Not an update

Boy School Craziness

I am so sorry for not updating for so long ><

I was studying and my final exam are coming T^T

So sorry ! T^T

I will update soon enough :D



OH BTW !!!!

There's a new fanfic that is written by friend which is the Super Junior Version of this story ! :D

Well, the story will have a little bit similarity but not completely same because i have add my own idea in this story :D

That story is written by me and the author and few other friends.

It was original one and this story is a changed version of that :D

So, if you're bored of waiting this story, you can go and read that first :D

Here's the link ! ^^


Okay =) I will end my promotion XD

And wait for my further update ! :D

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@BlueBlossom hehe ^^ I love them too XD Hahaha ~<br />
@siti_nktc Haha ^6 Glad that you like it XD Keke ! they go to camp, you're the one excited XD So cute =P<br />
<br />
Kamsahamnida for commenting !^^
I see Jo twin moment...*overload happiness*<br />
camp...omo! why i'm the one that feel really excited..xD<br />
seriously..can't handle my excitement....*going crazy*
BlueBlossom #3
hahaha like the jo twins they r sooo0oooooooo00ooooooo~~~~ cute~~~
@siti_nktc Lol ^^ I wanted to see the cloth hanger flying fox too ! XD Hahaha xD
i thought they going to do something bad to Jae....<br />
go go camp....<br />
younggie...go go flying fox...^^<br />
BlueBlossom #6
yup~~<br />
well, update soon
@BlueBlossom Haha ! :D Luckily all my chapter are short :D
wiko_skY #8
you know your story kinda related to a anime -> Ouran High school xD
BlueBlossom #9
wao love it new reader here i read all of ur chapter with out caring of time<br />
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
@siti_nktc Lol ! >< Really creepy? >< I don't know write scary stories so it might a little but thanks ! XD Hehe ^^