V does not always stand for victory...

School of Bangtan HUNGER GAMES

Jungkook pulls his snagged right arm towards him to retaliate but the overwhelming strength of the older kept his right arm from drawing anymore arrows. 

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg[Jin did not waste this moment as he quickly dashes toward the ensnared maknae and launches his whip towards the branch.]

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"JIN WAIT!" [Rap Monster shouts in real time but that quickly fades into silence throughout the whole park arena.]

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"I let you live and it seems you were too naive to even use your head." [Jimin stood in between Jungkook and Jin with a throwing knife toward Jin's throat.]

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg"Don't underestimate me." [Jin steps back a few and sprints toward Jimin to recollect his steps into a quick fist fight.]

Jimin dodges the incoming barrage and throws a knife at the rope that held Jungkook captive while continuing his acrobatics show. Jungkook jumps down from the branch and runs along the side of the arena and shoots arrow after arrow at Rap Monster.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"The sparrow has become a hawk? Interesting." [Rap Monster smirks and accepts the challenge as he swings his axe out to the deflect the incoming attacks.]

The sun drifted down as the 4 duke it out towards their final breath. They were tired but at the same time exhilarated to the point where they did not falter to the thought of incapacitation. Sweat drenched the boys as the evening breeze heightened the chances of sickness which was the last of their worries.

All this was soon coming to an end as the boys saw in a distance... wild dogs were attacking V right in the middle of the arena and as soon as the torture ended for the member... there's no telling how long the dogs will be released for.

Tribute V has been eliminated.

Rap Monster and Jin nods in unison and retreats toward the burnt grounds where Suga claimed his own, while Jungkook and Jin retreats to the treetops where sniping enemies from afar would definitely be an asset. Amisdt all this survival business, a pair of goggles drifts down toward Jungkook. Jungkook smiles and shows off his new gadget to Jimin. Jimin ruffles the maknae's hair and smiles in response.

Once enemies, now allies... but thing is this game does not adhere to sharing between 2 victors... they will have to make the final decision when the survivor count reaches 2.


SPONSORS~ Now is the time to choose

  1. The cold weather has settled into a state of a bizarre winter land... Who won't be able to stand the harshness of the cold?
  2. A heat pack is on the way... Who will get the REWARD item?


A/N: sorry it took so long to update - lotsa people calling in sick at work =_= ... and guess who had to fill in... THIS GUY >.< Oh well... at least I get overtime pay.

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The finale is up! curtains up and whatnot my lovelies :)


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Soulx95 #1
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this was so freaking sad and funny!!! I couldn't stop laughing at the ending. But i liked how you still had all the emotions as if the members actually had been eliminated.
durian2003 #2
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! OoO!!!
The last two chapters were so sad!! And emotional!! And and and like it's just so, so... SAD!!
I mean, what RapMon did for Jin! And then JiMin and Jungkook!! A pity I didn't partake in the voting but the winner's been announce and kudos to J-Hope for his brilliant back-up plan.

Hehehehe~ May the odds be ever in ur favor M-Dawg~ XD
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha!!! I figured something was going on when THE REWARD WAS BULGOGI and THE FIRST ONE TO BE ELIMINATED WAS J-HOPE!!! Rofl! xD I was right!!!
J-Hope and Bulgogi!!!!!! xD
Chapter 7: if Jimin was the last one informed about the bugs, Jungkook was the one last informed about J-horse's treat ._. At least the princess wasn't at loss~ >w<
TaemiChan #5
Chapter 6: "Tribut Jimin has been eliminated"
Well, u did ur best oppa! Lets go home~~~
And do i smell JiKook here??? (I love jikook and my nose may be biased but.....)
I want the surprise but seems like Kookie is winning..../sigh/
Chapter 6: Well the chocolate was a waste~
UndertheMoonTaeil #7
Chapter 5: Yup! Jimin gets killed and jungkook gets the chocolate. Mianhae brother in law! : p