Running Man (Part One)

BP Story Entertainment New Group! ~Mix Well~ (Story Starting)
Running man
November 20, 2014

"Aigoo, what's going on here? What's with the stage?" Yoo Jaesuk walked from his car as he got out to the filming location. The stage set up in the middle was rather eye catching but the PD said nothing as they told Jaesuk to just wait. "You want me to just stand here and do nothing? Where are the kids? Ah seriously...they're always late, aren't they?"

Despite his complaining, Jaesuk still stood in front of the stage like he was told to by the PD though the writers were soon starting to laugh at him. Jaesuk had an obvious annoyed look on his face as he watched the writers laughing at him, refusing to explain a thing to him.

"Are you really going to be like this? I'm just doing as I'm told. You said to just stand here yet you're laughing at me," Jaesuk said. "Why don't you just tell me what we're doing?"

"Please just wait patiently for the other members to arrive."

Speechless, Jaesuk just continued to show his displeasure with the writers' treatment toward him. Not too long after, a long figure emerged and came running up to Jaesuk. "Hyung!" Kwangsoo shouted as he ran. He stopped short when he noticed the stage and stared at it blankly. "What's going on? Is that for the guests?"

"Just come here, Kwangsoo ah," Jaesuk said, beckoning for the maknae to stand next to him. "Why are you late?"

"Ah hyung, I have to come all the way from Namyangju," Kwangsoo explained. "And the rest of them aren't even here yet, I'm not that late."

" can they be so late? Our guests must be tired of waiting."

"Jaesuk ah!"

"Sukjin-hyung!" Kwangsoo shouted, waving the eldest member over. "Sukjin-hyung, hurry up! You're late!"

"Late? I'm not that late," Sukjin said, leisurely walking over to them. "Oh? What's the stage for? Our guests are going to appear from there, aren't they?"

After Sukjin's appearance, the rest of the Running Man members started to arrive and apologised for being late. Neither of them failed to notice the stage and asked about it. "Since everyone's here now, do you think you can tell us what's going on?" Jaesuk asked.

The PDs had been quiet the entire time, just watching the members. Finally, they were going to speak up. "Today, you have very special guests. Please welcome them."


You made me stand here and wait for so long just to tell me that?" Jaesuk asked. "Uwah...seriously..." he sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever, our guests are more important. So...our guests, welcome to Running Man!"

As soon as Jaesuk finished his sentence, music started playing. In the middle of the stage, a platform rised and a group of four girls appeared. "Mix Well Pink!" Kwangsoo suddenly shouted. "Uwah! Is this for real? They're our guests?"

"They're really popular nowadays," Sukjin commented, nodding. The Running Man members soon started dancing along while the girls performed for them. Kwangsoo started singing with the girls, doing his creaky dance along with it. "Stop it," Sukjin said.

"Oppa can give you love!" Gary shouted.

After the short performance, yet another song started playing while Mix Well Pink stood by the side of the stage. This time, a group of eight boys appeared. Although excited, the men of Running Man weren't showing as much interest as they did to the girls. Jihyo, however, was mesmerized. 

"Don't look, Jihyo ah, don't look," Gary said, covering Jihyo's eyes but she hit his hand away.

"Is the whole Mix Well coming?" Kwangsoo asked, looking at the PD. He was suddenly smiling very brightly. "Ah hyung...that means Mix Well Red will be here."

"Ah these boys are really good too," Sukjin nodded in approval.

As soon as Mix Well M's performance was over, the last song started to play. Kwangsoo suddenly became a very excited giraffe and was fangirling beneath the stage. "Mix Well Red! Mix Well Red! Hyoji! Seong Woong! Malee! Ahreum!"

"Yah, shut up and let us enjoy the performance," Jongkook said, going to hit Kwangsoo.

"I love Mix Well Red!"

At the same time, Kwangsoo was also copying the dance moves, making the members of Mix Well laugh at his actions. Once the performances were over, the large group got down from the stage and greeted the Running Man members. "Annyeonghaseyeo, we are Mix Well."

