Chapter 2

The Illegitimate Bride

Mark supported me to the cafeteria. Right when I was about to tell him that I could go on my own, I heard my name being called. 

"CHUNGAE!" I looked and saw Jinyoung running towards us. He gasped when he saw the bruises on my arms and legs. "Omona...who did this to you!?" He took my arm away from Marrk and supported me instead. 

"We need to get you to the nurse! Hyung, help me," Jinyoung said. Mark grabbed my other arm, taking a step before I protested. "No! I'm fine! I don't need to go!" I said, pulling my arms away from them. I stumbled back a bit, but Mark's hand was on my back, steadying me. They both gave me weird looks before Jinyoung asked me why. 

I stepped back from both of them and raised my hands, "I am perfectly fine. Just a couple bruises. I absolutely do not need to cause anymore trouble than I already have." Mark softly gazed at me. 

"Jinyoung, if she says she's fine, then I guess she is. I'll just tell Eunae to give you one of her extra stockings," Mark said. I nodded, "Thanks." He gave me a small smile before walking off to find my sister. Jinyoung stood in front of me, arms crossed. 

I walked past him, but he grabbed my arm. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, eyes not meeting mine. I stared at him a moment, "Yes, I'm fine, JInyoung-shi. There's no need to worry. We're not even friends and we only just met a couple hours ago." 

Jinyoung slightly winced from my answer and he loosened his hold on me. I started to walk off, not to the cafteria, but to my next class. "Chungae!" 

I turned my head slightly to the side and heard fast footsteps. It was Jinyoung. "Well, consider me your first friend then!" My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. 

"No objections! I am your friend and that's final! Don't worry, I'll protect you from those people who hurt you, friend!" Jinyoung put an arm around my shoulders and he hurried me along to our next class. 

"Jinyou--!" Jinyoung gave me a stern look, clicking his tongue. I sighed as I let him take me to my class. 



Since that day of freshmen year highschool, Jinyoung and I have been friends since then. He, of course, moved up his ranks and became my ultimate best friend. We even went on vacations together with his family! It definitely was a break away from my home, giving me some peace in my mind. 

It was now our junior year of highschool, one more year until we graduated. Mark and Eunae were a couple as I became closer to the boys in their friend group. In the group, I was the most close to two people; Jackson and Jinyoung. Jackson was like the older brother I never had, even though we were the same age. 

They were always there for me and supported me, even though everyone disliked me, still, for being illegitimate. I had told Jinyoung about my crush on Mark, and he had been...okay with it. 

He didn't yell about how he was taken by my half-sister or anything. Jackson and Jinyoung were the two people who always stayed and protected me. Even on that night. 

The night that changed my whole life. 

"I can't wait to show Eunae my drawing of the sunset. She's going to flip! I also took some great pics of it! What do you think Jinyoung?" I turned to him and saw him looking out the window. 

I poked his arm, making him jump. "Yah, what are you thinking so hard about?" I asked. Jinyoung shook his head, "Nothing. It's not important." 

I raised an eyebrow but didn't question him further. "Did you hear what I said before? Do you think these pictures are good?" I asked again. Jinyoung nodded and gave me a small smile. 

"Of course! Everything you do is good!" He said, messing up my hair. I laughed and pushed his hand away. I fixed my hair as a playfully pushed him back. 

"Yah! That's not true!" He chuckled, "Well, to me it is. You're drawings and paintings are daebak." Jinyoung gave me two thumbs up as I laughed again. 

"Sure, sure. Of course you'd say that," I said, turning my attention to the window and sighing in content. 

"Mr. Park, we are here," the driver announced after a while. Jinyoung looked at his driver and flashed him a smile, bowing in thanks. "Thank you, ahjusshi." 

Jinyoung turned to me and raised his eyebrows. "Let's go?" I nodded excitedly as I quickly opened the door and ran to the trunk to grab my suitcases. Jinyoung followed me and helped me by grabbing some of my other stuff. I rolled my bags up the steps of my house and rang on the doorbell. 

