Chapter 7

The Illegitimate Bride

I woke up to a loud crash. I sat up, surprised. I rubbed my eyes and found a maid with wide, surprised eyes staring at me.

"Uh, good morning?" I croaked. She bowed, "I'm sorry, miss Chungae! I'll be more careful next time!" She said, constantly bowiinteresting. g. I nodded confused. "Yeah, sure. What are you doing here again?" I asked, stretching. I turned around where I was seated.

"Well, the madam told us to move your stu--" "What happened to my room?" I cut in. I quickly climbed out of bed and surveyed my room. The drawers and paintings that used to be on the walls were now gone. I turned to the maid. "What happened to my stuff?" I asked again.

The maid looked down, "Your mother told us to move them to your new house."

I stared at her in confusion and slight frustration, "What!?" I asked. I ran out before she could explain. I had to ask what was going on. I found my mother sipping some tea, reading a book in the kitchen. She looked up as I approached her.

"What's the meaning of all this? Why are all my stuff being moved!?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, "If you don't know already, you're being moved to the house you'll be sharing once you're married."

I shook my head, "I'm not even married yet! I don't want to move!"

My mother set down her book with a loud 'thud'. "Yah! You have to do what I say! If I said you're moving, then you're moving! I'm the woman of the house! Not you! I control you!" I was taken aback by her yell at me.

"What!?" I seethed. She glared at me, "Don't try to play innocent. I hate it when you do that." She then walked out, leaving me to stand in the kitchen. I scoffed as a tear fell down my face. I wiped it away quickly. There was no way I was going to cry for that woman!

I stormed up to my room to find a set of clothing before they packed it all up and shipped it off to the new house. I exhaled in frustration as I pulled out the clothing and put it on. Today was going to be a long day.

I grabbed my bag and stormed out, only to meet Mark. I nearly bumped into his chest, but I had luckily stopped myself in time. He stared at me, before glancing behind me.

"Your stuff getting taken to the new house?" He asked. I huffed and walked around him. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

Mark grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?" I turned around to look at him, slightly annoyed. I took my arm out of his grasp. "Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone right now," I said.

I walked only a couple steps before he grabbed my arm again, pulling me towards his car. "Mark!" I yelled in surprise. He continued to push me into his car and he closed the door. "You do know that this is considered kidnapping, right?" I asked.

Mark chuckled, "Sure, right." I crossed my arms. I did not want to go anywhere at this moment. All I wanted was to be able to cool off at my art studio. I looked out the window as the car was filled with silence. 

"This is still considered kidnapping," I muttered again. Mark smirked, looking at the road. "Right, right. Go ahead and call the police then. I don't think they'll come save you since we're technically married now." 

My eyes slightly widened at his statement. Had he just admitted that we were going to be married!? I didn't question him, but sat up more. Mark sighed, "We're going over to the house because the guys want to hang out with you." 

This time, I turned to him. "They do!? I thought...well, I thought they were mad at me..." I murmured, looking down at my hands. Mark stopped at the red light and turned towards me. 

"Chungae," he started. I looked up at him, noticing his serious face. "They don't hate you nor are they mad at you. The guys miss you and love you like crazy. They would never do that."

I held his gaze for a moment before I looked away. 'Doy you feel like that too?' I wanted to ask. But I kept my mouth shut as he continued to drive to our new 'home'. After about ten minutes, we had arrived at the home. 

I stepped out of the car and my mouth dropped open. We were standing in front of a huge gate with only the roof of the house and the tops of a tree could be seen.

"I know, that was my reaction," Mark said, walking up the gate and punching in the passcode. I couldn't close my mouth as I walked in, seeing our property. 

The tree in front was a beautiful cherry blossom tree, with a swing already attached on to one of the limbs. I followed Mark to the front door, which he only pushed open. 

"Why is the--" "The door open? The guys probably didn't close it," Mark cut in. I nodded slowly, still taking in my surroundings. 

When we stepped inside, my mouth dropped even more. 

