Chapter 1

Love Me

Rich , arrogant , heartless , playboy and playgirl , love to party , clubbing . That's what was in people mind when hear the name "Seo Joohyun" and "Jung Yonghwa" . Seo Joohyun is the only daughter of a successful businessman Seo ChanSoo, he is the owner of the hotel "Treasure" the number one hotel in Korea, and has a dozen branches spread throughout Korea. While her mother is Lee Youngmi also has dozens of boutiques scattered throughout Korea. What a great couple how lucky they’re kids, that's probably will people think, but not for Joohyun. Being the only daughter of Seo ChanSoo and Lee Youngmi is regret for her, she does not want to be born as their child, if she were to choose a way of life. Seo ChanSoo and Lee YoungMi arranged marriage by their parents when they were aged 25 years, of course they do not love each other but can not do anything against the command of their parents except obey. That is why there is no romance in their marriage, except in front of the camera at a party or gathering of chaebol then they will turn into a romantic couple, hand in hand throughout the event inseparable, but when they got home and back to the car then they will be cold as if dont know each other, busy with their respective gadgets and no small talk as well as at home, are all busy themselves and that's what makes Joohyun hate to be their daughter, hated the atmosphere of the house, because the house like hell ,no smile, happy, laughter, and no one noticed asked how she was.

@ @ @ @ @

While Jung Yonghwa is the son of Jung Taekyung and Kim Pilsook.  Jung Taekyung has more than 20 malls, namely J mall is not only in Korea but in other Asian countries like Hongkong, Japan and Singapore. His mother named Kim Pilsook she has a hospital in Seoul ,she is a doctor and is very well known for charity work, helping those who can not afford, eliminate hospital costs for patients who can not afford, but she pass away when Yonghwa 13 year old, and it is tough year for Yonghwa, people he loved so much already leave him forever. 5 months later his father remarried to former model Ryu Nami, and Yonghwa hate her, he does not ever want to calls Nami with mom, even call imo or ahjumma he does not want to, he prefers to call her Miss Ryu or Mrs. Jung for sarcas, no matter his father will angry to him even his father would slap him when his father think Yonghwa was already outrageous and disrespectful to his stepmother, but it is increasingly making Yonghwa hates his stepmother even hated his father as well , and be a rebel .

@ @ @ @ @

Jung Yonghwa 24 years and Seo Juhyun 22 years, they are friends and know each other since childhood, of course their friendship started by their parents. As the chaebol as the employers of course their parents know each other, their parents often invite them to the party of the chaebol and other events, and there he met her the first time they start their friendship .

Flashback -14 years ago –

Joohyun very bored with this party, she was fed up with the pretense that her parents to be romantic, spoke softly once in a while even her father kissed her mother forehead and cheeks make people who see it envy of the intimacy of their family, even her parents suddenly become parents that concern to her, feed her and talk to her gently her hair once in a while even if it's real then she would cry happy be the happiest kid in the world, but the contrary she sees only pretense. Can noot endure with this "drama" Joohyun opt out and breathe the fresh night air.


“Huh” Joohyun immediately turned around when she heard an unfamiliar voice that seemed to

speak to her

"You're talking to me" she asked innocently

"Tsk, Of course, no one else here besides you? You think I'm talking to a ghost?"

"Aish , I asked well why you give cynical answer" Joohyun back turned and re- breathe fresh night air to refreshing her soul, ignoring the boy whose name she did not know.

Yonghwa then approached Joohyun and patted her shoulder softly .

"Hey sweet girl, I'm talking to you why are you ignoring me?" Joohyun just raised her eyebrows, surprised with this boy's personality, some minutes ago he become cynical and now speaks softly, Joohyun ignore it.

"My name is Jung Yonghwa. Who are you?" Yonghwa held out his hand, and Joohyun just looked at her.

"Aish, why are you slow. I repeat once again. My name is Jung Yonghwa. What is your name sweet girl?" Yonghwa pulled slowly Joohyun’s hand, as already impatient with the girl in front of him.

"Seo Joohyun"

"A good name. You have not answered my question. Are you bored?"

