The perfect place for love

I can't make you love me: Jongin' turn

“Jongin…”Kris stretched out his hand hoping to feel Jongin lying next to him and only managed to grasp on an empty bed spread. Kris opened his eyes and laid his hand on the now cold sheets. Kris set up on the bed and wondered if what happened last night was all a dream, Kris turned his gaze and saw the gift bag that was still situated on the dresser and smiled. Kris yawned and reached out to the side of the dresser to check his alarm clock.


“It’s only 4:00 a.m in the morning, where are you baby?” Kris looked around his room for any sign of Jongin; Kris didn’t understand why Jongin had to creep out of his room in the middle of the night. Kris got out of bed and saw Jongin’ clothes still lying on the floor and thought maybe Jongin went to have a quick shower.


Kris put his clean boxers on and walked out of his room in hopes to catch Jongin in the shower. Kris entered the bathroom and pulled back the shower curtains and was greatly disappointed when he saw no sign of Jongin. Kris tapped his feet and was wondering what kind of sick game Jongin was playing. Kris didn’t understand how one person could be hot for one second and become totally cold in the next.


“I should have known last night was too good to be true. I guess Jongin went back to his room.” Kris walked out of the bathroom feeling empty and mislead by the one person he true loved more than life itself. Before Kris could go back into his room he was greeted by a mouth watering aroma of fried eggs, bacon and freshly brewed coffee. Kris followed this smell all the way to the kitchen, were he saw a tanned boy who was wearing nothing but a striped shirt dancing around and turning off the stove. Kris tiptoed behind Jongin and managed to wrap his arms around his waist.


“Good morning baby.” Kris whispered.


“Please don’t ever sneak up on me like that again!” Jongin placed his hand on his now heaving chest.


“I’m sorry I startled you baby, it’s just that I got so worried when I didn’t see you lying next to me. Tell me what was so important that you had to sneak out?” Kris turned Jongin to face him.


“Well I thought I would surprise you with breakfast in bed but now I guess that the surprise is no longer a surprise.” Jongin pouted and wrapped his arms around Kris’ broad shoulders.


“I’m so sorry for ruining the surprise.” Kris pulled Jongin’ body closer and laid a sweet kiss on his lips.


“Apology accepted, are you hungry?” Jongin pulled away from Kris.


“I’m famished.” Kris unwrapped his arms around Jongin’ waist and set on one of the revolving chairs near the kitchen counter top and watched Jongin dish out some beacon and eggs along side with some buttered toast on a plate. Jongin then made his way were Kris was seated and placed the plate on the counter top.


“Kris how do you take your coffee? With milk or without milk? Sweet or not sweet?” Jongin began by pouring some of the freshly brewed coffee into two cups.


“Well this is going to sound really funny but I like my coffee dark and sweet like my men.” Kris chuckled and earned a hard pinch on the arm from Jongin. Jongin took the two cups of coffee and placed them alongside the plate on the counter top. With no warning at all Kris pulled Jongin on to his lap.


“I want you to feed me.” Kris opened his mouth widely and Jongin shoved a piece of bacon down Kris’ throat almost causing Kris to choke.


“What did you do that for?” Kris reached for his coffee and took a sip so that the bacon would go down easily.


“That was for comparing me to a cup of coffee.” Jongin stuck out his tongue at Kris.Jongin wrapped his arms around Kris’ shoulders and placed a sympathy kiss on Kris’ forehead.


“Kris I was wondering about something.”


“What were you wondering about?” Kris took a piece of bacon from the plated and fed it to Jongin.


“I was wondering about what’s actually going on between us?” Jongin started massaging Kris’ shoulders.


“Well that’s up to you to decide where you want this relationship to head off to.” Kris closed his eyes because he was actually enjoying the massage from Jongin.


“I was wondering if this is one of those band mates with benefits things or leader on maknea things or…” Jongin stopped massaging Kris and Kris opened his eyes when he could no longer feel Jongin’ magic fingers working on the kinks on his shoulder blades.


“Or what baby?” Jongin moved his gaze away from Kris.


“Or are we like boyfriend and boyfriend.” Jongin started fidgeting with his fingers nervously waiting for Kris’ response.


“If I were to choose I would pick the last option. I would really like to start out as your boyfriend if you would have me. So Jongin what I mean to say is, will you be my boyfriend?” Kris intertwined his fingers with Jongin’.


“Yes! Yes! I would love to be your boyfriend!” Jongin jumped up and down on Kris' lap and placed a wet kiss on Kris’ lips.


“But Jongin you have to promise me one thing.” Kris started tracing Jongin’ jaw line with his fingers.


“What would that be?” Jongin was now feeling a bit jittery and feared that Kris might ask something of him that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill.


“I want you to stop lying about us to the others.” Jongin looked away from Kris.


“Are you ashamed of me or should I say are you ashamed of us?”


“NO! NO! I’m not ashamed of you or us!” Jongin redirected his gaze back at Kris.