I waited for a moment as Jinyoung caught up with me. Right when he stepped on to the last step, the door flew open and I was grasped by my shoulders.

"MISS CHUNGAE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I was taken surprise by the sudden outburst and shaking of my shoulders. The maid in front of me had wide eyes full of fear and worry. 

"Ahjumma...what's wrong?" I said, carefully. The maid grasped my shoulders tightly. 

"Miss Chungae, you shouldn't be here. No one is here! They're all at the police station! Where have you been!? Everyone has been trying to reach you!" The lady said, still shaking me. 

Jinyoung grabbed the woman's wrist, making her stop. Jinyoung was frowning at her. "What do you mean police station? She couldn't answer because her cellphone died while we were coming back." 

The woman finally let go of my shoulders. She looked down at the floor before looking back at me. 

"Miss Eunae...has been kidnapped." 

My eyes widened as I stumbled back. I took in a shaky breath as my throat tightened. Jinyoung grasped my shoulders from behind, supporting me. 

"Jinyoung...we have to go. Now." I said, my voice slightly quivering. Jinyoung nodded as he ushered me back to the car. 

Jinyoung told the driver what police station it was and we were off. I sat silently and stiffly in my spot, holding on to the necklace Eunae had bought me when I first moved here. 

'Please be alright unnie...please!' I thought. Jinyoung glanced at me and grasped my hand, holding it tightly, reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. 

When we got to the police station, I rushed out of the car, Jinyoung tagging along behind. I saw my father and ran to him. 

"APPA!" I yelled out. He turned around and saw me. He stopped and ran towards me, arms widespread. 

I ran into his arms as he held me tightly, placing a kiss on the top of my head. He then caressed me hair, comfortingly. 

"Chungae! My baby girl! You're okay!" He whispered. He held me tightly, rocking me back and forth before I was pushed out of his hold. 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! Why couldn't they take you instead!?" My 'mother' or shall I say, 'Eunae's mother', said. I could see visible tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. 

I was speechless that she had blamed me. None of this had anything to do with me! I was just as upset as she was! 

"Yeobo, Chungae had no idea about this. She was with Jinyoung's family all week," my dad said, pulling her close to him. Eunae's mother gave me one last glare before turning towards the police car they were going to ride. 

My dad watched her leave first before he waved over a police officer. "Officer! This is my other daughter. Is it okay if she accompanies? I would feel more at ease." 

We all stared at the police officer as he contemplated whether or not to let us go. He sighed, "Fine. You guys can ride in my car." We thanked the officer before Jinyoung followed him to the car. 

My dad turned away and started to head to his car, but I grabbed his sleeve. "Appa..what about Mark-shi?" My dad patted my hand, "He said he'll meet us there." I opened my mouth to say something, but my dad had already turned away.

I sighed and ran towards the squad car. As soon as I slammed the door closed, we sped off. The officer informed us that they had gotten in contact with the kidnapper. The kidnapper had said that the only way he wouldn't hurt Eunae would be if they got my whole family there. The officers didn't want to comply, but my dad had insisted on doing so. 

We had finally arrived at the location of which this was all going to happen. The place was totally abandoned and was now lively with police sirens and officers getting into position to protect us and hopefully, Eunae. 

I stood behind a line of officers as Jinyoung's hand was on my shoulder. I felt like I could barely breathe, standing there and waiting to see if my sister was alive. 

Finally, out came a person. He had a gun. And Eunae. 

I lurched forward when I saw her. "UNNIE!" I screamed. The kidnapper smirked and whispered something to her, making Eunae's eyes get watery. I trued to push my way forward, but the officer pushed me back and Jinyoung was now holding my waist. 

"Calm down, Chungae. Your giving exactly what the kidnapper wants. Calm down," Jinyoung whispered into my ear. I could feel the tears pool in my eyes as I caught Eunae's eyes again. 

She gave me a sad smile and nod, as if to tell me that everything would be okay. When she did so, the kidnapper tightened his hold around her neck. 

