Knowing all of you

Boy School Craziness

-Yawn- “Don’t shout” He blocked your mouth.


“You-you are h-human?” You removed his hand and asked while stuttering.


“Yah Donghyun! You fall asleep again?!” The brown hair guy asked him.


“If we are tired, we sleep right?” The red hair guy yawned and say.


“Pig” The brown hair guy said and then look at you.




“I didn’t see you before here. New student?” The brown hair guy ignored the guy named Donghyun and asked you.


“Yes….” You still feel perplexed.


“My name is HyunSeong, nice to meet you” He introduce himself.


“Hi! I am Donghyun!” The red hair guy flip his hair and introduce himself too.


“Annyeonghaseyo.. My name is Woo Jae” You told them.


“Which class are you in?” Hyunseong asked you out of curiosity.


“Erm… Class 3B” You’re still not in the right state.


“Oh?! You’re so lucky to be in the same class with me, the prince charming of this school!” Donghyun’s face shining brightly while he said that.


“Don’t make me vomit out my breakfast please. Come On Woo Jae” Hyunseong mocked Donghyun and drag you away.


----* At the hallway of a building *----


“Our class is at the third floor, the third classroom” Hyunseong lead you to your class meanwhile dragging the sleepy DongHyun along.


“Ohh… Okay….” You tried to recognize it.


Then, you saw someone running towards all of you.


“Hyunseong~~~~!!!!!!!!” The guy run towards your direction while shouting.


“Oh.My.God.” Donghyun’s eyes widened when he saw that guy.


That guy reached your spot and jump on Hyunseong happily.


“Hyunseong!!” He then hug him tightly.


Hyunseong tried hard to get him off.


“Let me gooo” Hyunseong’s face become redder and redder.


“Hyunseong! Hyunseong! Hyunseong!” He hug him tighter and tighter.


Hyunseong then hit Donghyun’s arm, asking him for help.


“Yah No Min Woo! Get your down or I rip your ” Donghyun harshly pulled him down.


“Ouchh!! Pain~~!!!” That guy whined when he fall down to the floor.


You stunned at there looking at them. Hyunseong catching his breathe meanwhile the guy named Minwoo still at there whining. Then, you walk towards Hyunseong and softly pat his back, to make him feel better.


“Who are you?! Are you the one snatching my Hyunseong away?!” You didn’t notice he stopped whining and Minwoo looked at you with very scary eyes.


“Ah-h?! A-ni-yo” You was so scared.


“Yah yah yah! Donghyun pushed him away.


“Really?! Okay!!” He happily hooked arm with Hyunseong.


“Oh by the way! My name is Minwoo! How about you?!” He asked you.


“Annyeonghaseyo.. My name is Woo Jae” You introduce yourself.


“Ooooohhh! Jae Jae!! You’re cute!” He complimented you.


“Kamsa – “


“Hello guys!” A voice greeted from behind.


“Oh annyeong” Donghyun greeted them.


“Minnie Number 1! Minnie Number 2 ! Annyeong!” Minwoo greeted them too and give them a hug.


You turned around and saw 2 guys at there. They are like mirror and they look pretty. They really look alike but just their hair color different.


“Yah! We have name okay?! Don’t call us like code name!” The blonde guy pushes Minwoo’s forehead.


“Hyunseong-ah… Are you okay? What happened?” The black hair twins asked Hyunseong.


“For sure Minwoo tried to murder him just now!” The blonde guy guessed.


“I am okay” Hyunseong manage to revive back.


“Ehh? Looks like we have new friend here. What’s your name?” The blonde twins found out your existence.


“My name is Woo Jae. Nice to meet you” You introduced yourself again.




“My name is Kwangmin!”


“My name is Youngmin!”


“We are Jo twins” They said together and make a love sign with their arms.


“Stop being so lovey dovey” Donghyun shakes his head and said.


“This is called brotherly love!” They said at the same time.


“Stop now~ Let’s bring Woo Jae for a tour~ Woo Jae~ Where do you wanted to visit?” Hyunseong stops them and asked for your opinion.


“How about the restroom? I heard that it’s luxurious in boy school!” You excitedly asked.


“Okay! Let’s go!” Hyunseong lead all of you to the restroom direction.


“Oh by the way! Where’s the Ramyun hair?” Youngmin asked them.


“I think we can see him at the restroom. He should be taking bath in there now” Donghyun answered him.



I am so sorry but i at writing introduction to every members T^T

Forgive my writing skills T^T

Hope you all enjoy it :D

Although it's not really crazy in here but action is on when all members are together :D

Comments are most welcomed ! ^^

Enjoy ~~~~

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@BlueBlossom hehe ^^ I love them too XD Hahaha ~<br />
@siti_nktc Haha ^6 Glad that you like it XD Keke ! they go to camp, you're the one excited XD So cute =P<br />
<br />
Kamsahamnida for commenting !^^
I see Jo twin moment...*overload happiness*<br />
camp...omo! why i'm the one that feel really excited..xD<br />
seriously..can't handle my excitement....*going crazy*
BlueBlossom #3
hahaha like the jo twins they r sooo0oooooooo00ooooooo~~~~ cute~~~
@siti_nktc Lol ^^ I wanted to see the cloth hanger flying fox too ! XD Hahaha xD
i thought they going to do something bad to Jae....<br />
go go camp....<br />
younggie...go go flying fox...^^<br />
BlueBlossom #6
yup~~<br />
well, update soon
@BlueBlossom Haha ! :D Luckily all my chapter are short :D
wiko_skY #8
you know your story kinda related to a anime -> Ouran High school xD
BlueBlossom #9
wao love it new reader here i read all of ur chapter with out caring of time<br />
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
@siti_nktc Lol ! >< Really creepy? >< I don't know write scary stories so it might a little but thanks ! XD Hehe ^^