“Baby I’m going to need you to stop with the lies from now on,  if the others catch us doing things that two people do when they are in love you should be able to tell them the truth and not conjure up some more lies. Do you promise to stop lying?” Kris tightened his arms around Jongin.


“I promise.” Jongin gave Kris a big smile and a hug.


“So when are we going tell the others about our relationship?” Kris asked out of curiosity and was hoping to validate how serious Jongin was about their relationship.


“About that…I think it’s not a pretty good idea to tell the others just yet. Please give me a month or so. I think if we tell everyone now they will think you are trying to take advantage of me.” Jongin was now playing with Kris’ hair. What Jongin said actually made some sense in Kris’ mind, there was a huge possibility that many of the members would not approve of their relationship right now and would jump to a conclused that he might be the one pressuring Jongin into this relationship.


“So what do we do in the mean time? Do I have to sneak around every time I want to spend some quality time with you?” Kris didn’t like the idea of sneaking around, he wanted to stand on top of the highest mountain and proclaim his love for Jongin in front of the whole world.


“I guess so…but it won’t be long I promise. I just need this whole molestation thing to cool down first. I just need you to be a little more patient with me.” Jongin hopped off of Kris' lap and placed the dirty dishes into the sink. Kris stood up from where he was seated and followed Jongin.


“I really don’t like keeping secrets but I’m willing to compromise because that’s what people do when they love each other.” Kris wrapped his arms around the shorter boy and Jongin did the same.


“Thank you for being so understanding and loving, I’m sure loving someone like me isn’t easy on you.”


“No it’s not; it’s a freaking pain in the .” Kris teased Jongin and Jongin punched Kris’ arm before resting his head on Kris’ chest.


“So what do we do now?” Kris pulled away from the hug and held Jongin’ hand.


“Well since it’s still a bit dark I think it would be best if I go to my room and sleep before the others wake up and before Sehun realizes that I was gone the entire night.” Jongin looked up at his lover.


“Can I walk you to your room?” Kris flashed one his gummy smiles at Jongin that caused Jongin to feel all mushy and giddy inside.


“Of course you can, if you want to.” Jongin shied away and felt his cheeks starting to burn up. Both boys walked side by side through the corridor and finally stopped outside of Jongin’ room.


“I guess this is where we part ways.” Kris started scratching his chin nervously. Kris didn’t want to part with Jongin even if it was just for a second; Kris wanted to keep Jongin safe in his arms forever. Jongin thought Kris looked really adorable whenever he seemed nervous.


“Come here you big hunk of jam.” Jongin pulled Kris down for a kiss.



“Jongin, tell me why are you wearing my favorite shirt?”


“Oh I didn’t know it was your favorite shirt.” Jongin started ing the shirt.


“No, don’t take it off; I think it’s going to be even more precious to me if you wear it.” Kris fastened up the buttons Jongin managed to .


“I’m going to fix my bed now; I guess maybe we can hang out later on today… lover.” Kris gave Jongin one last squeeze and a peck on the cheek before walking away and leaving Jongin to melt against the wall. Jongin thought it felt sensational to hear Kris call him his lover.


Jongin opened the door carefully so it wouldn’t make any creaking sounds that would awaken Sehun; he tiptoed in and closed the door. Peeled away his bed covers and jumped in to a cold bed and wished that he could have Kris’ arms around him.


Sehun saw Jongin sneaking into his bed and wondered where he spent the night.



9:00 A.M…


Jongin was awoken by the sound of his phone vibrating. Jongin tossed and turn on his bed and didn’t want to get up any time soon, then again he thought it could be some kind of important message from Sm. Jongin stretched out his arm and grabbed his phone from the dresser. Jongin yawned loudly and set up.


“This better be important.” Jongin opened the message and saw that it was a message from Kris. Jongin grinned and saw no sign of Sehun. Jongin jumped out of bed and ran around the room with his phone in his hand. He wasn’t expecting to hear from Kris so soon.



Kris: Hey baby, I hope you slept well. I was wondering if we could go out and maybe catch a movie or have lunch.”


Jongin started playing with his own hair and shuffling his feet. Jongin wasn’t good at expressing his feelings verbally, he didn’t know how to respond to Kris’ message. Jongin took in a deep breath and started typing.


Jongin: I would love to go out ^^


Kris: I guess then it’s a date…Can we meet around ten o’clock, I will park the car a few blocks away from the dorm so that the others don’t see us leaving together. I want to take you to this really cool place that I saw last week, I’m sure you’ll love it.


Jongin: Okay I can’t wait, bye for now.


Kris: See you in an hour’s time. Xoxo




Jongin placed his phone near his heart and sighed.


“Oh !” Jongin realized that he had nothing to wear on his very first date. Jongin knew he wasn’t flashy like Kris, so he thought a simple denim jean and a black t-shirt would do the trick. Jongin rushed into the shower stripping off and letting the warm water drizzle all over his body. Jongin started humming a familiar Exo tune and dancing in the shower. Once he was done he quickly dried off and got dressed. Jongin put some styling gel on his hair and rushed out of his room. Jongin stared at his wrist watched and didn’t realize that there was now only 10 minutes left before ten o’clock.