I whimpered out of pain and sadness when I saw her hands clamp on to the kidnappers hands, trying to tell him to loosen a bit. 

"EUNAE!" I turned to my right and saw Mark fighting against two officers. He was clearly upset. I glanced back at Eunae and saw many more tears cascade down her face. I could see her trying to stop her tears by biting down on her lips. 

"MR. KANG! THINGS DON'T HAVE TO END LIKE THIS!" the head officer said over a speaker. The kidnapper, Mr. Kang, smirked while shaking his head.

"OH NO! IT DOES! DON'T YOU DARE COME ANY CLOSER! LOWER YOUR GUNS!" Mr. Kang yelled. Eunae was stumbling around as he walked a bit farther. 

Mr. Kang made eye contact with my dad and smiled maniacally. "YOU. YOU MADE ME THIS WAY." My dad stared at him in question before pleading, "Please, just let my daughter go." 


I gasped and glanced at my dad who was now close to tears. He looked down and then back up, trying to keep his voice level, he said, "Please, just let her go. I didn't know of your circumstances back then!" 

Mr. Kang's eyes turned deadly once again as he trained the gun back on Eunae's head. I could see him whisper something again in her ear. She closed her eyes as more tears slipped down. 

Eunae was now shaking as she glanced around the crowd. I could see her make eye contact with Mark, because he started to push again. I glanced at her and saw some words to him. 

'I love you'

Then the gun was shot. It rang out loud and clear, silencing everyone. 

She was gone.

The whole world seemed to be in slow motion as she dropped to the floor, blood pooling around her quickly. 

More gunshots were heard before Mr. Kang fell down next to her, blood around him as well. 

"UNNIE! UNNIE!" I cried out. I ran towards her but was held back by Jinyoung. I tried to push him away as police officers rushed forward. 

"Let me go Jinyoung! LET ME GO!" I cried out, tears blurring my vision. I scratched his arms and punched and pushed my way out of his grasp, but none of it worked. 

Jinyoung turned me around and pushed me into his chest. My mind went blank and all I could think of was how Eunae dropped to the floor. I continued to push my way out of his hold, but it only made him hold me tighter. 

Finally, I gave up. I lost all effort of trying to fight. I held on to Jinyoung's shirt tightly and cried my heart out. He patted my back comfortingly and slipped down to the pavement with me, since I could no longer support myself. As I was crying, I could feel my shirt getting wet, knowing that Jinyoung was crying too. 

The rest of the night was hectic, but I could barely respond to anyone or to anything. Jinyoung stayed by my side in the police station. I don't remember when, but Jackson had joined us. Jackson was holding me tightly and caressing my hair. My body was too numb to react to anything.

I was too lost in my thoughts and I kept replaying Eunae's last moments. Why couldn't it have been me instead? Eunae didn't deserve that kind of death! She was going to get married, have wonderful kids and be a wonderful wife.

Why did I have to be left behind!? 

I closed my eyes, thinking of our every moment that we shared together. I couldn't help but to break down into tears again. I was then in someone's embrace again. The only thing I remembered about that was that the person holding was Jackson now.

Somehow, I had ended up back at home and in my room. I was sitting on my mattress as I breathed in and out slowly. 

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 

I looked up and saw the mirror that was staring at me. It was almost mocking me by showing me how horrible I looked. I walked over and stared at my reflection for a moment. 

I remembered how Eunae used to put on my make up and brush my hair when we were going to go out or before bed. How she'd come in and tell me about Mark. 

Oh, Mark. This was the same exact place where she had told me she had feelings for him. She was brushing my hair and smiling to herself. 

"What's with you?" I asked her. She glanced up at me before smiling brightly and looking back down to brush my hair. "Nothing!" She said. I raised an eyebrow and turned around. I took the brush away from her. 

"Spill, unnie!" I said. Eunae glanced at me and bit her lip before sitting on the bed. I followed her and sat there cross legged. 

