Crazy Psycho

The Black Fear
Chapter 3 
Crazy Psycho
His action provoked a third one.
My heartbeat  resumed and I started to breath calmly and regularly again.
My hands weren’t anymore shaking, but were firm, only my eyes were still wandering nervously searching for his , so that I could assure he really had come to save me.
“How are you?”  asked as if he was frozen, staring me with his hazel eyes.
“Better, thanks.” I answered, checking the victimized part of my body to make sure there wasn’t anything left.
“Hey! You could have said you were arachnophobic!”
“Yeah, you’re right. I should have said all of my fears right away. Sorry”
“Don’t worry. After all I still managed to save you, right? “
“Yeah. Thank you so much. Really.”
“Don’t worry. If you need me, I’m always willing to help...” said Lay, a bit embarrassed.
“Or else, what kind of team would we be? “, I asked radiantly.
“Exactly.” He finished with an irresistible smile.
“You two! If you don’t keep the pace up, you’ll be left behind!” screamed the guide.
“Right on! Let’s go!” said to me.
I nodded quickly, before glancing toward the area where the guy who frightened me was, I tried looking for him,  trying to paying attention to any movement, but of him there was no trace.
“Did you forget something?”  Lay asked me, interrupting my concentration.
“Ehm…No, don’t worry.”
I concluded still a bit confused.
Even if he seemed to be right in the head, I wasn’t sure  what he may have said about it, so I just asked him kindly  :
“You won’t say anything of what happened , right?”
“Of course not. I don’t want to make fun of you in front of everyone else.” He said as if it was  already granted.
“Well, thanks.” I answered taking a deep breath, that draw his attention.
“Ah…It was the time that the two lovebirds deigned to appear. What was so important to take a break? “  Choi commented ironically, looking at him from head to toe.
I wouldn’t have ever believed he was talking to me.
Unfortunately, I had no idea what to come up with, also because I wasn’t so good at making up excuses, so it would have been immediately obvious  If I was lying.
His eyes were set right on me and ,by the expression he was giving me, you could see that he hadn’t any intentions to wait any longer.
It was then that I saw Lay advance and precede me, saying :
“It was my fault.”
At this point, the guide and all the group turned to him.
“I asked Hillary to take some photos for me, that’s the motivation.” He closed the discussion looking at everyone, one at one.    
“There is still a long way to go, so it would be better if you kept following us, we don’t need people slowing us down.”
“Then, you also. If you had chosen the narrow path we would be much nearer now than you can thought. I come here every year, so I know this place way better than any of you. Even better than our guide that has been working here only for a month and an half. Better you keep walking if you want to be half way for eight.” With those simple words, he made all fall silent.
“Okay, let’s going on.” Said Han, the Guide’s assistant, breaking the silence.
Everyone started to walk again, even if tired and weary.
Lay instead stayed aback, standing from some time , so that he could stay as far as possible from them; then he reached out his hand toward me, searching for mine, and going back to his usual expression , a mix of awkward and  funny.
“Let them be, come.”
Without any question, I accepted his hand  e followed him to continue our adventuring.
In that moment, I saw my friend, Mckenna, staring attentively the scene, giving me a disapproving gaze,  that made me freeze for a second.
After some hours passed,  we decided to  stop and camp for the night.
Since it was nine and the dark was already covering most of the sky, it was settled to light the fire camp so that everyone could sit around it.
Then we started eating dinner, literally devouring our supplements , that started with simply food, easy to digest, to real delicacies, even with spices.
I decided to only eat a packet of TUC, since I wasn’t really that hungry.
Unexpectedly,  I saw Lay, the caring Lay, coming up from who knows where and sitting near me , almost throwing himself on me.
“Just a packet of cracker?” he asked me, lifting his right eyebrow.
“Yeah, I don’t have much of an appetite.”
“I feel like a glutton.”
“I have eaten a whole kitchen  compared to you!”
“Wow, congratulations! Anyway…if it wasn’t for you , today I wouldn’t be able to get away from that bully.”
“Don’ worry” he said getting up and going towards the opposite direction from where I was sat.
For a moment I thought about how he saved me the first time.
His courage, his determination and his altruism made me feel so safe that I could still feel the shiver that had gone through my back when I felt his arms held me gently.
