huwaaa terrific, its because your father or you?"

"Ani. I was just being a good listener, affirming what my father described and smiled sweetly. I think the client fascinated with my good looks so she agreed with my father's business"

“Eyyyy you over confident"

"It’s true Joohyun-ah.  My father client today is the 40 year old woman I think , I guess she was lonely woman who often prey on men in their 20's like me. You know from earlier she often smiled cheekily at me. She thought I was going to a ahjumma? OH NO"

"Oppa you're so funny hahahaha. You're so mean how can you say that about your client, however, she will give you a lot of money for your company"

"I know, and therefore I just smile to her . And you know the real me want to vomit"

"Hahahahaha come on oppa do not talk about it again, watch out there who might hear and if she was upset and cancel business with your father"

"Ok. What are you doing now?"

"I 'm playing in your room"

"There are interesting things in my room?"

" There . Photos at your little table. I absolutely love this photo because it never moves and still with a photo of the same person. Gomawo oppa because you still consider me the most important person in your life"

"Of course Joohyun, you and eomma are the most precious person in my life"

"Really? What about Jooeun - ssi? Why not have her picture here"

" her Photo is in my heart" somehow Joohyun’s heart little sick to hear those words.

"Since when did your heart turn into figura?"

"Aishhh Joohyun - ah. Someday when she married me I would definitely add her picture at that small table, lined with photos eomma and you.

"Ma…Marry? I did not think you were thinking of getting married. And did not you tell me you're just heartbroken because Jooeun just turned you down?"

"I'm always serious with Jooeun. Her speech, manner, attitude, decisiveness, so remind me to eomma. I think eomma is the ideal wife and when I saw Jooeun I really want to get serious with her , marry her" unwittingly Joohyun’s tears dripping hear it.

"... And even though she was rejecting me many times I still want to keep trying, maybe her heart will melt and she will receive my love. Unless she has had no other choice, have another guy then I would stop pursuing her love. But until now she's single, so I do not give up trying"


"Joohyun - ah? Why are you silent?"

"Oh ... aniyo…I…I.. I'm getting sleepy. Sorry oppa I'm going to bed, hoammmmm"

"Tsk, go to sleep. Anyeyong" Joohyun turn off her cell phone, and her tears flowed more profusely. The tears continued to flow but she did not make a sound of crying. She just hit her chest slowly because there was something in her chest and it feels sore. She wets  Yonghwa’s bed with her ​​tears.

"What happened to me God? Why is it very painful? Is it a broken heart?"

"When Minho betrayed and cheated with my friend, it did not hurt like this. In fact I would like to harm them"

"I can not imagine what if Yonghwa oppa and Jooeun really dating. What if oppa will reduce attention to me? I do not want that to happen, I just wanted oppa just one for me "

"What's wrong with me? I used to not like this. I never worry when oppa dating any girl. I've never been jealous with Jooeun. I want to be like before, I do not want to be like this. God please get rid of this special feeling to oppa to disappear. Because really think this is very excruciating"

@ @ @ @ @

Yonghwa go home around 5 pm and when he went into his room he saw Joohyun sleep in his bed. Yonghwa did not have  heart to wake Joohyun so he let her. But Joohyun woke up when she felt like there was someone walking around and when she opened her eyes it turns out Yonghwa.

"Oh Yonghwa oppa you're home"

"Ne , sorry if I woke you up, please sleep again"

"Aniyo. I want to go home now"

"Mwo? Wait a minute, you have to shower and eat first and then go home"

"Aniyo, I 'm going home now. Let me call my driver so he will picked me now"

"Hey Joohyun, why the sudden rush going home? I just got back"

"I want to go home oppa, I miss my room"

"Ok ok ok let's walk you home. You sure do not want to eat first? Or cleanse your face?" Joohyun just shook her head and straight out of the room and Yonghwa followed behind.

While in the car Yonghwa surprised by Joohyun attitude, she was silent and looked towards the window .

"Joohyun-ah waeyo? From the earlier you keep quiet than usual? Are you mad at me? Mainhae"

"Aniyo , I'm just tired and no mood to talk. All I want now is to go home and rest in my room"

"Sure you did nothing? you got me worried. Did you meet with the wife of my father and she said something that hurt you?"

"Aniyo, I do not even know if she's home. After eating I immediately went into the room and not come out"

"Oh thank goodness I thought she was bothering you before" After arriving at her house Joohyun directly out of the car and say thank you and went into her house. Yonghwa surprised by the coldness Joohyun but he was not too think about that.

@ @ @ @

Joohyun try to avoid Yonghwa and often come out with Minhyuk. She thought if she was a bit distant with Yonghwa her ​​feelings for Yonghwa then be reduced, but quite the opposite. She missed Yonghwa, whatever Minhyuk do will remind her on Yonghwa. Minhyuk is good person but Joohyun not feel as comfortable as when she was with Yonghwa. Minhyuk could not make Joohyun laugh out loud . And when Minhyuk holding her hand she not feels anything. Joohyun finally decided to end her relationship with Minhyuk, she can not fool herself, she does not love Minhyuk and will never be able to love Minhyuk. It's better she does not continue her relationship with Minhyuk because it would only hurt her because she had lied her own feeling. Joohyun wonder to herself since she is concerned with her feelings when in love? During this time she was not thinking about whether she loves him or not, when she was attracted to a man then she will undergo a casual relationship with a not too serious, just for fun. But this time it all changed.