"Mark..." My heart raced at the mention of his name. "..he..he confessed to me today! A-And, I think I like him too." 

My heart had slowly broken in to a million pieces. I tried to control my expression and smiled to her. "R-Really!? Congratulations! Wah, unnie you're so lucky!" I said, nudging her. Eunae squealed and grabbed both my hands. 

"I'm so glad that you approve! Now our arranged marriage won't be so bad, right!?" She asked. I gave her a nod and a small smile. "Of course! It'll all work out!" I said. Eunae squeezed me in a bear hug, 

Then she pulled away and took both my shoulders in her hands. "You'll tell me when you have a crush too, right!? Maybe we could have a double date!" 

I chuckled nervously, "Of course.." 

I snapped back to reality when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I looked up at the person and noticed that it was Jinyoung. Jackson was right behind him, eyes wide with worry. 

"Chungae! What are you doing!?" Jinyoung yelled. I shook my head and finally noticed that I was on the floor, glass all around me. 

I looked up and noticed that the mirror I had been looking at earlier was now smashed. I glanced up at Jinyoung then at Jackson.

"How did you guys get in here?" I asked quietly. Jackson walked over and picked me up as Jinyoung brushed some of the glass around me away. 

"Well, we came to see if you were okay. We were in the front door when we heard a huge crash from your room. You were standing and just about to sit in a bunch of glass, if Jinyoung had not caught you and sat you somewhere different. You were spaced out again, honey," Jackson explained to me. 

I put my head in my hands and shook my head. "I need to stop. I need to get away from this place," I murmured. Jackson sat next to me, laying a hand over my shoulder. "It's okay. We're all going through what you're going through. Mark too; especially him. He hasn't eaten anything in days. JB and the other kids are there, trying to cheer him up."

I nodded slowly before we all looked up at the door when we heard soft knocking. 

"Y-Yes?" I answered. A maid came in, her eyes on the floor. "Your mother would like to see you," she said. I got up and out of Jackson's embrace. "Thank you. I'll head there now." The maid nodded before walking out again and closing the door. 

Jinyoung grabbed my arm and turned me so that I was facing him. "Are you sure you're okay?" 

I shook my head, "No. I'm not," I said honestly. I gently removed his hands from my arm. "Thanks for checking on me guys, but there isn't really anything you guys can do for me. I have to get through myself."

I walked out of the room without another word and headed to my mother's room. She had been bedridden the whole time after Eunae's death. 

I knocked on the door before walking in. I looked down at the floor as I entered in and sat down on the chair next to her bed. She was sitting up in bed, hands folded together and silently watching my every move. 

"Chungae," she began. "...I want you to go to America."

I stopped all movements and slowly looked up at her. "W-What!?" I whispered. She wasn't even looking at me as she said her words. She was looking straight forward. 

"I want you to go to America," she repeated. "I want you to leave right after Eunae's funeral. I...I can't bear to see you here. It reminds me too much of Eunae. You could continue your studies there, and it would help you take your mind off of things. You'll be staying with a close friend of mine that'll help you with everything and anything you need." 

I stared at her in disbelief before I stood up. "I don't want to," I said. 

"Sit. I'm not done," she said sternly. I stood there for a moment before I reluctantly sat back down. My mother sighed as she rubbed her face, "I know you don't want to go, but think about it. Maybe it'll help you too. It could give you a fresh new start on everything." 

I thought for a moment about what she said. I hated to agree with her, but what she said was right. 

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Fine...I..I'll go. Just one thing," I said, finally meeting her eyes. She raised both eyebrows, waiting for an answer. 

"Just..just don't tell anyone where I'm going, okay? Especially any of the guys. I don't need them worrying about me and I would like to start fresh." 

My mother blinked a couple of times before smiling, "Of course. Anything." I nodded before I got up and finally left her treacherous room. 

After closing her door, I ran back upstairs and slammed my door. I stood there a moment, thinking about what I had just agreed to. I ran both hands through my hair and shook my head. 

