
I can't make you love me: Jongin' turn

"I have to sort things out with Jongin, now!" Kris picked himself up and went out of the dance studio, he stood outside Jongin' room and thought Jongin might already be asleep. Kris opened the door carefully to prevent the door from making a creaking sound.


The room was pretty dark because the lights were already turned off. Kris stepped into the room and heard Sehun snoring. Kris wished he could strangle Sehun in his sleep and dump Sehun' body in some dam for trying to create a rift between two people who love each other. Kris thought killing Sehun wouldn't solve his problems, it would just give the other members more ammunition to hate him even more. Kris stared at Jongin' empty bed and felt his heart about to do a mile.


Jongin wasn't in his bed or in the room. Kris tiptoed out of the room and closed the door carefully. Kris stood still for a while and wondered where the hell Jongin was at this very moment.



"If I was Jongin, where would I go?" Kris placed his finger on his bottom lip and tried to think like Jongin.



"Luhan!" Kris snapped his fingers because he knew that whenever Jongin was hurting or had something bothering him, he would go straight to his best friend Luhan.




"He dumped me! He...he..." Jongin started hiccuping and Luhan was doing his best to comfort Jongin. Xiumin was tired of hearing Jongin wailing, Xiumin wanted to go to sleep but Jongin' constant crying was making it difficult for him to fall asleep.



"He...he had the cookie and now he doesn't want me anymore." Jongin wailed in his friend's arms. Xiumin closed his eyes because he was now mixed up in this whole scandal between Jongin and Kris. Jongin had came into Luhan' and Xiumin' room and told Xiumin and Luhan everything about his secret relationship with Kris. Jongin also told them about how Kris dumped him via text.



"Hush Jongin...I'm so sorry." Luhan was trying his best to stay up and help Jongin through this his heart break. They heard a knock on the door and Xiumin jumped out of his bed to check who was knocking on their door so late.




Xiumin opened the door and was shocked to see Kris. Xiumin slammed the door in Kris' face because he thought Kris was a complete Jackass for playing around with Jongin' feelings.



"Xiumin, please open the door! I know Jongin is in there!" Kris started banging on the door and if he kept this up, he would surely wake everyone else in the dorm.



"Tell him to go away! I don't want to ever see him!" Jongin blew his nose into a tissue and Xiumin rolled his eyes. Xiumin went back to open the door and Kris was trying to force his way into the room.



"Woah! Jongin doesn't want to see you!" Xiumin was trying his best to hold Kris back.



"Xiumin, please let me see my boyfriend. I need to talk to him, I think there is someone who is trying to drive a wedge between us." Kris was very persistent, he wouldn't give up until he gets his chance to see Jongin.



"Kris, I don't think you should call Jongin your boyfriend anymore, I heard a lot of rotten things about what you said to Jongin via text." Xiumin was beginning to weaken. Xiumin was the strongest out of all the members of Exo but Kris was starting to wear him out.



"Come on old friend, you have to let me would you feel if someone tried to separate you from Luhan? Please just let me have a minute with my lover...please." Kris begged Xiumin and Xiumin stepped aside to let Kris in.



"Damn it Xiumin! Why did you allow Kris in?!" Luhan was aggravated by Xiumin' negligence.



"Luhan, clearly Kris wants to say something to his boyfriend and personally I'm not a fan of drama. The sooner they talk things out, the sooner my head hits the pillow." Xiumin pulled Luhan up from the bed and dragged Luhan out of the room kicking and screaming. Xiumin closed the door so Kris and Jongin could have some privacy.



"What are you doing Xiumin?!" Xiumin was standing against the door trying to prevent Luhan from entering the room. Luhan wanted to be in the room when sparks fly between Jongin and Kris.



"What they are about to discuss is none of our business! Let's just give them some time alone." Xiumin moved away from the door and thought this was going to be a long night.


"You are right my dumpling." Luhan started tickling Xiumin' chin.



"Of course I'm right." Xiumin said in an arrogant way and Luhan thought Xiumin was adorable whenever he was having his little egotistic moments.