"Very bored, better I sleep at home or playing with my doll than to attend a party for adults like

this. No toys for kid like me, so why should my parents to take me"

"Maybe they wanted to introduce us to their world, as this is what we do when we are adult, and maybe also to introduce each other to their friends, and find our friends from among them"

"I do not like" Joohyun replied, pursing her lips , and Yonghwa smiled.

"I do not like either. Because I do not understand what the adults are actually talking about. But I'm trying to enjoy it, and hope I will find my best friend when my parents took me to a party like this"

"Did you find it?"

“Not yet, but I 'll have one if you want to be my friend"

"Yonghwa ..." "Joohyun ..." shouted simultaneously when their parents find them .

" Joohyun-ah, there you are , eomma and Appa worried when you disappeared, we do not want anything bad to happen to yo"

'Is it true you are worried? Since when? Is this definitely one of  the pretense from you again' asks Joohyun in her heart .

"Oh Yonghwa-ya, eomma just know if  you know the daughter of Mr. Seo"

"Oh aniyo, we just got to know each other "

"Oh Mr. and Mrs. Jung how are you? Long time no see. I heard that you will expand your business mall in the area of Europe?"

" Hello Mr. and Mrs. Seo, the business world sometimes take a lot of the time make us stressful but I enjoy it. About malls in the area of Europe, it was only just a plan , a long-term project" they took their child into the building and both parents speak even this further , ranging

from business , politics and economics in Korea to the education of their children, while

Yonghwa and Joohyun not understand what they are talking about and prefer to taste the food and conversation around them, this is the beginning of their friendship.

@ @ @ @ @ @ @

Joohyun sometimes jealous of Yonghwa, when Yonghwa talk about their parents, they care for him, his father who always accompany him to school while his mother would pick him to school. Even his parents are busy, but they always make sure that when breakfast and dinner the three of them would get together and eat together at the dinner table. His father would occasionally invite him around to the malls that they had and his mother will also bring him to the hospital, taught him to be thankful because God gave him health, God gave him the whole family, because not everyone can have a fate like him, even there when was a child, the child must be experiencing chronic illness, can not play with friends at his age, because when they are tired then they will relapse disease, their days will be spent in the hospital or just playing with nurse just can sleep or sit facing the other children play.

"You have parents who love you oppa , do not like me "

"Hey do not say like that, there are parents who are not fond of their children , maybe

they are just busy with their work, so there is no time to play with you, but believe me they love you"

"You do not understand. They do not care about me, I who experienced it, you can say that because you did not experience what I experienced" Joohyun then stood up and ran out of irritation .

“Joohyun-ah, do not run, I'm sorry  I'm just trying to think positive, do not be angry" Yonghwa ran after Joohyun but she still does not want to hear.

"Joohyun-ah please stop, you're going to fall if kept running" Joohyun kept running and did not look around, she tripped over a stone and fell. Yonghwa went to her and check her knee which bleeding.

"I told you not to run, you do notlisten . I'm sorry if my words hurt you" Yonghwa blew her knee hoping the pain will go away, he then took tissue and gently cleanse the blood in her knee.

"Aw aw" said Joohyun in pain

"Hold on a minute Joohyun. Let me take you home, I will give you medicine in your home"



"No oppa, this is just a small wound soon healed well. I do not want to go home ,I hate m house , I want to play in this park with you "

"All right. Once again I'm sorry"

"Gwenchana. But what I say was true, my parents did not love me, they are only concerned with business and money. They did not take me to school, they never asked me to the hotel or boutique that they have, we do not knick eat together, and we never had a vacation together, if I wanted went vacarion in holiday they’re busy nd instead told the driver and Hwang ahjumma who nursed me from childhood to go vacation with me wherever I want." Joohyun Tears flowed, and Yonghwa remove the ttears with his palm and he pulled Joohyun in his arms, trying to calm her, but joohyun even more crying, and he let her.

