Chapter o4


Minhye had her full concentration on Daehyun when he was bandaging the horse’s leg. Finally after doing the final bandaging, Daehyun smiled, “She’s going to be okay.” He said.

Daehyun stands up and disappears somewhere before coming back with familiar looking clothes, “Okay, I’m sorry for intruding your toilet. I went in to help you get your clothes back.” He said and hands over her pair of limited edition clothes.

She smiled from ear to ear, she felt really touched. Though she could be really mean to him at times, a sudden question came through her mind.

“Why are you doing this? I mean, I was really mean and rude to you and all.” She asked.

Daehyun smiled and shook his head, “I’m your friend and I love you. I mean like that is what friends are for right?” he replied.

“Friend. I never really had an actual friend though. Maybe all those people who hanged out with me are just after my money.” She said with a sad tone.

“Let’s not try to get too emotional. This horse needs some care and attention, at least until we find who the actual owner is.” Daehyun changed the topic.

“We don’t have to do that.” Minhye said.

“Why not?” he asked puzzled with what Minhye had just said.

“I’m going to take the responsibility of taking care of the horse.” She said, loud and proud.

Daehyun burst into laughter. Minhye frown at Daehyun.

“What is so funny?” she asked angrily.

“You can’t even take care of yourself and now you are telling me you want to take care of this horse? You have a great sense of humour!” he said in between his laughter.

“I wasn’t trying to be funny.” She huffed.

Daehyun tried to stop his laughter but as soon as he looked at Minhye he couldn’t stop. Minhye smack his back and Daehyun screamed in pain.

“That should shut you up.” She grumbled.

Daehyun rubbed his back and looked at Minhye angrily, “What was that for?” he asked in surprised.

“You said so yourself that I have a temper and that is what happens when you trigger my temper.” She replied without feeling guilty.

“Okay. So I fully understand your seriousness in taking care of this horse. So do you have a name for it? Just to let you know it’s a ‘she’.” He told her.

Minhye thought for a long time. After five minutes of hard-core thinking, she finally came up with a name.

“Since my favourite drink is Mocha Frappuccino, let’s name her Mocha!” she exclaimed.

Daehyun clapped for her, “A round of applause for coming up with a five letter word in that five intense minutes.” He said sarcastically.

Minhye just smiled proudly, finally realising that Daehyun was being sarcastic her usual grumpy expression came back.

“Are you trying to be sarcastic?” she retorted.

“Additional applause for realising that I was being sarcastic in a short amount of time.” He said.

“Mr Jung Daehyun, do you have something to tell me?” she asked.

“Since it’s a white horse, you know it would be great to have it named after its colour? Like Snow, Frost, Ice or something? Wouldn’t it sound nice?” he explained.

“Oh please, those names are too mainstream, wouldn’t it be nice to have it named after something I love? It’s going to be my horse after all.” She said.

Daehyun could just shake his head. Right that moment he realised something was missing. He looked around and looked at Minhye.

“Minhye, where’s the horse?” he asked.

Minhye stopped and stared, “I think we should find her. She shouldn’t be far.” She decided.

“Probably this is all your fault, she might have been so scared of you. You look like a monster when you lose your temper.” Daehyun blamed her.

“Hey, look. It’s not my fault. You are the one who triggered my temper. It’s your fault too.” She argued.

In the midst of them fighting, a loud scream was heard coming from a distance. In the speed of light, they ran towards that scream. The scream brought them to Minhye’s grandparents’ house.

“My carrots, this horse ate all my carrots!” her grandma exclaimed.

Daehyun and Minhye went to the back of Minhye’s grandparents’ house and to find Mocha munching on all the carrots at the garden. Minhye’s grandma looked like she was about to faint anytime soon.

“Grandmamma, grandpapa please excuse Mocha she’s probably hungry.” Minhye said.

“From what I see little girl, this horse is really hungry! Where did you find such a beautiful looking horse?” her grandpa asked.

“Well I found her trapped in the woods, she was injured so I seek Daehyun for help.” She explained.

“That explains her bandaged leg. Well take care of her, horses are really sensitive, they need love and affection.” Her grandpa reminded her.

Minhye nods, she tried dragging Mocha out of the place but she didn’t budge. She tried to persuade the horse, instead of getting a positive response, the horse huffed in her face. She stared at the horse in disgust. She tried her best to calm herself down.

Daehyun tried approaching the horse and it gently, the horse his face. Daehyun just laughed, “That’s a good girl.”

Minhye stared at Mocha in disbelief, “You cheeky little horse.” She said in dissatisfaction.

Mocha flipped her forelock in Minhye’s face. Minhye had her jaw dropped, “You don’t flip your hair at me!” she retorted.

Minhye pushed Daehyun aside and forcefully dragged Mocha back home, “Minhye be careful her legs are not fully healed yet!” Daehyun shouted.

After reaching home, the atmosphere was quiet because her parents hadn’t got back yet. She brought the horse to the back of the house where the toilet was located and tied the neck rope around the wood at the side of the toilet.

“You girl, need a good shower.” Minhye said.

She brought out a huge pail of water with some soap and shampoo for Mocha.

She scooped the water into a bucket, “Come here babe.” She called Mocha.

Instead of getting closer, Mocha stayed away. She called her again but Mocha shook its head. Third time she called Mocha but this time she looked away.

“This is going to be tough.”

Half an hour later, Minhye somehow finally got to get Mocha to take her bath.

“There, all squeaky clean!”

With a shake of Mocha’s head and body, all the water went onto Minhye. Now she was all drenched and wet. Mocha flipped her forelock again.

“Now, I need a bath.” She sighed and glared at Mocha.

Mocha just shook her head.


A/N: I have finally updated Chapter 4! Please do comment what you guys think, no silent readers okay? ^^ So I'm finally starting school tomorrow after months of break. Anyways comment and subscribe! Thank you!

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Chapter 5 is up people! Do check it ouT ^^


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Mocha is a wonderful horse XD Haha just wait and see ;)
Chapter 6: I'm starting to get attached to Mocha. Is that weird? I wonder what Daehyun's punishment is, though.
the foreword seems really interesting :)
I'm looking forward to this story,hwaiting! ^^