"Go away Yifan!" Jongin took some pillows from Luhan' bed and threw them at Kris.



"Jongin, we need to talk." Kris deflected all the pillows and set next to Jongin on the bed.



"Are you deaf?! I don't want to see or hear from you ever again! Get out of my life you jerk!" Jongin started punching Kris' body and Kris tried to shield his body from Jongin' hard knocks.



"We need to talk baby." Kris managed to grab both of Jongin' arms and pull Jongin into a hug.



"Please don't cry Jongin...I love you." Kris said softly as he started rubbing Jongin' back with his warm hands. Jongin held onto Kris and stopped screaming at Kris when he heard Kris utter the words 'I love you'. Kris pulled away from the hug to stare at his boyfriend.



"Why are you lying to me Kris? Why did you say you love me?" Jongin asked Kris softly while Kris ran his fingers through Jongin' hair.



"Jongin I love you and that's the truth. I would never lie about how I feel about you." Kris stared at Jongin' red puffy eyes.



"Then why did you send me that text, that said and I quote "you were just my side dish" until Tao came back from his tournament?" Jongin smacked Kris' hand away from his head.


"Wait! I would never say such an atrocious thing about you...Tao and I are just good friend and nothing more and I remember telling you that just the other day. Let me see this text message." Kris held out his hand and he was waiting for Jongin to hand over his phone.



"Well...I can't show you the message because my phone broke." Jongin bite on his lips.



"Okay...Jongin, I didn't send the message. When did you receive this text message?" Kris was trying to figure out if the person he assumed sent the message to Jongin was indeed Sehun.


"I received the text just after a few minutes of leaving the dining room during lunch time." Jongin was still trying to think about the exact time and Kris punched the side of the bed when he had confirmation that it was indeed Oh Sehun who sent the text to Jongin' phone.



"That little twerp! It was Sehun who sent you the message by using my phone. When you left, he asked if he could borrow my phone so he could see this picture of me in the basketball court, I think that's when he sent you that bogus text." Kris had no doubt in his mind that it was Sehun. Jongin looked at Kris and thought Kris was lying.


"You are lying, Sehun would never do such a despicable thing and plus he doesn't know about our relationship." Jongin wiped away his tears and rested his head against the headboard.



"Sehun knows about us and I can prove it!" Kris pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched for the text message conversation, he apparently had with Jongin today.


"Read this baby." Kris handed his phone over to Jongin and Jongin started scrolling through the text conversation.



"I didn't send these messages to you. What the hell!" Jongin finished reading the messages and thought Kris might be onto something.


"I know you didn't because Sehun was the one who sent me those messages and I thought it was you. Because when I went to the dance studio at 8 PM, expecting to see you but instead I saw Sehun, I knew right away that he was the one behind the fake messages." Kris held onto Jongin' hands and Jongin was wondering why Sehun would go through all that trouble to separate Kris away from him.



"Why did Sehun do that? Why did he pretend to be me?" Jongin locked eyes with Kris.



"Because he said he was trying to protect you from me, he thinks that I'm a monster, whose trying to hurt you and he also told me about how you were saving yourself for D.O. He told me how you wanted D.O to be your first. Was he telling the truth baby?" Kris shifted closer to Jongin and Jongin thought there was no way out of this, he had to tell Kris the truth.



"Yes, he was telling you the truth." Jongin covered his face with both his hands and Kris couldn't believe that little brat was right.


"Why Jongin? Why didn't you tell me this before? I guess Sehun was right when he said I'm nothing but a rebound guy for you." Kris was disappointed in Jongin for keeping this secret from him.



"No! What do you mean when you say you are some kind of rebound guy for me?" Jongin thought Kris was now talking in radials.



"Sehun told me about how D.O rejected you and that D.O was in love with someone else when you finally confessed your love for him. So now you are using me as some kind of substitute for D.O." Kris stood up and wanted to leave.


"Kris please don't go!" Jongin stood up and gave Kris a back hug. Kris sighed and unwrapped Jongin' arms from his waist.