The interior was absolutely stunning! There was so much free space and yet everything was still very homey. Some parts had very high ceilings and from the high ceiling was a beautiful chandelier. It was long, but had spheres of different shapes and sizes hanging from them. Most of them had lights in them, making the glass spheres sparkle even more. 

"Omona..." I murmured as I stared up at the chandelier. My feet lead me to random rooms as I was still awestruck by the house. I couldn't believe I was going to be living here! 

"Nice, right?" Mark said from behind me. I nodded and spun around to look at him, a wide smile on my face. 

"It's absolutely amazing!" I said, looking at him. I noticed his sincere smile and the gaze in his eyes. His gaze wasn't cold. It seemed...warm. 

My big smile lowered a bit, surprised at Mark's warm smile. But then he looked away, as if awaking from a trance. 

He turned his back on me, "Let's go see what the guys are doing." I watched him turn around, not glancing back. The small happiness that blossomed in my heart slowly shriveled up again. 

I followed him with my head lowered. 'Why can't you always look at me like that?' I thought. "Ay, noona! You're here!" I looked up to see Yugyeom waving from the stool he was sitting on. 

I put a smile on my face. "Yugyeommie! Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked. Yugyeom shook his head, "Ani, we have no school today. That's why I'm here!" I laughed as I ruffled up his hair. Then I noticed his ear piercing. 

I pulled on his ear, bringing it closer. "Yah, when did you get this!?" I asked. Yugyeom yelped in pain. "Noona! That hurts! Ah!" he said, patting my hands. 

I let him go. "When did you get a piercing?" I asked again. Yugyeom bit his lip, "Uh, I got it at my birthday party last year...." I smacked his shoulder. 

"Yah! You've had it for a year!?" I said. Yugyeom yelped again, "Noona! You weren't here! Don't yell at me!" 

My hand lowered. He was right. I wasn't here...I had no right to yell at him. Yugyeom must've seen my expression change, because he instantly stood up, worry on his face. 

"Noona, that's not what I meant," he said, urgently. I gave him a small smile, patting his shoudler nicely, sitting him down again. "It's okay. I understand. Well, it looks nice anyways." Yugyeom opened his mouth to say something, but I had walked up to Jinyoung. 

He had his back towards me and was making something on the stove. Just as I was about to poke his side, the doorbell rang. "I got it!" Mark said quickly. He glanced at me, before making his way out of the kitchen. I turned my attention back to Jinyoung who hadn't moved from his spot next to the stove. 

I poked his side, making him jump. "YAH! WHO--" he stopped mid-sentence, noticing me behind him. "C-Chungae..." he said. I cocked my head to the side. "Wae? You look like you've seen a ghost. Should I just go back to America?" 

"A-Aniya! It's just...weird to see you here after three years..." Jinyoung said, turning back to his food. I got closer and peered at what he was making. 

"Oh! Is that what you used to make for me back then? Those sausages!?" I asked, excited. Jinyoung smiled while nodding, "Yup! You missed it, didn't you?" he said. I nodded vigorously, "Yes! Wah, Jinyoung, you're the best!" I hugged his side. 

I felt him stiffen a bit before he relaxed. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he used his other arm to stir the sausages. 

He grabbed one of the sausages with a chopstick. "Ahhh," he said. I opened my mouth, happily eating it. "I held up two thumbs. "It's still good like always!" I said with a mouth full. 

Jinyoung chuckled as he plated the sausages. "Of course it is! I made it!" I bumped my hip with his, "Cocky much?" I said, jokingly. He winked at me before I heard my name being called. 

"Chungae," Mark said. I looked up at him. "Yes?" Mark walked up, glancing at Jinyoung and then back at me. "You have guests," he said. I looked at him, confused. Guests? I never invited anyone...

"Wah, this house is bigger than ours in Cali!" 

I looked past Mark to find quite the surprise. "Mom!? Dad!?" 


No One's POV

Chungae ran up to greet her 'mom' and 'dad'. "Mom? Dad?" Jinyoung repeated. Mark nodded, his eyes following Chungae as she threw herself at the two adults. 