"the..the.. they do not even hug me like this when I was crying. When My puppy died when hit by a car and I cried, they don’t hugged me like this, they do not care, even Appa scolded me because I could not keep my puppy so I do not know when he's out the gate of our house and got hit by car, and even eomma forbade me to adopt any pets after that"

"Sshhhhh, do not be sad anymore, if your parents do not care about you, remember that you have me who care about you, that will take you to play, will take care you  of the bad kids that bother you, will not make you cry. I'll help you with your homework. If your parents never ask you how was your school, then I would ask you every day. So please do not be sad, because you have me" Joohyun detach herself from his embrace and erase her tears with her hand , she then smiled.


"Promise. Eomma taught me not to promise if you can not keep. But I will keep this promise, so I beg you do not cry anymore" Joohyun nodded and hugged Yonghwa back .

Yonghwa then accompany Joohyun home while holding her. They play in the park near Joohyun’s  house. Since their first meeting, they become familiar with each other, they often play together, their parents not forbid them, because their parents already know each other and are happy if their children can be friends. They are both the only child in their families so their parents realize they need a friend. Sometimes Yonghwa will ask the driver to drive him to her home or Joohyun who asked her driver to drive her to his home. Their house is not too far, just 20 minutes journey by car .

@ @ @ @

Yonghwa was always proud of his parents, he always wanted to be like his father, a successful businessman but was very fond of his wife and children and always took time to be with his family. He has a dream when he's all grown up he wants to build a family like this, he wants to find a wife like his mother, he never heard or saw his parents fight. And for the first time he heard his parents yelling at each other. In fact, he saw with his own eyes his mother cried for the first time and  he did not see his father tried to hug her. His father still speaks with a loud voice made ​​his mother cry more. He hated this scene, he ran and locked himself in his room and covered his ears with his ​​hands, even play music with loud voice because he did not want to hear his parents quarreling.

Since their first quarrel, his parents never eat together again, sometimes he'd eat himself only accompanied by mais who is ready to serve. His mother would accompany him to eat together when his mother was not busy, or help Yonghwa with his homework, but not with his father. His father is now busy themselves. Yonghwa felt his father did not care about him. His father never accompany him go to school again. Every day he always listens to his parents quarrel, he hated his father because he make his mother cry. During this time his mother never cried, always smiling, happy, and he hated because people who made his mother cry even his own father, who are supposed to protect her, eliminating her tears rather than hurt her. Yonghwa did not know what caused his parents quarrel, he did not dare to ask her mother and her mother certainly would not tell him, she would be unremarkable as Yonghwa did not know that they fight every day. Yonghwa can feel what Joohyun feels. He was not one to complain, cry, but in front of Joohyun he felt free, he can tell anything to Joohyun, crying in front of her and even tells about his parents quarrel, because he had to believe her.

"Oppa, what's wrong? Is there a problem in your school?" Yonghwa sighed and looked to Joohyun

"Now You no longer have to envy me Joohyun-ah. I do not have a happy family again, I do not have parents who will accompany me all the time, I hate my house, I can feel what you feel"
"What do you mean?"

"Appa and eomma now always a fight every day. Appa always come home late at night so he would not have time to eat dinner with us, and the next morning Appa will leave early to the office even before I left for school. Every night they would fight, maybe they think I've slept since Appa always come home at night, but their voices when arguing so loud that I could not sleep" Joohyun hugged Yonghwa.

"You got me oppa, do not let us dissolve in grief because our parrents will not care, let's have fun, enjoy life"

"You're right. But I'm sorry to eomma, I can not bear to see her cry. Every morning her eyes are always swollen from crying. Now her body became a little thinner, eomma rarely eat. When ahe ate with me, she will only eat a little bit"

"Even though your parents quarrel but Pilsook ahjumma still took time for you, still care about you, that's why you love her so much.  But my mother? She did not care of me, and even though Appa and eomma have a fight, but I do not see eomma cry. Usually when they have a fight they will get out or  even vacation, totally ignored me. And I was tired to care for them, so from now on I will not cry anymore, I want to enjoy my life, I'll go wherever I want, to buy whatever I want, to spend their money. I'm sad because it's useless, because however much I spend tears, my family will not be happy, so I'll look for other pleasures because they could not give me happiness."

"You're right Joohyun-ah. I'd better look for happiness with wasting their money. Do not they work for their children? for us. Than on their money they spend it on someone else, for that women.."