Knock knock knock  Joohyun opened the door and was surprised to see Yonghwa standing in front of her door and then suddenly hugged her

"I miss you, you're too busy with your new boyfriend to forget me. I do not want to hear the word no, just today you shall be with me, if you have an appointment with anyone abort" Yonghwa release his arms and went into the room without permission from Joohyun. Joohyun still stunned not think that Yonghwa is now in front of her. She was very happy when Yonghwa hugged her, she wanted to cry. But she had to hold her feelings in front of Yonghwa.

"Is Minhyuk  more interesting than me so during this week you prefer go with him instead of me?"

"I think so"

"YA!! Joohyun you are so mean to me. Did I make a mistake to you until you're upset and ignoring me? Mianhae though I do not know what my fault, but please forgive me and tell me my fault so I will not repeat it again" Joohyun smiled because Yonghwa apology. That's what she likes from Yonghwa. He will always apologize to her even though it was not his fault.

"Do you think I'm ignoring you lately?"

"Of course. This does not sound like you"

"I just want to spend a lot of time with Minhyuk, because during this time I frequently ignore him. Why you do not go with the others when I can not accompany you? With Jooeun maybe?"

"I wanted to be with you instead of another. Although Jooeun eat with me but if my heart actually want to eat with you, of course it's different because in front of me not Joohyun instead the other girl so still I feel lonely"

"Mianhae oppa , this day let us go wherever you want "

"I wanna clubbing, what if we going to club all nights, dancing, drinking together and insanely together as we normally do"

"Ne. Oh btw, the truth is I 've broken up with Minhyuk 2 days ago"


"Your reaction just like that? You don’t ask me why?"

"Your reason is almost certainly the same as before, you're already bored with him?"

"Tsk, that's true. He was good but a bit boring"

"We'll see who the next Seo Joohyun victim"

"You" and they laughed together. Joohyun miss moments like this. Indeed, only Yonghwa can make her laugh, smile. Yonghwa can give happiness who could not to her parents give to her.

@ @ @ @ @

This morning Joohyun little surprised because his parents had breakfast together and they wait Joohyun to eat with them. The atmosphere is a little awkward because they are not used to eat together like this. But in her little heart Joohyun very happy because finally she could feel breakfast  together with her parents complete.

" Joohyun- ah we want to talk and this is very important"

"Ne...what Appa?"

"You are our only daughter. You are going to carry on our business. We realize you're still not too experienced, and to be honest we were worried you will be deceived by Your business associates later, because the real business world is extremely cutthroat. You can not trust anyone because your friend or someone your trust can be betrayed"

"... And therefore we strive introduce you to someone who can help you in running our business in the future. He was superb, and we believe this person is apt for you" Joohyun Mom then give Joohyun a photo.

"His name is Lee Jonghyun. His parents have electronics company. He is still young but already can help develop his parents business. Now they are expanding their business in the field of marine transportation services of goods.  They have some of the cargo ship to transport the goods to a particular destination country"

"... tonight we will invite the Lee family dinner with us at this house. Eomma ask you not to go out today. You should dress and behave pretty well"

"You want to introduce me to Lee Jonghyun-ssi so that he could teach me how to take care of your business or you are planning to hook me up with him?"

"You're really smart Joohyun-ah, you know our goal actually"

"I do not want"

"I do not care, you still have to do what we want. It's for your own good"

"It's for you. You just want your business to unite with Lee's family business. You greedy, your money already have no end and why you still want to unite your business with the Lee family business in a way to hook me up with Lee Jonghyun-ssi?"

"Keep your words Joohyun-ah. We are not greedy, this is for the sake of your future. You will experience all of this, one day you will thank us"

"No, I will only regret of my life and will continue to blame you over my life that will never be happy"

"Do not argue. What is your gratitude to eomma who already had born you? What is this ' gratitude that have given us all these luxuries? You know how many kids out there who are jealous of you and want to replace you as the daughter Seo Chansoo and Lee YoungMi"

"I did not ask to be born in the Seo family"

"JOOHYUN . you've Exhausted my patience, do not argue and obey our command do not make me use a rough way to you"

"You are evil. You do not think of me as a child but think of me as a robot" Joohyun ran straight to her room and cry. She hated her parents and she is more hated herself because she could not resist the words of her parents, because in the end she is a robot who will do whatever her parents command.


Note : I'm still waiting comments from all of you. thank you

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citra838 #1
Chapter 7: update soon please authornim......
Pinkponk #2
Chapter 7: I still wait for ur update authornim... Plss updateeee.. . T_______T
breeranisar #3
update author plz
Thank u for you all who wait this story. I'm sorry my laptop was broke and I dont know when it'll fix. But i'm not forget/give up with this story
Pinkponk #5
Authornim.. Update please... Please....
iLuvgogumaYS #6
Chapter 7: Please update soon..
loveyong #7
Chapter 7: Love love love love this ff...
2thumbs for you thor...
update soon. Please
I can't wait to next chapter
ela2807 #8
Authornim,,do you still remember this story??? Because I do. Please update...
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
mmmm...authornim you give up with this already ?:(

I miss this story, update soon please !
ayasdfgghjkl #10
Chapter 7: Looking forward .. Please update soon authornim ..