
The Black Fear
Chapter 17
The situation turned out simple
Too trivial
Following in his tracks, I'd be out of that cave?
Or Zelo had something else in mind?
These questions began to sneak into my mind, causing me a lot of doubts about my choice to pursue either individually or with his guide
I was never sure I follow my instincts,
because in that place everything was possible
In fact there was something impossible
The output.
That yes, it was really difficult to meet,
especially if it was a infinite cave
After this consideration, I woke up from the thoughts that persistently invading me, realizing that the need to exit advanced to a higher level
I urgently need to get out,
smell the mountain air,
touch the grass and the leaves with your fingers,
feel the sunlight that floods the skin,
giving that wonderful feeling of warmth.
For a moment i felt the whole body stiffen,
crushed by a thousand shivers through my body
I wanted to escape from this hell
And re-enter the paradise
But to make this come true, I should not give up
I did not lose hope of being able to revise that part of the world.
Although I was not aware of the tremendous danger that I was stumbling, I chose to move forward,
continuing in the opposite way
I chose to follow my uncertainty, rather than my emotions
I would not be brought to a safe place,
but only in a trap
Even if for a few seconds, I was insicure,
I do not let halve the soul, as if it was worth anything
I did not want to die inside, having repeatedly used my determination
I was much more of a dead soul
Even though I was human, does not mean that what they were worth
It is precisely for this reason that I wanted to complete my journey
For the certainty of having a heart and a soul much more powerful than those supernatural creatures
I felt a smile,
which finally went to redraw on my lips
 it was I who laughed in their face
But despite having tasted that precious moment,
the heat created an inviting atmosphere is traned in the freezing cold.
I knew without pausing,
that every institution that damn cave, was against me
In a nutshell, I was involved in a collision
1 vs. all.
The main problem was my number
Much lower than average
I said with an icy tone
A sharp burning of great intensity, showed up in my forearm previously struck
In a short time, I found myself strongly tighten
In particular, I pressed on the area, trying to ease the searing pain
I noticed, however, that what I was doing, was of little value
It got worse.
Transfixed by suffering, I decided to take a look at the palm of my hand, to understand what was going on
A few minutes ago, my hand was fine
I had seen and I was sure
But now what was going on?
I raised my left hand that covered the wound,
 immediately noticed that it was covered in my blood
I was staring at it with wide eyes, beginning to tremble from evil and fear of what was happening to me in just a few seconds
The burgundy red substance, continued to leak out very quickly, causing a great loss
My body began to weaken, making me fall on my knees
Only at that moment, I realized that the floor of the cave, dressed in the liquid
What does all this mean?
Why I was bleeding?
"A leather glove should scare me?"
"It was not exactly what I meant"
So what was he referring?
He wanted to kill me?
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Wow..this story is so....(out of words)....I don't know what to say...
Keep up with the good work...
amalily #2
Chapter 1: I think you have done a great job with this story so far! I like how the characters each have their specific personality traits and how it influences the way they view the excursion. I can see you've thought a lot about this story! ^^ Good work and good luck in the future too!! ^^
Chapter 1: this looks good^^~ you did a good job writing this one...I know how it feels to write a story when you're not using your first language so...i salute you for the nice chap!~ i'll be waiting for your next chaps~ *subscribes*
Chapter 1: I think this story definitely has potential - so far, it seems pretty interesting to me :D. I know that English isn't your first language, but you've done well~! There's still some tenses/grammatical errors here and there (eg: you don't put a comma after a quotation mark), but practice makes perfect~! Try finding a reliable beta-tester/proof-reader just to make sure that everything flows well :3. Oh, and personally, I think it'll be easier to read if you don't position the texts in the center~ Again, good job! Good luck with the story! ^ ^
I likenthe idea! It seems like it will be very interesting! It is different, so I think more people will be attracted to reading it :3 good luck with this!! I will be supporting this story!!
I really like ur's so interesting~~~ hope u can update soon n keep up the good work :D
The plot sounds really unique, I'm liking this sort of dark vibe of the story
Can't wait to read your future chapters ^_^
As I promised I hopped by your fan fiction~
And I really like the plot of the story, it sounds so interesting! Keep it up~! ^____^