"Tell me Jongin, if D.O were to break up with whom ever he is seeing and ask you out, would you reject him?" Kris turned to look at Jongin and Jongin dropped his gaze.



"I knew it!" Kris covered his eyes because he feared that Jongin wasn't really in love with him.


"Please let's not talk about D.O because you are the one I love and not D.O" Jongin hooked his arms around Kris' shoulders and stared into Kris' dreamy brown eyes.



"You love me?" Kris regained a glimpse of hope and thought not all was lost.



"Yes! I love you so much!" Jongin hugged his giant and Kris spun Jongin around in his arms.


"I'm so glad to know that you love me too!" Kris placed Jongin back on the ground and they both went back to sit on Luhan' bed.


"Jongin, what's wrong?" Kris noticed that Jongin wasn't cheerful anymore.


"Jess, knows that you didn't molest me." Jongin let out a dry cough.


"That's great baby but why are you so sad?" Kris placed his hand on Jongin' cheek.



"Because I have been keeping something from you." Jongin said softly and Kris couldn't believe that Jongin had another secret.



"Wow! This entire relationship between us is built on lies I see...I thought you promised to stop lying to me when you accepted me as your lover." Kris looked really pissed off by Jongin.



"I'm sorry but if I told you about what I'm about to tell you now, I'm afraid that we would have never found our way to each other. What I didn't tell you was that just before the whole molestation scandal, Jess warned me to stay away from you because when you came back from rehab I started developing these strange feelings for you. She told me that what I felt for you wasn't real love and that I was only attracted to you because we shared a really dark past together." Jongin took in a breather and continued.


"She said that I was still suffering from my heart break and that I was drawn to you because you were the only person who showed a tad bit of interest towards me. After she told me this, I didn't listen to her and I went to your room and then Tao caught us together, hence there whole molestation fiasco was created. Then earlier on today, she called me for a brief follow-up meeting and during the meeting she told me that she didn't really believe that you molested me.  I told her that she was absolutely right and I told her that I was the one at fault because I was the one who went after you." Jongin sighed.


"She told me to break up with you because she called what I felt for you just a phase and that if we don't break up, we will both get hurt." Jongin finally finished talking and Kris could feel tears running down his face.


"Jongin, why didn't you tell me about this before? Jessica is trained to deal with these kind of psychological situations and maybe she was right when she told you to break up with me. You should have told me Jongin way before we ever became lovers, so that I could have prevented our relationship from growing." Kris moved his hand away from Jongin' cheek.



"No Kris, I'm sorry about not telling you about this but you can't blame me for wanting to be with you, I wanted to know how it felt like to be in love and to be loved." Jongin pulled Kris' hand and placed Kris' hand on his chest.



"Can you hear my heart beat? It only beats this fast when I'm around you." Jongin looked up at his crying lover. Kris closed his eyes tightly and he felt completely lost; he didn't know how to approach such a dicey situation. He didn't know how he would manage to keep his relationship with Jongin.



"I think we should end this before you get hurt. Sehun was right, I am a monster and I hurt you and D.O so badly in the past. What if I relapse and become crazy picasso again? What then?" Kris didn't want to hurt Jongin again or anyone else he cared about.


"You won' can never be that man again and if by some bizarre chance you turn into crazy Kris again, I won't abandon you. I would stick by your side and help you find some kind of antidote to cure your sickness." Jongin held onto one of Kris' gigantic hands and started kissing Kris' hand.


"I think I have only two options here. It's either I act out on my own selfish reasons or I do the logical thing. So which option do you want to hear first? The selfish one or the logical one?" Kris started running his fingers through Jongin' hair.


"I want to hear the selfish option first."Jongin continued kissing Kris' hand.



"Well, the selfish option would be that we ignore all the negative things and continue seeing each other and pretend that there is no wrong in the world and the logical-" Kris couldn't continue speaking because Jongin pulled him into an unexpected kiss


"I don't want to hear about the logical option because I think it's stupid. I want to keep seeing you for my own selfish reasons too." Jongin continued kissing Kris.


