
The Black Fear
Chapter 14
I saw a passage, tight enough, in the side of the path:
It was not very spacious,
indeed, it was very low and uncomfortable to cross
But at that time, it was the only way to escape
How could I miss this occasion?
No, I would not let it escape
Before the shadow of Kim turning into reality,
I walked over to it furtively, trying to build a plan for escape
Of course, when I chose that direction, I would not make the slightest noise,
Otherwise I would have definitely caught red-handed.
"I know you're here, Hyllary"
The mad asserted, giggling, inching closer
I could not meditate yet
I had to move
There was no time
At that point, I needed courage
  I went inside of it
I did so without hesitation, without regret
What I was doing was the right choice, and no one could stop me
I turned my way, starting to walk towards the back,
Able, so, to observe his single move and at the same time increase or decrease the step, depending on its position
If it was closer, I would have run a lighter and prudent step
if he had been away, I would have extended my leg,
having therefore the possibility to reach the other side in a few seconds, not being chased
I was hoping to do so with caution, even though it was really hard to pay attention, not just relying on instinct
I felt my heart sink repeatedly in the flesh
I could feel my eyes heavy, overflowing with fatigue
I was on the verge of collapse from nervousness
But nothing would make me change my mind
I continued, remaining fixed in the objective that I had chose:
Crossing the damn hole, not causing any noise
All of a sudden, I saw his figure
Finally appeared before my eyes
I insisted on seeing him, I was not afraid of crossing our eyes
I was shaking,
I was sweating,
Backed off nonstop
I wanted to put an end to that race. I had no other interests.
He looked around again, trying to pick up every little noise
But the more he did it,
The more I approached the way out
it showed a strong emotion unleashed inside of the dark tunnel, which made change the course of my life into something better
The heart was beating from happiness and vitality to have reached the conclusion of the whole
After a few moments, he disappeared, following the road to the reverse 
It ended for the better.
Finished my mission, coming out of that horrible place that smelled of dirty sewer, I made a measly jump, because of the height difference with the opposite path
When I had set foot in the new path, I made sure that in this was nobody like the boy I had just met
Then I stretched my neck like a giraffe, being able to see better suspicious detail
I’ve done it several times, to better identify each tiny and insignificant movement, which would have put me on the danger
But I did not see any strange man
The situation appeared to be calm and serene
I touched the ground at all, even though I supported myself constantly doubting
Sice the situation was like that, I took advantage to rest mentally, staying focused on a fixed point
I realized, that I was stuck, right in front of a large slab of rock
Of the same material from which the cave was formed
It would interrupt the continuity of the street, having almost the feeling of being trapped, making you take a second to panic
By now, I had got used to it, so I lingered there much
It was enough to turn on, to proceed with my evasion
But something from the slab caught my attention
It looked like the first letter of a name
At that point, I blew insistently, trying to eliminate the excessive dust, then helping me with fingers
I looked very carefully, paying attention to every signal
It was a name:
After I found that it had identified the correct name,
I uttered aloud,
"Zelo? What kind of name is that? "


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Wow..this story is so....(out of words)....I don't know what to say...
Keep up with the good work...
amalily #2
Chapter 1: I think you have done a great job with this story so far! I like how the characters each have their specific personality traits and how it influences the way they view the excursion. I can see you've thought a lot about this story! ^^ Good work and good luck in the future too!! ^^
Chapter 1: this looks good^^~ you did a good job writing this one...I know how it feels to write a story when you're not using your first language so...i salute you for the nice chap!~ i'll be waiting for your next chaps~ *subscribes*
Chapter 1: I think this story definitely has potential - so far, it seems pretty interesting to me :D. I know that English isn't your first language, but you've done well~! There's still some tenses/grammatical errors here and there (eg: you don't put a comma after a quotation mark), but practice makes perfect~! Try finding a reliable beta-tester/proof-reader just to make sure that everything flows well :3. Oh, and personally, I think it'll be easier to read if you don't position the texts in the center~ Again, good job! Good luck with the story! ^ ^
I likenthe idea! It seems like it will be very interesting! It is different, so I think more people will be attracted to reading it :3 good luck with this!! I will be supporting this story!!
I really like ur plot..it's so interesting~~~ hope u can update soon n keep up the good work :D
The plot sounds really unique, I'm liking this sort of dark vibe of the story
Can't wait to read your future chapters ^_^
As I promised I hopped by your fan fiction~
And I really like the plot of the story, it sounds so interesting! Keep it up~! ^____^