"Cho Chungae, you're crazy! Absolutely crazy!" I whispered to myself. I slipped down to the floor and sat there a moment, my mind blank. Finally, I got up. I noticed that all of the glass was gone now and there was a blue note hanging were the mirror used to be. 

"Hey! We're going to a hangout with the guys! Sorry we had to leave...TAT Call me (us) if you want to come. I (we) love you! MUAH~♥ ^^" -- Jackson (your best oppa/bro EVER) & Jinyoung (your bestest friend in the whole wide world) (the weird kid) 

I couldn't help but to smile and chuckle at the cute note they had left me. No one could ever lift my spirirts like those two. I was going to miss them. 

On the day of Eunae's funeral, everyone was there. Well, of course they were. She had absolutely no enemies and she had helped everyone at least once.

I was sitting down the whole time as our parents went up to say their thanks to the guests and give a testimony about Eunae. I wanted tk give one, but my mother had been against it. She thought it wasn't right to let an illegitimate child say something and that it would be scandalous.

The funeral flew by really quickly, since I had spaced out for most of it. The pain of the memories were just too much for me. Jinyoung was there, but he had to leave early and attend to family matters. Jackson was the only one left with me. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me as he handed me a bottle of water. I could only shrug as I accepted the bottle and took a sip of it. 

Jackson looked down at the bottle he was holding. "You've been spacing out again.." he said, quietly. I glanced at him and sighed, "I know. I can't help's just..too much. It's almost like an escape." 

Jackson sat up and stared at me straight in my eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" 

I darted my eyes away and nodded, "Yeah, I know." Jackson stared at some more before pulling me into another hug. He caressed me hair, comfortingly. He kissed my head. 

"Aigoo, our poor baby girl," he said, holding me tight. I held on to his shirt tightly, knowing that this would be the last time I would feel his embrace for a long time. 

'I'm sorry Jackson. Don't worry about me and live life well,' I thought. I opened my eyes and saw Mark glancing at me before he squinted his eyes, a pained expression of disapproval was on his face. I could feel my broken heart dissipate from his cold glance. I had lost my chance with Mark. 

I stared down at my flight ticket as I sat there in the airport silently. I was now waiting for my plane to be called. I stared down at my cellphone that I had in my hands. It might be the last time I would answer to anyone on it. 

I watched it light up with a new text message from Jinyoung. He had sent me five messages already and i had one missed call from him and Jackson. It had only been two hours since the funeral was over. 

My phone lit up with a call, but I had already turned it on silent. Just then I heard my flight being called. I took all of my baggage and boarded. 

As I sat down, i sighed. I looked out the window and took another glance, hoping that maybe he would call. 

I scoffed and wanted to slap myself. 'Pabo, why would he call you?' I checked my notifications and noticed that there were now 12 text messages, 10 missed calls, and 6 new voicemail messages. 

I shook my head, a finger on the power button. I was contemplating whether or not to answer any of them. 

But I decided against it. If I read any of Jinyoung or Jackson's text, I wouldn't be able to leave. I sighed and turned it off. 

I leaned back against the seat and closed my eyes.

Now was the beginning of my fresh new start. 



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Idk if I'll continue this story...I might start something new...but with the same concept.


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70V3LY #1
Chapter 7: It's been a year and 2 months since you last updated (?) and j really hope you come back. I miss this story and I just finished reading it again :/
70V3LY #2
Chapter 7: OMG you're backkkk! Thank you, thank you!!
70V3LY #3
Chapter 6: This is so good! Please update soon! ^_^
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update!! I love it! Can't wait to find out what happens next!!
ExoSHINee2PM #5
Chapter 6: Sorry chungae*
ExoSHINee2PM #6
Chapter 6: Yay an update!!!
Can't wait for the next update
Poor chungjae
ExoSHINee2PM #7
Chapter 5: Omg update soon they just found out
Chapter 4: Loving this fanfic!! Keep updating pleeeeeassssseeeee!!!