Day 2 Part 1

5 Days

The next day, Jihyun woke up and was relieve that she was still alive. She got out of bed but her stomach began to hurt. She clenched onto it and was whimping. Leo came into the room to call her for breakfast but he saw her in pain on bed. He ran to Jihyun and called for her.

Leo: Jihyun-ah!! Jihyun-ah!! WaeGeuRae?? What happened?

Jihyun: O...oppa.... My... Stomach.... H...h..hurts.... 

Leo: Stay calm, I will get your medicine. 

Leo took Jihyun's medicine from her drawer and fed it to Jihyun. She ate it and felt better. She went to her bathroom  and showered. After changing her clothes, she felt exhausted and walked her way to the living room for breakfast. She ate bacon and eggs made by Leo and they enjoyed the breakfast. Leo was happy seeing his sister enjoying her food but was sad that there was only 3 days left for her to live. He stopped eating and called someone on the phone. While Leo was calling, Hongbin walked into the house with roses and  surprised Jihyun. Jihyun smiled at the sight of her boyfriend and kissed him on his cheek. He hugged her and Leo came back seeing the 2 love birds hugging each other.

Leo: ehhem... I'm still here you know....

Jihyun: *blush* oppa... >\\\\<

Leo: I have to go out now... Have a nice day with Hongbin today~

Leo got his jacket and walked out from the house leaving Hongbin and Jihyun together. Hongbin took Jihyun out and drove her to a place he prepared for his one and only love. She was puzzled on where they were going and it ended up that they were going to HanGang river. She smiled at the sight of the Han River and got down the car immediately after Hongbin stopped the car. She ran to the edge of the river and breathed the fresh air. She was in paradise and Hongbin hugged her from behind. She smiled and turned around hugging her boyfriend leaning her head on his chest. He wrap her small body onto his and danced to the rythum of the water. They then got some ice-cream and ate it. 

Hongbin: *giggle* Ya Jung Jihyun, can you eat ice-cream like a lady? You have mint ice-cream all over your mouth!~

Jihyun: keke, Geurae? *wipes with hand*

Hongbin: eeiihhh!! Its dirty!! Let me help you... *takes tissue out* *wipes your mouth* *kiss you lips* yum~ sweet like candy :p

Jihyun: YYAA!! >///< what was that for?!?! *blush*

Hongbin: that was for showing my love to you~ saranghae~ 

Jihyun: Tsk, that was so cheesy~~ Kong can really be so cheesy

Hongbin: keke, well, don't you like me being cheesy?

Jihyun: I love you for who you are Mr. Kong~

they spent the morning near Han River and Hongbin brought his girlfriend to the best chicken soup shop in town. They ate lunch happily and Hongbin told Jihyun how Ken and Ravi got scolded by N yesterday during their video chatting. Jihyun giggled and stared at Hongbin for a while.

Hongbin: why are you staring at me like that? Do I have anything on my face? O.o

Jihyun: Aniya, I just want to stare at you handsome face before I go...

Hongbin: YYAA! Don't say things like that... You will get better!!

Jihyun: hhmm....

Hongbin cheered Jihyun up and they went to look for Hongbin's friends. They went to N's house and saw Ravi watching TV, Hyuk and N were playing while Ken was practicing his vocals. Hyuk saw Jiihyun and patted on N to tell him that Hongbin and Jihyun were here. N turned around and saw his favorite friend with his girfriend and welcomed them. They went into the house and had a blast with Hongbin's friends. They had fun until night and Leo was already at home. He got worried and called Jihyun

Leo: *on the phone* Ya Jung Jihyun!! Do you know what time is it now?!? Why aren't you home yet?!?! 

Jihyun: *on the phone* Oppa, I'm at N's house with the rest~~ we will be staying over at N's house... Come and join us... 

Leo: *sigh* ok, I'll bring your medicine for you

Jihyun: ok oppa~~

Leo made his way to N's house and they welcomed Leo. They continued the fry pan game and played until midnight. 




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