"That woman? Who oppa? Your father affair?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"I'm just guessing, because that's what my parents did. Appa and eomma has another girlfriends and boyfriend and they usually buy their girlfriends boyfriends were expensive goods"

"I do not know for sure, but when I heard my parents quarrel eomma said 'Leave that woman does not know shame’. Eomma even calling her a . And Appa ....... slap Eomma, then he go some where. And I hate myself because I can not protect eomma"

@ @ @ @ @

Yonghwa mother weakly, his mother sick, and had to be taken to hospital. Doctors told his mother have lung disease. Yonghwa always accompany his mother in the hospital, but his father was busy he rarely see his mother in the hospital. Every now and then his father came to the hospital but 15 minutes later his father would go. Joohyun even more often visited his mother than his father . After finished her school Joohyun will go to hospital, give support and entertaining Yonghwa and his  mother .

"Ahjumma , you have to recover. In order to accompany Yonghwa again. You also need to help your patient to recover, many people out there need your help. Please ahjumma get well soon." Pilsook wept hier tears but smiled.

"Ahjumma why are you crying? Maianhaeyo if my words hurt you. Do not cry ahjumma. Yonghwa oppa will hate me,  if I make you cry"

"No, Joohyun-ah, this tears of joy. Ahjumma happy because Yonghwa can find a friend like you, you're very concerned with Yonghwa was like your brother  Please continue to keep you up to a great friendship. And look after Yonghwa even when I'm not here"

"Eomma, what are you talking about? You're not going to go anywhere. You'll live to see me grow up, you will come in my graduation ceremony, you will see me success. I want to be a doctor like you, I want to save many lives as you did, and you will see it. So please healed me eomma" Yonghwa crying and hugging his mother. His mother also could not hold back her tears. Joohyun who saw the scene before her could not hide her tears. Pilsook then pulled Joohyun’s small hand and hugged heras well, the three of them hugging and crying, not wanting to let go of their arms.


Over 2 years Pilsook back and forth to hospital, the disease frequently relapses, and her body is getting weaker and thinner. She retired early to become a doctor since 2 years ago, but still frequently visit the hospital and doing charity work. Until that night at Yonghwa parents wedding anniversary the 14 years, they plans to celebrate at their house. They wait for his father to come but his father did not come. His mother tried to call his father but his cell phone inactive. But she still smiled and told him

"Wait a minute, your father must have come, he had promised. Maybe he was on his way" Yonghwa just smile and pretend to believe, even though in his heart he is pessimistic his father will come .

'maybe he was with that woman now' he said to himself. He wanted to sleep, he is not have passion to celebrate his parents wedding anniversary, but he was willing to wait for his mother.

They waited, an hour, 2 hours  3 hours ... His mother started coughing again.

"You must sleep eomma, I'll wait for appa, eomma rest first, then if Appa comes I ll wake you"

"Gwenchana. My throat only dry. Perhaps because of earlier eomma not drink anything. After drinking eomma sure the cough is gone" His mother still coughing. Yonghwa brought her a blanket, but still the cough is getting harder  even Yonghwa saw blood on her hand. He started to panic and tried to find his maid to bring his mother to the hospital, but his mother forbids.

"Yonghwa-ya . No need ….. gwenca ... " His mother then passed out when going over to Yonghwa. With his body he tried to keep his body from falling to the floor.

"Eomma, eomma, eomma wake up Please .... HELP, take my mother to the hospital" Yonghwa shouted for help, and several maid and driver approached Yonghwa and surprised to see their employer passed out with a bloody mouth. They immediately took her mother to the hospital, and Yonghwa could not stop crying all the way to the hospital. At the hospital Yonghwa tried contacting his father but still inactive. 1 hour later doctor Kim out of the room with a grim face

"Yonghwa-ya mianhae"

"NO…NO…NO.. I do not want to hear another speech unless eomma already aware, eomma cured" Yonghwa running backwards, he did not like what the doctor Kim will say"

"Yonghwa-ya mianhae, we've done our best but could not save the lives of your mother" he said softly , but Yonghwa could hear it .

