Epsiode 4

We Got Married + Hello Baby = Group Special



Swirl Pop sat down on the sofa waiting for BOYFRIEND to arrive. When suddenly, “Knock Knock” Donghyun said as he went in. “Good Morning Oppa~” Eunhye bowed as she went to the kitchen. Swirl Pop bowed to them as they smiled.

But as soon as Kwangmin entered Swirl Pop’s eyes widened.

“Woah! Dude!” Chaerin nearly shouted. Kwangmin just giggled and blushed. “I got a new hair style for our new song~ Is It okay?” He asked. “Yeah!, You look handsome~” Soomin said.

“Waa~ A praise from Swirl Pop~” Hyunseong said as Kwangmin did a bow.

“Soomin-ah, What about me?” Youngmin nudged her as Soomin giggled. “I don’t see any Difference...” Soomin said emotionless as she went away giggling while Youngmin gave her an ‘I don’t believe this’ look.

Everybody laughed at them so did the staff.

“Woah!” Seullri came out of the Kitchen.  “Your hairstyle make you more masculine! And manly!!! I didn’t know you were a man!” Seullri teased as the other laughed at Kwnagmin. “Ya!” Kwangmin shouted as he ran after her.

“Such a cute couple~” SungAh said as Hyunseong smiled at her. “Do you want us to be like that too?” Hyunseong teasingly said as SungAh blushed and Hyunseong giggled at her cuteness.

“Where is Eunhye?” Minwoo asked. “In the kitchen with SungChan” SungAh said.

Minwoo went in the kitchen and saw Eunhye and SungChan selfishly eating the strawberries from the fridge. “Ya! What are you eating that alone for?” Minwoo giggled as Donghyun went in “Ya!” He said as Eunhye and SungChan ran away with the strawberries.

“Ya!!!” Donghyun and Minwoo chased after them.

“Bring Baby Yeonghun to the room Youngmin Oppa!” Soomin said as she went over to the dining table.

“Ne” Youngmin said and carried Baby Yeonghun to the baby room. “Hyunseong Oppa Where is Baby Soojung?” SungAh asked as she sat beside Him. “Already in the room” He said.

“Gotcha!” Kwangmin put his arms around her which was sweet until Seullri bit his arm. “Apah!!!” Kwangmin let’s go of her as he rubbed his arm. “Why are you so violent?” Kwangmin asked sarcastically at Seullri who was laughing on sofa.

Confession Room

Kwangmin: She bit me, it hurt...I don’t know I might bite her one day...


End Of Confession Room

“Do you really like food that much?” Minwoo giggled taking the bowl of strawberries from Eunhye who was pouting.

“I like food more than you” Eunhye teased. “Mwo?” Minwoo looked at her as Eunhye giggled. “Eunhye Dongsaeng-ah between Minwoo and One chocolate bar which would you choose?” Donghyun asked.

“Chocolate Bar” Eunhye said straight forwardly.

Confession Room


Eunhye: I picked the chocolate bar for a reason...

PD: Why did you choose it?

Eunhye: It’s because if I choose the chocolate bar I know Minwoo will still never leave me...*blush

End Of Confession Room

“Please gather everyone~” The director said. Everybody sat; the others were on the floor and others on the sofa.

“Here” The director said as he slid a mission card towards them. Donghyun picked it up and his eyes widened. “Oh! Our first Mission Card!” Donghyun said as the other gathered towards him.

“That mission is for all of you” The director said. “Mission #1, you must visit BOYFRIEND on their Music Video set and BOYFRIEND must visit Swirl Pop’s behind the scenes for their Vogue and Cecé Magazine” Donghyun read it out loud.

“I oppose to this!!!” Jeongmin said as he giggled.

“Me too!!!!” Soomin said.

“Its uncomfortable people watching you pose like this and that” Chaerin said. “Us too!!” Kwangmin said. But the director just stuck his tongue out childishly. “Do we bring the babies too?” SeullRi asked. “No” The director said.

“Mwo?, Waeyo?” She asked. “Tomorrow’s the 3rd day and we are going to replace the doll with the real one” The director. “Chincha?, Why so soon?” Jeongmin asked. “The ahjumma’s are so persistent” The director said as he lowered his head and everybody laughed.

“But At least we get to see their Mv first” SungChan shrugged.

Confession Room

Donghyun: I have a bad feeling about this...

Youngmin: I think it will be great though, watching them pose in front of us hehehehe

SeullRi: I’m actually excited!!!

Chaerin: As I said...Uncomfortable!!!

End Of Confession Room



Hello~!!!!!! Is it nice???????..???....So what do you think???? Huh? huh? huh???? The other previews will be with in other chapter...And advance sorry next week...Cuz I might not be updating too often cuz of school and stuff! STUPID SCHOOL!!!! I love school but I just hate classes...*pout...Anyway! Kamsahamnida~!!!!



I decided to put gifs to not make it boring and plain~!!!! I hope It is okay~!!!!!! Here it is!!!







It's alot and don't expect me to put it all in one chapter!!!!!! I easily forget!!! and It get's buried inside my Tumblr page so yeah~~!!!!! And their might be more gifs that will be added!Kamsahamnida~!!!

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-ximini #1
Are you going to continue this?
nerdyweird #2
the story is nice.

whats their name in korean?? hehe thank you.
s-elfish #3
Lol basketball fail~ Haha this story is so cute!
ess_a-tch #4
I think it's okay I you keep writing like this because in reality, TV shows are always like in the past because they have to film it, edit it, and then broadcast it. But whatever you want to do is fine~

Lol it's so ironic how the boys are getting jealous of Yeonjae instead of Swirl Pop getting jealous. xD
I actually thought it was a really good chapter! So don't say that it ! ^^ hehehe THE GIFS ARE SO CUTE!! Youngmin faiils at basket ball hehehe and omg Minwoo is so cuteeeeeee~! Eunhye is a lucky girl ;) and Donghyun's smile is just ahshdhgshhs hahaha I totally cracked up! And Boyfriend seems jealous that we're spending more time with Yeonjae than them :P

Oh! And I don't mind if you skip to the 2012 happenings and baby part! ^^
Its okay ^^ take your time and enjoy XD
ess_a-tch #7
it's okay~ looking forward to your updates! ^-^
It's alright! Hehehe looking forward to the next update then ^^