Bad Vibes

All is Fair in Love and Music
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Hana angrily stalked off with no direction in mind. She figured she should be in some class right now, but she was too preoccupied with murderous thoughts about the leader of WINNER to care. She just kept walking until she felt herself calm down more and more. When she became aware of her surroundings, she realized she still had no idea where she was – which meant she still wasn’t at the main campus. Scanning the area helplessly, she thought maybe there was a reason that tour with Kyungmi was important. With a sigh, she took off her backpack and started rummaging for her schedule again so she at least knew where she was supposed to be.

Her eyes were glued to her open backpack, no longer looking at where she was headed. When she turned the corner, she bumped into something – or more like someone – and let out a graceless grunt. Her hand flew to her forehead instantly and rubbed where it hurt the most.

“Oh , are you okay?” A voice asked.

Hana felt another set of fingers on her forehead, and on reflex, she swatted the stranger’s hand away with her own. When she finally looked up to see this person who couldn’t keep his hand to himself was, she was met by a boy who was sweating from head to toe. His brows were creased as he studied her with a curious expression, and Hana couldn’t help but notice how incredibly good-looking he was, even in that state. He hasn’t averted his eyes, which caused her cheeks to flush involuntarily. He was standing too close, and Hana wasn’t sure why she couldn’t just reply. Maybe it had something to do with how intensely he kept looking at her.

“Do you need to go to the clinic or something?” He asked again, snapping Hana out of her thoughts.

“No, it’s okay,” she mumbled and took a step back.

The concern hasn’t left the guy’s face, and he rubbed the back of his neck with a hand. “I’m sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn’t see you.” His eyes travelled to her forehead and his nose scrunched up a little. “Are you sure? It’s kind of red right now.” He lifted his hand again to Hana’s alarm so she took another step back to avoid him.

Noticing her stiffen, he withdrew his hand and smiled. “Sorry.”

They were silent for a while, and Hana considered just leaving him standing there. Didn’t he say he was in a hurry? Why is he still here? She was about to tell him that she’ll go ahead when he cocked his head to the side and squinted. “You’re that new student, right?”

“Eh?” Hana looked behind her, as if looking for someone else. When she realized the two of them were alone in that hallway, and he was indeed talking to her, she smiled sheepishly. “Uhm. Yeah.”

His smile grew wider as he extended his arm in front of her. “Cool. I’m Song Mino. You are?”

Hana cleared and took his hand. “I’m Baek H…”

Wait. Why does his name sound familiar? Her eyes widened when it dawned on her. Song Mino. Yoo Kyungmi’s voice filled her mind, remembering her little introduction back at the cafeteria, followed by the warning about not talking to music majors. She immediately took her hand away and hid it behind her.

The boy only seemed a little surprised by her behavior, and she figured maybe he was used to this kind of reaction from girls all the time. She inwardly scoffed at the thought, but then his lips stretched into a rather disarming smile. “Baek what? I didn’t get that,” he said, taking a step closer. Hana had to remind herself to put a considerably wide distance away from him, so she leaned back a little.

“Baek Hana,” she replied curtly. Just her luck. Just why did she keep running into these guys? She may have vowed to keep her distance from Kang Seungyoon, but she also intended on staying away from all members of WINNER.

“Hana,” he repeated, like he was telling himself to remember. He looked around the corridors before turning to her again. “What are you doing here? Are you lost?”

She contemplated on just telling the guy the truth and maybe getting a little help from him, but for some reason, she didn’t want to. One member of WINNER already accused her of being a stalker who trespassed into private music rooms. The last thing she wanted was another WINNER member thinking she’s a klutz with no sense of direction.

Besides, the less she spoke to him, the better. If any of the students see her talking to one of their beloved princes, she was definitely going from ‘new student’ to the ‘school outcast’ all in one day, and she couldn’t have that. She already made up her mind to finish this school year peacefully.

“I’m not,” she lied. “Uhh… I have to go.”

Without a parting glance, she pushed past him and hoped against hope that she was going in the right direction. She heard a chuckle behind her before his baritone voice effectively stopped her in her tracks.

“The main classrooms are that way,” he said. Hana didn’t have to see him to know that his words were laced with amusement. She closed her eyes and muttered a curse under her breath.

Hana turned around to look, and saw Mino pointing to his right. The sides of his lips were twitched up, while his eyes were steady on her face. He glanced down at his wristwatch. “You better go quickly since the next class is about to start in three, two…”

The bell rang at the same time Mino looked up to meet her gaze again. Hana flushed a deeper shade of red and bit her lower lip. Just how many embarrassing moments did she have to suffer through today? She gave him a faint smile of thanks and half-walked, half-ran to the direction he was pointing at. When she was sure he was

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I know i've been neglecting this story i'm really sorry! But i'm stuck plotwise, please be patient with me


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Siz123456 #1
Chapter 26: Yes, by the pace this story goes, and the storylines you brought, this could go to hundreds chapter's Lol
This is more suitable to be storyline for a drama series.
And I do understand how you got stuck plotwise. You need time to untangle it and pick the most plots suitable.
It's very good, though...
Chapter 26: Uuuurrghhh.. Where is chpt 27 ...??? I didnt get enough of this story yet.. This is really beautiful and I love it.. Anyway Thank you for writing this beautiful story ^^
boomiexx #3
Chapter 26: I really hope the author updates this story. It's so good. But the last update was back in 2015. TT
cIumsy #4
Chapter 26: i cant believe i read all 26 chapters in a day. this is really good. one of the best fanfics ive read tbh. cant wait for the update!
Chapter 26: Mino came to see her didn't he?!! Can't wait for the update
Chapter 26: Woah, it's amazing. I just started this today and i'm amazed.
kpopfan324 #7
I am going to read this today! looks really interesting!
Oh my Seungyoon fanfic ever!!! *squeals* I love the plot and the character development and stuff...Although this hasn't been updated in a little, I hope you'll update again one day (not to pressure you or anything)! I started reading it last night and I just finished right now! Gahhh it's so goodd!
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 26: I'M ABSOLUTELY HOOKED. I'M SO HOOKED THAT I READ EVERYTHING IN ONE SITTING. But this is an ongoing story so I have to wait for the updates. I CRY.
Jillyenism #10
Chapter 26: This is probably one of the best fanfic I've read so far. You have the knack to draw attention with your story. I was hooked reading the first chapter. You clearly have the skill and imagination. I hope you continue to update this despite your busy schedule. We'll be waiting. Keep it up, authornim! :-) Fighting!