As I thought about it, a little smile came on mouth, but I was able to control it without getting to much attention.
However, I had the feeling that someone was aware of it, sensing a cold and possessive stare on me.
Mckenna hadn’t talked to me for the entire day and for the whole way she had been really serious. Moreover she had continued to glare at me.
I couldn’t stand the idea to her in that state, knowing why, but I knew that it wasn’t the best moment to discuss the matter.
Even though, I still really cared about our friendship, I didn’t want to be regarded as noisy and let her be.
“Can we talk for a moment?”
I heard her annoyed voice beside me.
Since she was impatient, I decided to get up and slowly follow her, so that a few steps could separate us,  to the area less illuminated of the camp.
Suddenly she stopped, turning nervously toward me.
“Tell me the truth, what happened between you and Lay before?”
“Nothing, I have already said it.”
“Then, why do  you hold hands? And  why do you keep yourself from laughing?”
“Well, those are not your concerns. Between us there’s nothing. Believe me!” I tried to be convincing.
“They are not my concerns? I’m madly in love with him! I have always loved him, but now a friend, who I thought was special, is stopping me. What should I do?” She asked raising her voice.
“There’s nothing between us! How many times I have to tell you! It’s just your imagination!” I kept on saying with determination.
“I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU TWO TOGETHER! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU TOUCH HIM ,NOT EVEN A MILLIMETER!” She said persistently, while crying and  grinding due to anger.
“It’s him who comes near me! I haven’t done anything to a make him, I‘ve always kept the right distance. He’s only trying to help me. That’s it!” I said, while backing a bit.
“Mckenna, I don’t want to lose your friendship due to this silly situation as such, let me explain you how it went if you want. But you don’t need to get angry.  You are frightening me.”
“I don’t need your explanation. I have already understood!” She concluded the discussion and she turned, giving me the back.
Immediately my attention went to the others, hearing Lay’s voice calling me.
“Hey, let’s g…”
“Do you see it? He always thinks of you..” She observed, interrupting me.
Unexpectedly, she burst out laughing, breaking the silence.
“I beg you, let’s go back. I’m sorry.” I said while getting nearer with a firm pass.
“STOP IT!” She screamed, shaking her arms and making me fall on the ground.
“MY EARS ARE BLEEDING DUE TO THE BULL COMING OUT FROM YOUR MOUTH. I DON’T WANT. I DON’T WANT. I DON’T WANT!” she said repeatedly,  scratching his head with her nails and groaning.
The only thing I could do in that moment was going away, as soon as I could, hoping to get there in time, even if it would take some time.
However, exactly  when I was going to do it, I felt a sharp pain on my head, which made me fell once again.
Mckenna sat right in front of me.
The only one memory that I have from that second is the rock in Mckenna’s hand and her psycho-like  attitude.
After that I didn’t see anything else.


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Wow..this story is so....(out of words)....I don't know what to say...
Keep up with the good work...
amalily #2
Chapter 1: I think you have done a great job with this story so far! I like how the characters each have their specific personality traits and how it influences the way they view the excursion. I can see you've thought a lot about this story! ^^ Good work and good luck in the future too!! ^^
Chapter 1: this looks good^^~ you did a good job writing this one...I know how it feels to write a story when you're not using your first language so...i salute you for the nice chap!~ i'll be waiting for your next chaps~ *subscribes*
Chapter 1: I think this story definitely has potential - so far, it seems pretty interesting to me :D. I know that English isn't your first language, but you've done well~! There's still some tenses/grammatical errors here and there (eg: you don't put a comma after a quotation mark), but practice makes perfect~! Try finding a reliable beta-tester/proof-reader just to make sure that everything flows well :3. Oh, and personally, I think it'll be easier to read if you don't position the texts in the center~ Again, good job! Good luck with the story! ^ ^
I likenthe idea! It seems like it will be very interesting! It is different, so I think more people will be attracted to reading it :3 good luck with this!! I will be supporting this story!!
I really like ur's so interesting~~~ hope u can update soon n keep up the good work :D
The plot sounds really unique, I'm liking this sort of dark vibe of the story
Can't wait to read your future chapters ^_^
As I promised I hopped by your fan fiction~
And I really like the plot of the story, it sounds so interesting! Keep it up~! ^____^