Black out

Boy School Craziness

“Yay!! Jae Jae!! Let’s go and play!!!” Minwoo happily jumping up and down in front of your table.


“Huh?! Aren’t we having class now?!” You stared at him.


“1…. 2…. 3….!”




“Finish class!!” Minwoo clapped his hand excitedly.


“Hah?! We just started class, aren’t we?!” You still stared at him disbelief.


“Let’s go” The twins said together and both of them grabbed your arms and lifted you up.


“Go go go!!!” Six of them marched out happily while lifting you out.


You all passed by a notice board before reaching the canteen.


“Hey guys! Look here!” Jeongmin shouted  out.


All of them walked backwards back like the CD being rewind.


“Yeh?” Donghyun look at Jeongmin and then to the notice he looking at.


“Are you adventurous?” You just read it out loud.




“Are you seeking for fun?”




“Do you feel you are a man?”




“Do you think you are handsome?” Jeongmin cut in.


“YES!!” Donghyun said loudly.


“Are you charming?” Jeongmin continued.


“YES!!!!!!!” Donghyun replied with the speed of lightning.


“Are you stupid?”


“YESSSS!!”Donghyun answered again.


The group burst out in laughter. Donghyun still not realize it.


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! STUPIDDDDDD!!!!” Jeongmin laughed uncontrollably.


“YAHHH!!” Donghyun want to grab Jeongmin’s collar but failed because he manage to get away and started to run.


“YAHH!!! STOP AT WHERE YOU ARE!!!” Donghyun shriek while chasing him.


“STUPIDD!!!” Jeongmin stuck out his tongue and run for his life.


They continue chasing and running meanwhile the others are looking at the notice.


“Hmm… Wanna join?” Hyunseong looked at you and the twins.


“Yes yes yes!!!” Minwoo jumping at there, agreeing.


“Not asking you” Hyunseong pushed Minwoo’s face away.


“How about you?” Kwangmin asked Youngmin.


“Do you want it?” Youngmin asked Kwangmin back.


“Well… I can’t decide…” Kwangmin poking his finger tip together, thinking.


“Kwangmin…” Youngmin lifted up Kwangmin’s chin.


“Ne…?” Kwangmin slightly blushed while looking at his twins innocently.


“You’re so cute when you’re thinking…” Youngmin caressed Kwangmin’s hair while gazing deeply into his eyes.


“Really…?” Kwangmin shyly asked.


“Yes….” Youngmin answered.


Minwoo and you looking at them intently.


“Stop!!” Hyunseong hand cut of their gaze.


“Why are you so mean?” Youngmin glare at Hyunseong.


“Hyunseong! Hyunseong! Hyunseong!” Minwoo shakes his hand vigorously.


“Stop! Stop!” Hyunseong stopped Minwoo.


“Hyunseong! Hyunseong! Let’s try what they do just now!” Minwo continuously shaking his hand.


“YAHH!!” Hyunseong shouted at him.


He got frightened and his eyes start to get teary.


“What do you think Woo Jae?” Kwangmin politely asked your opinion.


“I am okay with it” You just replied him with a smile.


“REALLY?!” Minwoo get excited again.


“Yes….” You answered him, wondering how he can change his emotion so fast.


“YAYY!!!” Minwoo jumped on you.


“Ahhhh!!!!” Jeongmin shouted from behind.


You turned around and Jeongmin run towards you. He then hide behind you while Minwoo still clinging on your body.


“YAH BABO!!!” Donghyun running towards you with full speed.


He is going to knock you down and yes, he couldn’t brake and bumped on you. Jeongmin moved away immediately when you fall and your head hit on the ground with Minwoo’s weight. Your sight blurred and at last the last thing you saw is 6 guys crowd around you.



Another chapter at last T^T

And i know it's not really fun

So sorry cause my homework overloads me T^T

I couldn't think straight T^T

So hope you all like it :D


Enjoy the story and comments are most welcomed ^^~

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@BlueBlossom hehe ^^ I love them too XD Hahaha ~<br />
@siti_nktc Haha ^6 Glad that you like it XD Keke ! they go to camp, you're the one excited XD So cute =P<br />
<br />
Kamsahamnida for commenting !^^
I see Jo twin moment...*overload happiness*<br />
camp...omo! why i'm the one that feel really excited..xD<br />
seriously..can't handle my excitement....*going crazy*
BlueBlossom #3
hahaha like the jo twins they r sooo0oooooooo00ooooooo~~~~ cute~~~
@siti_nktc Lol ^^ I wanted to see the cloth hanger flying fox too ! XD Hahaha xD
i thought they going to do something bad to Jae....<br />
go go camp....<br />
younggie...go go flying fox...^^<br />
BlueBlossom #6
yup~~<br />
well, update soon
@BlueBlossom Haha ! :D Luckily all my chapter are short :D
wiko_skY #8
you know your story kinda related to a anime -> Ouran High school xD
BlueBlossom #9
wao love it new reader here i read all of ur chapter with out caring of time<br />
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
@siti_nktc Lol ! >< Really creepy? >< I don't know write scary stories so it might a little but thanks ! XD Hehe ^^