“Damn it, I’m going to be late.” Jongin ran out of the front door and out of the front gate. Jongin stopped and searched around the block for any sign of the vehicle.


“Kris said he would be a few blocks away.” Jongin muttered these words to himself as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Before Jongin could dial Kris’ number he saw Kris leaning against the car and smiled. Jongin covered his rosy cheeks when he saw his boyfriend.

“Hey gorgeous.” Kris gave Jongin a peck on the cheek.


“Are you ready to go?” Kris the opened the passenger side door for Jongin and Jongin climbed into the car. Kris went all the way around the vehicle and hopped in, he started the car. Jongin fastened Kris’ seat belt for him and then his own.


“Safety first.” Jongin brushed his hand across Kris’ thigh. Kris chuckled and pulled out a blindfold and covered Jongin’ eyes with it.


“How many fingers am I holding up baby?” Kris waved his hand in front of Jongin’ face.


“Twelve!” Jongin shouted out and Kris threw his head back and laughed. Kris knew it was physically impossible for him to have twelve fingers.


“Where are we going and why am I blindfolded?” Jongin seemed to be super excited and nervous at the same time. This was going to be his first outing with Kris as his boyfriend.


“We going to a very special place, you will see.” Kris drove off and Jongin could literally feel each bump on the road as the car drove off. The whole way the boys didn’t engage in any small talk and Kris suspected that Jongin might be asleep. Jongin seemed pretty peaceful until Kris stopped the car.


“Where are we? Why did the car stop? Are we here, I mean there?” Jongin kept turning his head to the window and back at Kris. Kris got out of the car and pulled Jongin out as well. Jongin latched onto Kris arm.


“We are here baby.” Kris took off Jongin’ blindfold.


“Kris, what am I suppose to look out for?”Jongin did a quick scan of the area for any signs of anything extraordinary.


“Look across the street baby.” Kris pointed to a small restaurant that was in between two worn down buildings. Jongin didn’t know how to react. He had to rub his eyes twice to make sure that this was the place Kris wanted them to spend their first date in. Jongin always heard Kris proclaiming himself as the most romantic Exo member but he didn’t see anything romantic about being taken out to a rundown restaurant.

“There has to be a mistake.” Jongin folded his arms and pouted and Kris chuckled.


“Kris…I don’t see anything special about this dump.” Jongin turned to stare at Kris.


“Look up, look at the name of the restaurant.” Kris redirected Jongin’ eyes towards the sign that read out ‘Galaxy chicken’.



“I can’t believe my eye! How did you manage to find this?” Jongin was speechless when he finally realized how special this place was.


“Well I was driving around last week and I managed to see the name of the restaurant and I thought to myself that this must be one of those Seven Wonders of the World things. I just looked at this place and it reminded me of you and why I always tried my best to never stop believing in us.” Jongin held Kris’ hand as the kept their eyes fixated on the sign.


Jongin was really happy that the two things that they both loved the most were blended together so beautifully into this tiny humble restaurant.


“This is the best surprise I’ve ever gotten. Thank you Kris.”  Jongin squeezed Kris’ hand tighter and they both walked off towards the ‘Galaxy chicken’.


A/N: Hey guy :D It's been along time. Missed you all and thank you all once more for your support. xoxo

















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Elite13 #1
Chapter 12: Omg i'm Complete Surprise. Wonderful Story. Their was up's ans down's nur l l ove is Stronger...
Chapter 12: I feel completely satisfied with this story. I felt happy, excited, sad, angry, and most likely warm. In the heart, that is. Teach me your ways. I fail at making people feel emotions when I write stories. ❤❤❤ Best Kriskai story ever~! ♡♡♡
Ann_Precious1 #3
Chapter 12: Wow. Different way of stories. Never thought it end up like this. Thumbs up.
Chapter 12: wow...a few first chap make me dislike kai haha bcuz of his attitude but wow the ending is just amazing... Kris in this story look so real... he leave exo and continue as actor like now..anyway ur story is amazing!!!
music21 #5
Chapter 12: *clapping* this was a one of a kind story, I never read anything like it.
Faustine11 #6
Chapter 12: i think u made me cry the whole chap
ChoiEka #7
Oh my... *speechless*
kyra81 #8
Chapter 13: Aw......!!! Finally!!! D.o collapse is epic!! And Tao and Suho reaction is priceless!! I'm happy Jongin finally together with Kris and making babies ... Aw....!!!! I'm relieving that everything is cleared up and all misunderstanding between Kris and Jongin are over...!! Phew.....!! Now I can compose myself and relax...... I can't wait to read your other stories ahead and Hwaiting!!! \>_</
DoubleYsYeoja #9
Chapter 12: I love happy ending yay
Chapter 12: Wow Luhan doesn't waists time, eight kids .....well it's over then? Oh my gosh I'm gonna miss this story T_T...thank you so much for sharing it with us !!!