"ANDWE .................. " Yonghwa shouted hysterically crying eyes out and shut his ears in the hospital. Hisdriver hug him from behind, held him to run, to calm him down, but Yonghwa even cry.

"Doryeonim, brace yourself ,your mother will be sad to see you like this"

" Park Kyungsan-ssi better I die, eomma gone, my life is ruined"

"Doryeonim please do not talk like that " Park Kyungsan cry with Yonghwa. He has worked in this family before Jung Yonghwa was born. And he watched Yonghwa growth of infants until now. Yonghwa has always been a good boy, full of laughter, he never treated his made  rude, he was very fond of Yonghwa and see his doryeonim become hysterical like this  making his heart broken.

Yonghwa walked into the room, opened the blanket that covers his mother body, and he could not hold back his tears when he saw his mother is no longer alive, his mother had left him forever.

"Eomma why did you leave so soon? I can not live without you. Appa ignored me he would not care for me. Eomma sorry I could not protect you, can not take care of you, I'm sorry, I can only be silent when Appa hurt you" Yonghwa wiping his tears, and out of the room. He then took his cell phone and tried to call the only person who could calm him down at a time like this


"Yeoboseyo oppa .. what happen? It was at 2 am"

"Eomma .. eomma already ... leave me .. she's gone forever "

" What? what do you mean , where are you now?"

" I was in the hospital Joohyun-ah "

Tut tut tut Yonghwa end his call and Joohyun deadly silent staring at hercell phone. She then ran knock her parents room.

"Eomma .. Appa , Eomma.. Appa wake up "

"YA! Joohyun-ah what happen?"

"Take me to the hospital now. Pilsook ahjumma .. pass.. away"

" MWO? Wait a minute eomma and appa would change clothes  You hurry to change clothes

do not forget to bring your jacket”

When she arrived at the hospital , Joohyun hugged Yonghwa who sitting alone. They cried together  No words just the two of them cries could be heard.

@ @ @ @

Pilsook’s body was brought at the funeral home in the morning, that's when Jung Taekyung came and ran and cried in front of her casket.

"Pilsook-ah, mianha . Please do not leave me. We must raise Yonghwa together, we will holiday together. Pilsook - ah, do not leave me" Taekyung crying and trying to touch her ​​face.

"Do not touch my mother. Keep your filthy hands off of my mother"

“oppa .. " Joohyun said softly as she pulled his shirt  Joohyun never left Yonghwa since in the hospital.

"My son, why are you so heartless to Appa . Mianhae, last night could not accompany you, appa really busy" Taekyung tried to approach but Yonghwa dodge .

"Do not touch me. You're a killer .. You kill…my mother"

"And do not ever come to mother's funeral today, you were not there when my mother was dying, you were made ​​ mothers suffering from this, so do not ever dare to attend the funeral of my mother, take care of your ‘work’ it's important"

- End of Flashback –

Do you remember how you and I were so young and small?

We were always together, do you remember our friends who were jealous of us?


You held my small hand and protected me, always smiling only at me

Baby, we didn’t know back then, we were too young



Note: I was inspired to write this FF when I listen to the song "So Long" from Apink. I intend to make one shoot but it turns out becoming chaptered. Do not forget to comment, so let me know there are people who like my FF or not, so please give your comments. Hope you liked my story, and sorry if there is typo or grammar error.

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citra838 #1
Chapter 7: update soon please authornim......
Pinkponk #2
Chapter 7: I still wait for ur update authornim... Plss updateeee.. . T_______T
breeranisar #3
update author plz
Thank u for you all who wait this story. I'm sorry my laptop was broke and I dont know when it'll fix. But i'm not forget/give up with this story
Pinkponk #5
Authornim.. Update please... Please....
iLuvgogumaYS #6
Chapter 7: Please update soon..
loveyong #7
Chapter 7: Love love love love this ff...
2thumbs for you thor...
update soon. Please
I can't wait to next chapter
ela2807 #8
Authornim,,do you still remember this story??? Because I do. Please update...
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
mmmm...authornim you give up with this already ?:(

I miss this story, update soon please !
ayasdfgghjkl #10
Chapter 7: Looking forward .. Please update soon authornim ..