Red snow...

School of Bangtan HUNGER GAMES

,,, before Rap Monster's demise

Jimin and Jungkook used their hunter instincts and tried to brawl for their prey... but thing is: with the on-going blizzard covering everything withinin their field of vision... the treetops isn't exactly the best place to do so.

tumblr_inline_n40nyhMoNA1s8lgjg.jpg"Jimin-hyung... why are you so insistent on-" [Jungkook turns his head to the right and sees Jimin's blade edge striking towards him. Jungkook quickly reacts by hugging the tree and slides down to the ground.]

Jungkook shakes his head and makes a break for the jungle gym. Taking shelter under the slide, he preps his arrows and notices he was left with exactly 5 arrows... meaning he cannot falter... even in this windy excuse of a blizzard. He could hear the wind howling as crunching noises were barely present. Abruptly, Jungkook changes his playing cards and goes for a show-hand as he snugs on his night vision goggles.

Although, Jimin had the advantage in terms of weapon choice, being able to attack close to mid range; other factors came into play as he remembers Jungkook had the night vision goggles. Jimin did not want to think negatively at all but even mobility-wise, he isn't on equal ground for combat. Should he retreat or should he dive into battle with his throwing knives that has been with him since the beginning?

There's no time to think about these petty little thoughts as the cold envelopped him in a stiffening proposal of death. 

As Jungkook was about to let death decide their fates, he notices a beeping noise coming from the middle of his chest. He quickly notices that this bug did not come to say, "Hello," nor was it a reward... the only option was to dispose of it. He uses an arrow head to yank it off his suit and succeeds in doing so but...

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"Game Over..." [Jimin stood beside the maknae as he bent over and prepared for an attack.]


Tribute Rap Monster has been eliminated.


The bugs that were on the suit begins to beep frantically and flashes red. Jimin froze as he felt his suit restricting his movements by shrinking to the point where it strangled him.

"Number of tributes that have removed the bug is standing at 2... the remaining tribute will now be eliminated from the challenge."

Jimin cries out and reaches out for the maknae who stared at him in fear. "Jungkook...", he squirmed in pain as the suit strangled him to the point where his whole body turned red.

tumblr_inline_n40nyhMoNA1s8lgjg.jpg"..." [Jungkook was speechless at the sight in front of him as he reaches out for his hyung... his mouth quivered as his right hand shaked.]


Finally... the bug stabs it's needle into Jimin's chest and injects the lethal poison that emitted the flashing red light.

Tribute Jimin has been eliminated.

tumblr_inline_n40nyhMoNA1s8lgjg.jpgJungkook was in awe as he witnessed Jimin's torture and death... he couldn't handle the image and broke down into tears as he goes into fetal position. "... why... I don't want to do this anymore..."

The timing was just not right at all as a chocolate bar floats down toward Jungkook.

Now was not the time to enjoy sweets... Jungkook ignores the bar that was already being buried by the snow.


SPONSORS~ Now is the time to choose

The finale has arrived... make your choice... 

No reward or punishment will be given...


Who will come out on top?


Poll was deleted due to the completion of this series

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The finale is up! curtains up and whatnot my lovelies :)


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Soulx95 #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this was so freaking sad and funny!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the ending. But i liked how you still had all the emotions as if the members actually had been eliminated.
durian2003 #2
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! OoO!!!
The last two chapters were so sad!! And emotional!! And and and like it's just so, so... SAD!!
I mean, what RapMon did for Jin! And then JiMin and Jungkook!! A pity I didn't partake in the voting but the winner's been announce and kudos to J-Hope for his brilliant back-up plan.

Hehehehe~ May the odds be ever in ur favor M-Dawg~ XD
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha!!! I figured something was going on when THE REWARD WAS BULGOGI and THE FIRST ONE TO BE ELIMINATED WAS J-HOPE!!! Rofl! xD I was right!!!
J-Hope and Bulgogi!!!!!! xD
Chapter 7: if Jimin was the last one informed about the bugs, Jungkook was the one last informed about J-horse's treat ._. At least the princess wasn't at loss~ >w<
TaemiChan #5
Chapter 6: "Tribut Jimin has been eliminated"
Well, u did ur best oppa! Lets go home~~~
And do i smell JiKook here??? (I love jikook and my nose may be biased but.....)
I want the surprise but seems like Kookie is winning..../sigh/
Chapter 6: Well the chocolate was a waste~
UndertheMoonTaeil #7
Chapter 5: Yup! Jimin gets killed and jungkook gets the chocolate. Mianhae brother in law! : p