The teacher

Boy School Craziness

We climb up the stairs up to the fifth floor. We turned left and there’s the sign board writing “Restroom”.


“Ready?!” Minwoo stands in front of the door, holding the knob.


You just nodded.


“Tada!!” Minwoo opened the door widely for us.


It was quite spacious and luxurious in there. There’s few bathroom at there, a sauna pool and lockers in there.


Then, we saw a guy come out from the bathroom. He came out half and went over the locker. His wet hair and half dry body make him looks y.


Gee gee gee gee baby baby~


A phone rings. You all look at each other, wondering whose phone is ringing. Only to know it’s the half- guy’s phone.


“Yoboseyo?” He talk to the phone.


“Ne trainer.. yes I know… Okay I understand… Yes thank you… Bye” He answered his phone.


Then he turned to our direction.


“Eh! You all came!” He excitedly hops to in front of us.


At that moment, an accident occurred. As he hop, his towel accidently looses and drops down. All of you stunned at there, looking at his –ahem- part and to his face forth back. Hyunseong blocked Minwoo’s view using his hand.


“Don’t stare at me like this!” He blocked the spot and blushes.


“Don’t worry! You’re flat! Nothing to see!” Donghyun said sarcastically.


“Wear back your towel”Kwangmin picked up the towel and give it to him.


The curly hair guy quickly grab the towel and his cloth into the bathroom. Not long after that, he came out and stand there confidently in front of us.


“Flat” Donghyun playfully mocked him again.


“Yah! Yah!” That guy wanted to punch him but blocked by the twins.


“Relax~ Don’t scare Woo Jae” Kwangmin calmed him down.


“Eh? Oh! Annyeonghaseyo! I am Jeongmin!” His expression changes at once.


“Annyeonghaseyo” You greeted him.


“I tell you a secret Woo Jae…” Jeongmin whispered to your ear.


You looked at him curiously.


“Donghyun is…. More flat then me!” He laughed hard but then Donghyun hit his head immediately.


“Quit it both of you! I think it’s time to go back to our class now” Hyunseong at last opened his mouth and talked.


“Oh right! It’s Kudo’s lesson!” Minwoo happily jumping up and down.


We moved out from the restroom and walk towards our classroom.


*I wonder how will the teacher like* You quietly thought.


Not long after walking, we reached our classroom. There’s few students in the classroom already.


“Jae Jae !! Come and sit with me!!” Minwoo waved to you and patted the chair next to him.


“Aniyo! Woo Jae of course sitting with me” Donghyun stopped you from going to Minwoo.


“YAH!!” Minwoo shouted.


“You see, how will you be able to stand his shouting?!” Donghyun narrowed his eyes, looking at Minwoo.


“Don’t care them, come and sit with me then Woo Jae” Jeongmin straightly dragged you to the seat beside him.


“YAH!!” Minwoo and Donghyun shouted together.


“Wow~ It’s rare for both of you to have such a good chemistry” Jeongmin teased them.


“With HIM?!” Both of them pointed each other and make gross faces.


“See!!!” Jeongmin laughed looking at them.


“SHUT UP!!” Both of them hit Jeongmin’s head together.


“Ahhh!!!! Wuwuwuwu” Jeongmin cried with his tower on his head.


“I think I sit here” You moved to a place where only a desk and a chair at there.


“Don’t be a loner” Minwoo cried.


“Ani~ I feel good here” You smiled awkwardly to him.


“Hyunseong, come!” Jeongmin motioned Hyunseong over.


“NO WAYYY!” Minwo stopped Hyunseong and dragged him to the seat beside him.


“Thief” Jeongmin pouted and then lay at the table.


“You don’t like me?” Donghyun asked him while sitting beside him with weird smile and his eyebrow up.


“Don’t make the ert face please” Jeongmin said bluntly.


“Tsk,tsk” Donghyun snorted.


We waited patiently for the teacher come. Minwoo keep on cuddling Hyunseong meanwhile Donghyun and Jeongmin looked at different direction. The twins are doing lovey dovey things and touching each other faces.


Then, a shadow passed you and a guy stands in front of the class.


“You’re the criminal!!!!” He pointed to you and said.


You was stunned at there, *What criminal?!* And you thought.


“Heh heh~ Sorry~ Occupation illness~ Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Shinichi Kudo! Your history teacher!” He introduced himself.


You were relieved when he said it was a joke.


“Stand up cl-“


“Oh wait! No need! I was going to leave work for all of you and I need to go!” He cut the monitor off.


The class was full of complains.


“Now now!! Open your history text book page 1 to page 50… Read it all and that’s all for your homework~ Okay annyeong!!” He dashed out from the classroom.


*What?!* You were dumbfounded.



Annyeong ! ^^

It's an update again !! XD

Sorry if you feel it's started to get bored T^T

Hope you all like tha update :D

Enjoy the story ^^


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@BlueBlossom hehe ^^ I love them too XD Hahaha ~<br />
@siti_nktc Haha ^6 Glad that you like it XD Keke ! they go to camp, you're the one excited XD So cute =P<br />
<br />
Kamsahamnida for commenting !^^
I see Jo twin moment...*overload happiness*<br />
camp...omo! why i'm the one that feel really excited..xD<br />
seriously..can't handle my excitement....*going crazy*
BlueBlossom #3
hahaha like the jo twins they r sooo0oooooooo00ooooooo~~~~ cute~~~
@siti_nktc Lol ^^ I wanted to see the cloth hanger flying fox too ! XD Hahaha xD
i thought they going to do something bad to Jae....<br />
go go camp....<br />
younggie...go go flying fox...^^<br />
BlueBlossom #6
yup~~<br />
well, update soon
@BlueBlossom Haha ! :D Luckily all my chapter are short :D
wiko_skY #8
you know your story kinda related to a anime -> Ouran High school xD
BlueBlossom #9
wao love it new reader here i read all of ur chapter with out caring of time<br />
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
@siti_nktc Lol ! >< Really creepy? >< I don't know write scary stories so it might a little but thanks ! XD Hehe ^^