"Uwah...this is for real," Kwangsoo said. "They're a very big thing now."

"I've never seen such a huge idol group before," Jaesuk said. "Welcome, welcome to the show. I don't even know who to talk to. Who's the leader?" Hyoji put up her hand while some members pointed to her. "And your name is? Why don't you all introduce yourselves?"

"I'm Yong Hyoji."

"Jung Ahreum~" Ahreum grinned, acting adorable and made Kwangsoo blush and grin like an idiot.

"Annyeonghaseyeo, I am Ahn Changsun!"

"Kim Jinseok." 

"I am Kwon Hyunsoo."

"And I'm his older sister, Kwon Chaewon~"

"I am Eugene, nice to meet you."

"I'm Malee."

"I'm Danny. Or Hwang Junpyo."

"C.Dae. I'm also the leader."

"Hi, I'm Dashiel."

"Hello~ I'm Jin!"

"I'm Rianne, nice to meet you."

"I'm Logan..."

"Hello, I'm Seong Woong."

"I'm Ace and I'm so happy to be here!" 

"So many names to remember," Haha said. "But they're all so good makes us look even uglier."

"How is this going to work then? Are they going to be playing against us?" Jaesuk asked.

There was a moment of silence as the PDs were getting ready and soon, they spoke up. "You will be split into groups today. You will be working through various missions to gain advantages for yourselves for the final mission. I will now announce the groups.

"Jaesuk-sshi, you will be partnered with Hyoji-sshi and C.Dae-sshi. Haha-sshi, you will be partnered with Danny-sshi, Rianne-sshi and Seong Woong-sshi. Kwangsoo-sshi, you will be partnered with Ahreum-sshi-"

"YES!" Kwangsoo suddenly shouted.

"You will be partnered with Ahreum-sshi and Changsun-sshi. Gary-sshi, you will be partnered with Chaewon-sshi and Hyunsoo-sshi. Sukjin-sshi, you will be partnered with Dashiel-sshi, Malee-sshi and Jinseok-sshi. Jongkook-sshi, you will be partnered with Eugene-sshi and Jin-sshi. Finally, Jihyo-sshi will be partnered with Ace-sshi and Logan-sshi. Please go to your first mission location."

"Why did you give Jihyo two guys?" Gary asked. "Are you trying to let them seduce her?"

"The two weakest members have three people," Jaesuk pointed out. "But it's okay, I'm pretty sure they still wouldn't be winning."

"What did you say?" Sukjin asked. "I'm going to show you the superiority of my team. We're going to win today." And so, the teams started moving out, going to their individual cars. "We're going to win today, kids, understand? I'll put my trust in you."

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Chapter 57: shipping malee and mirror together. hahaha
#goals /jk
Chapter 56: I like that you still keep up with mix well ;;
Chapter 54: I thought you'd stop update Mix Well story... it's been a long time and honestly, I really miss it...
Thank you, author-nim...

Love the interaction between Ahreum, Chaewon and Eugene... and I think, Eugene will not gonna stop teasing Ahreum, isn't she?
Hope for next update there will be boys part... I really miss the trio (Danny, Ace, Chansun)
Chapter 53: ayaye my favourite song from a sub-unit ;_;
and my character is in it !
Chapter 53: I like the story so far!!~
Chapter 51: yah~~~ I'd been waiting so long for the new chapter... and it's really worth!! tag elimination game... wah~~~ I always wanted it since Runningman chapter 1... huhuhuhu^^
I can feel the intense even only just reading it...
can't wait for the next chapter... (^o^)
Chapter 48: lol love it!
Chapter 49: hahahahaha!!! it so hilarious!!!
as always, Grasshopper will picked a fight with the Tiger...
Chapter 48: I really loved 'I do I do' so I'm glad Chaewon is part of mix well pink. Since both sub-groups are promoting at the same time, they might get competive with each other :)
Chapter 47: Hahaha, i love running man so much, jihyo is seriously the best :p