The Winter wonderland of pain and sorrow

School of Bangtan HUNGER GAMES

The evening sky was completely blocked off as snow clouds drew themselves all over. Flakes of white dance from left to right as it drifts down slowly like a ballad and increases the beat into a breakdance of sorts as the wind choreographs the gentle snowflakes. 


Rap Monster and Jin were now taking shelter under an impromptu tipi made out of twigs, leaves, and branches. Snuggling in the middle of the forest to preserve their body temperature, the two started feeling the mist of white escaping slowly from their bodies.


tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg"... Namjoon, they just want a good show and see who will die out first from this... endure it." [Jin clenches his teeth as the chattering made it too apparent that he won't last another minute.]

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"Save your breath... the more you exhale... the faster the warm air would escape your body." [Rap Monster wraps his left arm around Jin and brings the shivering hyung closer.]

The two shivered as they look at the blizzard covering the park arena quickly. Jin starts falling asleep as his body told him that the limit has been reached but Rap Monster wasn't going to have any of that as his nudges keep him from doing so.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"Jin... look! look it's a chrysanthemum!" [Rap Monster exclaimed as he spots the purple flower in front of them.]

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg"... you're right..." [Jin smiles in response and looks at Rap Monster.] "... I'm sorry for all those times I held you guys back during practice... Namjoon... mian..hae.." [Jin loses consciousness as his smile was the last gift he could offer to Rap Monster.]

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"JIN! JIN!!!!" [Rap Monster cries out as his lips dry out and lets out a single drop of blood.]

Slowly a knife makes it's way down from the blizzard, completely unaffected from the strong wind. A note that read... "A sacrifice must be made in order for this crisis to end... we offer you a heat pack in exchange for a life... choose... your life or the life of another?", was attached to the end of the knife.

Rap Monster did not hesitate as he drives the knife into his own heart. He smiles at the unconscious member and whispers, "Goodbye..."



Tribute Rap Monster has been eliminated.



tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg"huh-ha... huh-ha..." [Jin breathed heavily as his slumber was no more.]

Jin looked left and right but saw no traces of his partner... The storm still rages on but his body was not affected at all.

"... where's-" Jin searches his body frantically in hopes of a clue... but that's when he feels something warm around his abdomen.

"... namjoon..." A single tear escapes his right eye and trails down his face. 




Jin gets up and walks out of the shelter in search of the remaining 2 tributes. "this game will come to an end..."



SPONSORS~ Now is the time to choose

  1. The final battle is drawing near... but they must pass the last obstacle - each of them have a bug attached to them... these bugs emit a lethal poison that will activate the suit to incapacitate the selected tribute instantly... Who is the last tribute to find out?
  2. A chocolate bar is definitely something that will keep one's sugar level up... especially in the arena where no more food will be present in this snow storm... Who will get the REWARD item?


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The finale is up! curtains up and whatnot my lovelies :)


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Soulx95 #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this was so freaking sad and funny!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the ending. But i liked how you still had all the emotions as if the members actually had been eliminated.
durian2003 #2
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! OoO!!!
The last two chapters were so sad!! And emotional!! And and and like it's just so, so... SAD!!
I mean, what RapMon did for Jin! And then JiMin and Jungkook!! A pity I didn't partake in the voting but the winner's been announce and kudos to J-Hope for his brilliant back-up plan.

Hehehehe~ May the odds be ever in ur favor M-Dawg~ XD
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha!!! I figured something was going on when THE REWARD WAS BULGOGI and THE FIRST ONE TO BE ELIMINATED WAS J-HOPE!!! Rofl! xD I was right!!!
J-Hope and Bulgogi!!!!!! xD
Chapter 7: if Jimin was the last one informed about the bugs, Jungkook was the one last informed about J-horse's treat ._. At least the princess wasn't at loss~ >w<
TaemiChan #5
Chapter 6: "Tribut Jimin has been eliminated"
Well, u did ur best oppa! Lets go home~~~
And do i smell JiKook here??? (I love jikook and my nose may be biased but.....)
I want the surprise but seems like Kookie is winning..../sigh/
Chapter 6: Well the chocolate was a waste~
UndertheMoonTaeil #7
Chapter 5: Yup! Jimin gets killed and jungkook gets the chocolate. Mianhae brother in law! : p