"Xiumin, I can't hear voices anymore." Luhan had his ear planted against the door and thought maybe Jongin and Kris had finally reached a compromise. Luhan opened the door and found Kris and Jongin making out.


"Stop that! Stop making out on my bed!" Luhan ran towards his bed and separated the couple who were lip locking on his bed.


"Luhan, stop being rude." Jongin was trying to push Luhan aside so he could continue kissing his boyfriend.



"Jongin, I think we are the rude ones, let's go." Kris stood up and pulled Jongin to his feet.


"I'm glad you both have kissed and made up. Now it's time for me to hit the deck." Xiumin dropped onto his bed and Luhan started giggling because Xiumin looked really tired.


"I'm glad you guys have sorted things out, I hope you both will be able to tell the others about you relationship." Luhan stood up and gave Kris and Jongin a hug.


"We just need more time...we will be able to tell the others in just a couple of months but not now." Jongin held onto Kris arm and Kris didn't want to wait, he wanted everyone to know that they were both madly in love with each other.


"But Xiumin, Luhan and Sehun already know about us, it's just a matter of days until everyone else knows about us, especially because Luhan knows now." Kris was trying to convince Jongin that it would be a good idea to come clean now rather then later.


"About Luhan, he knew way before today that we are in a relationship and I doubt he would ever tell anyone else." Jongin pouted at Kris.


"Geez Jongin, you said that we should keep our relationship a secret and you went and told the biggest gossiper about our relationship!"


"He is my friend and besides he is on our side. The others would have never understood and they would always automatically think that you were trying to force me into a relationship against my will." Jongin started kissing Kris again and Luhan covered his eyes.


"You love birds should get a room." Luhan pushed Kris and Jongin out of his room and closed the door.



"Luhan is right, how about you come sleep in my room tonight." Kris started kissing Jongin on the forehead.


"Stop Kris, someone might see." Jongin pushed Kris away.


"I can't come to your room, Tao is back." Jongin started looking around the corridor for any sign of prying eyes.


"I know he is back but he won't see you coming in...please came sleep with me tonight, you will be a lot safer with me." Kris pleaded with his strong headed boyfriend, he was afraid for Jongin' well being. He didn't want Jongin to be around Sehun.


"I'm sorry, I can't...I want to sleep in my own room. Good night hyung." Jongin had to make his conversation with Kris look as natural as possible just in case someone was lurking around. Jongin bowed at Kris and Kris bowed back at Jongin. Kris was getting tired of Jongin' hot and then cold mood swings.


"Jongin, please don't argue with Sehun when you go into your room. He must not find that we have patched things up already." Kris said softly and Jongin nodded.


"Okay, I won't argue or tell him anything about us being together again." Jongin smiled at Kris and ran to his room.




On the next day, Jongin spotted Kris and Sehun talking to each other in the kitchen. Jongin hid behind a wall and he was trying to listen to their conversation. It was hard for Jongin to make out what the two boys were talking about because they were whispering.


Jongin saw Kris shaking hands with Sehun and Jongin squealed. Sehun and Kris turned and saw Jongin hiding his face behind the wall. Jongin ran away when he noticed that the two boys had spotted him.



After sometime in the afternoon, Jongin saw Kris chatting with Suho in the living room. It looked as if whatever they were talking about was pretty intense. Jongin decided to make his presence known.


"Good evening hyungs." Jongin bowed at both Kris and Suho.


"Good evening Jongin, I have to was nice talking to you Kris.". Suho bowed at Jongin and made a quick exit from the room, leaving Kris alone with Jongin.


"Hey baby." Kris decided to give Jongin a little smooch when he thought Suho had disappeared.


"Don't hey baby me!" Jongin stepped away from Kris. Jongin was pretty mad at Kris for talking to Sehun so casually this morning.


"How dare you lecture me yesterday about how I shouldn't discuss our relartionship with Sehun, when I saw you talking with Sehun this morning...I know that you and Sehun aren't the best of friends, so I'm guessing you were talking about our relationship with Sehun." Jongin looked around the room to make sure no one could eavesdrop on their conversation.



