Turning the game around...

School of Bangtan HUNGER GAMES

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"just what I needed..." [Rap Monster quickly takes shelter behind the tree where he found the necessity, in hopes that the crazy bomber would give him a break.]

tumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg"No time for breaks, Namjoon~" Suga throws another bomb at Rap Monster and laughs maniacally.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster dashes out with a tomahawk in his posession and slices the bomb in half, igniting the 2 halves behind him. "My turn to play." Rap Monster runs in the direction the bombs were launched from and makes his retaliation.

Suga wore a flustered expression and starts throwing bombs as he climbs higher. 

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster dodges the bombs as they were thrown inaccurately and takes aim at the bomb terrorist. "This is for your surprises from earlier." Throwing his tomahawk in the form of a boomerang U-throw, Rap Monster knocks Suga to the ground.

tumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Suga inches away from his nemesis as his movements were limited while on his back. 

Rap Monster raises his tomahawk into the air... in response, Suga flinches at the sight of his leader preparing to attack him.

-sniff sniff- ... Rap Monster sniffed as black smoke came from the direction they were in earlier, he had a gut feeling telling him to run away and that's exactly what he did.

Suga opens his right eye and peeks at Rap Monster who was retreating from his domain. Soon enough, Suga saw black smoke engulfing him... but by the time he noticed that a fire started before long... he was unable to escape.

Tribute Suga has been eliminated.

Rap Monster turns around and sees the fire quickly disappearing from sprinklers going off in that exact area. He did not ponder on the fact whether or not Suga was okay... he pondered on the fact, whose his next target? No use in standing still, he thought as he shrugged it off and walks away. Suddenly, a bundle of rope floats down from a parachute towards Rap Monster. As he walked away, Rap Monster sticks out his arm and adds the bundle of rope to his collection.


Hours later, the sun was starting to set... the tributes grew impatient as the darkness drew in...

Switching the spotlight to Jin, he was planning to take out the easier target who had his weapon of choice.

Jin planned on waiting till there was only one person left before leaping into the fray when the showdown was near. Hiding near the trees secluded from where all the action has taken place, Jin made use of the moss, mud, and grass to paint on his disguise flawlessly. Thing is, his disguise is now useless due to his impatience. He draws closer toward V and etches closer and closer till he was within a good distance.

Pulling out the whip he found, Jin was not one to make a friendly trade-off with the clueless V.


... meanwhile... where V was...

still slashing away...


back to Jin...

etching closer...


back to V...

still slashing...


back to Jin...



back to V...

still slashing...


back to Jin...

closer... when suddenly...


Jin lays down and rolls away to dodge...

image"Darnit, I missed." [Jungkook was perched upon a branch like a hawk as he took aim at Jin.] "Taehyung owes me for this... although I'm saving that 4D hyung for last."

image"DAMMIT JUNGKOOK!" [Jin readies his whip as the crack of his whip resounds loudly.]

Jungkook fires two arrows consecutively as Jin ran towards him.

Jin takes 1 arrow to his right knee while the other was brushed aside from his random flurry of whip attacks snapping in midair. Jin quickly goes down on his right knee as the numbness from the suit kicks in.

Jungkook continues his rapid fire sequence as Jin was immobilized for a bit.


1 second could turn any game around as one would say... and in this case... 

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg[Rap Monster's lasso snagged onto Jungkook's right arm which the maknae drew arrows with]. "Don't bully my princess."


SPONSORS~ Now is the time to choose

  1. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?!?!?. Who will get attacked by the herd of angry dogs?
  2. Night is drawing in - night vision goggles will be issued... Who will get the REWARD item?


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The finale is up! curtains up and whatnot my lovelies :)


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Soulx95 #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this was so freaking sad and funny!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the ending. But i liked how you still had all the emotions as if the members actually had been eliminated.
durian2003 #2
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! OoO!!!
The last two chapters were so sad!! And emotional!! And and and like it's just so, so... SAD!!
I mean, what RapMon did for Jin! And then JiMin and Jungkook!! A pity I didn't partake in the voting but the winner's been announce and kudos to J-Hope for his brilliant back-up plan.

Hehehehe~ May the odds be ever in ur favor M-Dawg~ XD
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha!!! I figured something was going on when THE REWARD WAS BULGOGI and THE FIRST ONE TO BE ELIMINATED WAS J-HOPE!!! Rofl! xD I was right!!!
J-Hope and Bulgogi!!!!!! xD
Chapter 7: if Jimin was the last one informed about the bugs, Jungkook was the one last informed about J-horse's treat ._. At least the princess wasn't at loss~ >w<
TaemiChan #5
Chapter 6: "Tribut Jimin has been eliminated"
Well, u did ur best oppa! Lets go home~~~
And do i smell JiKook here??? (I love jikook and my nose may be biased but.....)
I want the surprise but seems like Kookie is winning..../sigh/
Chapter 6: Well the chocolate was a waste~
UndertheMoonTaeil #7
Chapter 5: Yup! Jimin gets killed and jungkook gets the chocolate. Mianhae brother in law! : p