It begins...

School of Bangtan HUNGER GAMES

The day has come when 7 bandmates have assembled in the park arena for the 754th Annual Hunger games...

     The treaty of Bulgogi has come into play ~ when once a year, the boys of Bangtan have to fight for the final plate of Bulgogi whether they want it or not.

             Now standing tall and proud to fight for the last plate, the 7 boys and their judge are making any last minute preparations for the games.

                      With only 2 weapons right behind them to choose from, the rest are hidden throughout the arena itself - equaling to a total of 7...

Enough chitchat, let us dive into the actual scene and begin. 

tumblr_inline_n3wa2rLvIc1s8lgjg.jpg[Wearing a giant white aristocratic wig, M-dawg can be spotted from miles away in the middle of the park elevated by a tiny blue step stool] "Another lovely day for celebration, tribute, and bulgogi.~ Today marks the 754th annual Hunger Games. Let's get on our way and get the games started shall we? The suit that you are wearing underneath your jackets contain a sensor which reacts to the weapons. If you are ever hit by any of the weapons, the sensor will go off and create a numb sensation. Don't worry, it won't hurt but it will be severe if your prey bares fangs back at you. A total of 5 hits and you're out! Now remember~ Happy Hunger Games~ And may the odds ever be in your favour!"  [M-dawg sprints away from the park arena bordered by the enlacement of ropes and fires the starting pistol from a distance]


Right off the bat, Rap Monster, Suga, J-Hope, Jin, and Jungkook scurry off into different directions of the arena... Leaving only Jimin and Taehyung at the starting point.

Jimin doesn't even bother to look at his surroundings and only focused on the 'Throwing Knives' that were present. In contrast, V has already gotten ahold of the dual swords and already preparing to attack the weaponless Jimin. Swiftly Jimin dives forward in attempt to grab the knives and make his escape, but V apparently will have none of that.

image"NOT TODAY JIMIN!" [alternating his slashes randomly on the diving target, V looked away and closed his eyes in hopes that even one of his slashes connect.]


image[Wild Jimin has escaped.]

Leaving only V to slash the air in repetitive motion till he notices that his prey has now join the pack of predators on the brawl. 


At the same time...

imageJungkook decides to mark the park bench as his camping spot right after he found a bow and set of arrows under that very bench. Climbing was never his specialty but he will have to make-do with what he had on hand, 'his jacket'. Finally reaching the thick branch camouflaged by leaves, Jungkook can take a breather and await any incoming participants in this grueling game.

-Rustle rustle-

The low thicket of bushes surrounding his area hinted movement as the rustling of the foliage made it too obvious. Jungkook exhales as he readies for a pre-emptive strike.

image"I'M YOUR HOPE!!!" [J-Hope quickly sprints out of the bushes and throws a javelin at the youngest in hopes that the tip of the javelin will at least graze his target.] 

image[Jungkook had no choice but to give up his pre-emptive attack and straddle the branch to hang himself upside down with only his legs to support him.]

image[J-Hope dashes to the bushes on the opposite side for cover as his only mains of defence was now too far away.]



J-Hope looks down as his right popliteal fossa [A/N: the back of your knee between your thigh and calf] was already marked by the maknae's arrow. He could feel numbness overcoming his leg as the sensor activated by the suit sets off. Looking up in fear as Jungkook draws his bow, J-Hope crawls the rest of the way to the bush.

image"I'm sorry hyung..." [Jungkook exhales again as he releases arrows at his retreating target.]

Releasing arrow after arrow as each and every single hit perfectly lands on J-Hope's back with perfect precision. In response, J-Hope could feel the numbness more and more till he finally stops moving.

image[Jungkook bends forward and hugs the branch like a koala in order to jump down to his domain. He approaches his target in order to retrieve his arrows.]

when suddenly...

image"You missed 1 hit." [J-Hope grabs the maknae's ankle and pulls him down, dragging Jungkook to the grass field.] "It's never too early to say you're sorry because the deed has not been finished." [Finally making his move, J-Hope pulls the bundle of arrows present on his back and attempts to stab Jungkook.]


Tribute J-Hope has been eliminated.


SPONSORS~ Now is the time to choose

  1. Nobody will be receiving an elimination due to the downfall of J-Hope.
  2. A bottle of water will be sent out to one of the lucky tributes... Who will get the REWARD item?


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The finale is up! curtains up and whatnot my lovelies :)


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Soulx95 #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this was so freaking sad and funny!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the ending. But i liked how you still had all the emotions as if the members actually had been eliminated.
durian2003 #2
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! OoO!!!
The last two chapters were so sad!! And emotional!! And and and like it's just so, so... SAD!!
I mean, what RapMon did for Jin! And then JiMin and Jungkook!! A pity I didn't partake in the voting but the winner's been announce and kudos to J-Hope for his brilliant back-up plan.

Hehehehe~ May the odds be ever in ur favor M-Dawg~ XD
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha!!! I figured something was going on when THE REWARD WAS BULGOGI and THE FIRST ONE TO BE ELIMINATED WAS J-HOPE!!! Rofl! xD I was right!!!
J-Hope and Bulgogi!!!!!! xD
Chapter 7: if Jimin was the last one informed about the bugs, Jungkook was the one last informed about J-horse's treat ._. At least the princess wasn't at loss~ >w<
TaemiChan #5
Chapter 6: "Tribut Jimin has been eliminated"
Well, u did ur best oppa! Lets go home~~~
And do i smell JiKook here??? (I love jikook and my nose may be biased but.....)
I want the surprise but seems like Kookie is winning..../sigh/
Chapter 6: Well the chocolate was a waste~
UndertheMoonTaeil #7
Chapter 5: Yup! Jimin gets killed and jungkook gets the chocolate. Mianhae brother in law! : p