"What you saw this morning was a truce between me and Sehun. I told him that I'm willing to leave you alone and that I wanted to be friend with him." Kris explained to Jongin and Jongin thought maybe Kris was making some sense.



"Okay, what were you discussing with Suho?" Kris sighed when he thought Jongin was acting like a clingy and jealous boyfriend.


"We...we were talking about some leadership stuff. Listen babe, I need to go but I will see you later, hopefully." Kris tapped Jongin' shoulder and went off to his room. Jongin thought Kris was acting really out of character today, usually Kris would want to try and convice Jongin to go to some dark corner or remote venue so that they could have some alone time togerher but today he wasn't even trying.



"I need to find out about what you're up to Kris." Jongin bit his lower lip and went near Kris' room. He heard three different voices coming from the room. They people inside the room seemed to be all talking in mandarin, Jongin heard one of them saying they had to leave now. Jongin scurried away from the door and went to stand by his own room. Jongin stood outside his room and he was acting all chilled out.


Jongin saw Luhan coming out of Kris' room, Luhan was too busy playing with his phone to notice Jongin.



"And I thought I was the one with the secrets. Something smells really fishy in this dorm!" Jongin went to follow Luhan to his room.


"Luhan!" Jongin poked on Luhan' shoulder, Luhan stopped playing his phone and slipped his phone into his back pocket when he saw Jongin.



"Hi Jongin, can I help you with something?" Luhan forced a weak smile.



"I just wanted to spend time with my best friend in the whole wide world and since you are the first person in the dorm who always knows the latest and hottest gossip around here...maybe you wouldn't  mind filling me in, on all the current gossip that's been circulating around the dorm today." Jongin batted his eyelashes at Luhan and started giving Luhan a massage.


"Jongin, I would love to chat but I'm really busy...uh...with something." Luhan started fidgeting around nervously.


"But Luhan!" Jongin stumped his feet and started whining.


"we will talk later, I promise." Luhan ran into his room and locked his door. Jongin thought everyone in the dorm was trying to avoid him today, Jongin was sure that he would get something out from Luhan because Luhan was the crowned the gossip king of the dorm. Luhan' ears would hover all over the dorm and if you had a secret it was never a secret with Luhan.


Jongin snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kris' door opening, he saw Kris and Tao shaking each others hands.


"What's going on here." Jongin muttered to himself. 


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Elite13 #1
Chapter 12: Omg i'm Complete Surprise. Wonderful Story. Their was up's ans down's nur l l ove is Stronger...
Chapter 12: I feel completely satisfied with this story. I felt happy, excited, sad, angry, and most likely warm. In the heart, that is. Teach me your ways. I fail at making people feel emotions when I write stories. ❤❤❤ Best Kriskai story ever~! ♡♡♡
Ann_Precious1 #3
Chapter 12: Wow. Different way of stories. Never thought it end up like this. Thumbs up.
Chapter 12: wow...a few first chap make me dislike kai haha bcuz of his attitude but wow the ending is just amazing... Kris in this story look so real... he leave exo and continue as actor like now..anyway ur story is amazing!!!
music21 #5
Chapter 12: *clapping* this was a one of a kind story, I never read anything like it.
Faustine11 #6
Chapter 12: i think u made me cry the whole chap
ChoiEka #7
Oh my... *speechless*
kyra81 #8
Chapter 13: Aw......!!! Finally!!! D.o collapse is epic!! And Tao and Suho reaction is priceless!! I'm happy Jongin finally together with Kris and making babies ... Aw....!!!! I'm relieving that everything is cleared up and all misunderstanding between Kris and Jongin are over...!! Phew.....!! Now I can compose myself and relax...... I can't wait to read your other stories ahead and Hwaiting!!! \>_</
DoubleYsYeoja #9
Chapter 12: I love happy ending yay
Chapter 12: Wow Luhan doesn't waists time, eight kids .....well it's over then? Oh my gosh I'm gonna miss this story T_T...thank you so much for sharing it with us !!!