Fear (Mckenna POV)

The Black Fear
Chapter 5
Mckenna Pov: Fear
I woke up suddendly, due to a short but particularly intense nightmare,
that left me upset for the rest of the morning.
For a few seconds, indeed, I lay in my sleeping bag, staring at the space, trying to focus on the dream.
Shortly after,  I realized that I had relived the night before,  telling Lay that what had really happened, all the truth.
My face looked somewhat mortified and grieved,but that of my beloved became full of hate and anger, coming to reproach me and humiliate me, just as I deserved.
I felt so much pain that I cried bitterly, thinking I could save myself, throwing me into nothingness.
At that moment I woke up in sweat, breathing hard and with heart pounding.
The worst was fortunately past, though it still remained a trace.
As soon as I recovered, I reaorganized the tent,  folding it and putting it in my backpack, along with all the other necessary items, ending with morning routine.
Later, I saw Lay, a few meters away, engage in the journey of discovery.
So I decided to listen to the conversation with the other members of the team,
focusing on the various directions to patrol.
"Well, now we come to the various inspection directives.
team number one, I want you're in the south area,
team number two, you take care about the north,
team number three est, and team number four with me to west.
Good job.”
Everyone obeyed his orders, filling the jeep of their material and taking their seats.
I stood there, pounded, remembering his words.
Lay and Siwon to the west?
Beginning exactly in the same place where Hyllary was hidden?
I would never have allowed them to monitor that place.
My reputation would have been doomed.
For this reason, I approached Lay, with everything you need to cross the forest.
“I want to come with you.”
I said, breathing deeply before I open my mouth.
“Women are not welcome.”
Said trying to end the conversation.
"Do not you said that the friends should accept the risk, in order to save the person they care?"
I asked him, making him think.
The guide Choi, next to him, looked at him in silence, waiting for his answer.
“What? Are you crazy? It is not in the rules!”
Lay interrupted him, holding him by the forearm.
"I do not care what he says. This is a serious situation.
She's coming with us. "
He concluded, accompanying me in his jeep.
"Always the same"
I commented before boarding.
Lay gave me only a lightning look, that captured the attention of the guide, just sealed in the car.
"Perfect. First we patrol all the trees and the little chasm there, then, we will continue forward doing the rounds of the river. "
“Okay, boss.”
Choi said, rolling his eyes, before opening the door.
After all are dropped, Lay remained frozen for a few seconds standing.
At that point, I went up a little bit, trying to figure out what he was doing.
Still stretched, I realized that he was contemplating nature, just as it did Hyllary the first day of our trip.
"She always did that."
I said, trying to understand his feelings.
"I know."
He concluded, turning his gaze in the space.
"Come on. Let's go."
"Excuse me, commander Lay of my boots, I could check out the area to the east?"
Churches Choi, bored, continuing to wander here and there
"Yes, it is better to go.”
Replied, nodding his head with a sign.
At that point, he walked away, leaving us alone.
Lay spoke only when he saw him no longer around.
"We start.”
It had been almost 20 minutes and still was not going to touch anything.
I knew perfectly that place.
I could never forget it.
But the thought of being able to touch the dirty ground with his blood and his DNA, disgusted me.
I never wanted to see that place, but unfortunately I was forced by my persistent fear of being able to go the same way with my best friend.
Come on! Who would not have done in my place?!
The fear of death.
That was what I was drowning.
The Fear.
"What the hell are you still standing there? Move!
You came here to make a beautiful ornament?
If you do not want to give me a hand, then you might as well go back.
 I don't need your help.”
Lay said, shocked and angry.
"I'm sorry.”
I spoke softly, knowing that I was wrong.
So, I slumped on my knees beside the boy, worshiping all the passion that he put to be able to find her.
In addition, his profile, he was so close, that I can dwell on the characteristics of his skin that put in highlights cheekbones pronounced enough that defined the 'V' shape of his face , slightly interrupted by a little dimples' away from the lips and slender, delicate structure.
I saw, however, that his eyes, pointing down, turned slightly toward me, making me realize that he was beginning to sense my interest in him.
Maybe I was staring too long, so I went to come along with my work.
He was so beautiful.
Focus on what I was doing, it became quite difficult, so I didn't notice that I was digging in the place of burial.
In fact, after grabbing a handful of ground, I discovered that I had just grazed her ankle.



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Wow..this story is so....(out of words)....I don't know what to say...
Keep up with the good work...
amalily #2
Chapter 1: I think you have done a great job with this story so far! I like how the characters each have their specific personality traits and how it influences the way they view the excursion. I can see you've thought a lot about this story! ^^ Good work and good luck in the future too!! ^^
Chapter 1: this looks good^^~ you did a good job writing this one...I know how it feels to write a story when you're not using your first language so...i salute you for the nice chap!~ i'll be waiting for your next chaps~ *subscribes*
Chapter 1: I think this story definitely has potential - so far, it seems pretty interesting to me :D. I know that English isn't your first language, but you've done well~! There's still some tenses/grammatical errors here and there (eg: you don't put a comma after a quotation mark), but practice makes perfect~! Try finding a reliable beta-tester/proof-reader just to make sure that everything flows well :3. Oh, and personally, I think it'll be easier to read if you don't position the texts in the center~ Again, good job! Good luck with the story! ^ ^
I likenthe idea! It seems like it will be very interesting! It is different, so I think more people will be attracted to reading it :3 good luck with this!! I will be supporting this story!!
I really like ur plot..it's so interesting~~~ hope u can update soon n keep up the good work :D
The plot sounds really unique, I'm liking this sort of dark vibe of the story
Can't wait to read your future chapters ^_^
As I promised I hopped by your fan fiction~
And I really like the plot of the story, it sounds so interesting! Keep it up~! ^____^