"Yup, 'mom' and 'dad'," he murmured. "Yo, you're backyard is absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" Jackson said, appearing from the glass door on the side. Jackson noticed Chungae and the two mystery adults. 

"Woah..." he said. He was the first to walk up to the three, greeting them. "Hello! I'm Jackson, nice to meet you!" he said, holding out a hand. Yoon took his hand first, "Hello! I'm Yoon. I'm one of Chungae's uncles." 

Jackson nodded in understanding as Semi shook his hand, "I'm Semi, Yoon's wife and Chungae's aunt." 

"Oh, aunt and uncle! Nice! I'm an old friend of Chungae's!" Jackson said. Semi smiled at Jackson, "Aw, she always used to talk about a group of guys she always hung out with! She must be talking about you all, right?" Semi said, looking at all seven boys around the room. 

She turned to Chungae, who nodded. Semi nodded in understanding, before whispering loudly, "So, who's this lucky husband to be?" Chungae's eyes widened, "Mom! They can all hear you!" she whined. 

Mark chuckled before walking up to her 'parents'. "Hello, I'm Mark. I'm Chungae's fiance." Chungae bit her lip, shaking her head at him slightly. 

Semi's eyes widened and looked him up and down. "You look decent enough." Yoon looked down at Semi, "Semi..." he said softly. Semi looked up at him. "What? I want what's best for Chungae. Don't you?" 

Yoon sighed as he shook his head. "Of course I do, but that's not the way to go about these matters!" he said, whispering. Chungae glanced at Mark nervously before approaching the bickering couple. "Hey, let's not fight, okay? Why are you guys here?" Chungae asked as they both stopped. Semi smiled as she took Chungae's arm and they began to walk outside. "Well, hun, how could we not come when we saw you in such an emotional state? I was really worried! Is everything okay now?" Semi asked as they both sat down on a bench in the back next to the big pool. 

Chungae nodded as she looked down at her hands before glancing back up at Semi. "Yeah, I'm fine. But, anyways, are you guys planning on staying here with us?" She asked, slightly hopeful. Semi nodded as she clasped Chungae's hand, pulling her into a hug. "Yeah, you're father decided to let us stay here with you two and I totally agreed. We can't have two hormornal adults living with each other that aren't even maried yet," Semi said as she patted Chungae's head. Chungae scoffed, "Mom..." she warningly. Semi huffed, "Okay, fine fine. I won't talk about that! Geez!" Chungae laughed as she tightened her arms around Semi's small waist, sighing in relief. Maybe things wouldn't be so hard. 

Mark glanced out the window to see Chungae in Semi's embrace. He sighed before looking away, only to be startled by Yoon, who was standing behind him.. Yoon chuckled, "Sorry, did I scare you? I didn't mean to. I was just curious to what you found so interesting." 

Mark shook his head as Yoon peered over his shoulder. "Y'know, Chungae's actually not as strong as she seems. She's actually very fragile and could break with only one punch," Yoon said, glancing back at Mark. Mark looked up at him before looking back down, "I'll keep that in mind." Yoon sighed as he glanced at the six other boys fooling around behind them. "Can I just speak to you privately?" Yoon asked. Mark got up and cleared his throat, nodding. He showed Yoon the way to one of the office studies he had found while wandering earlier. 

Mark waved Yoon ahead as they both went in, closing the door behind them. Yoon sat in front of the desk, letting Mark take his spot behind the desk. Yoon sighed once again before opening his mouth to speak. 

"I know about your situation with Eunae a while back, and I know that you loved her a lot, and that you still do, but could you at least try to give Chungae a chance? She's a really sweet person, and she always has been. Her sister's death effected her just as much as everyone else, though, so don't blame her for it, please." Mark looked down at his hands, not able to face Yoon. He knew that what he was sayig was right. He had known all along that it wasn't her fault, but he just couldn't face her. Not when everything she did was so much like Eunae. Maybe that was why he was constantly pushing her away. 

"Mark-shi, please, I must ask of you," Yoon said, his eyes sad and glassy. Mark finally looked up at him, no expression on his face. "Please take care of our Chungae. Like I said earlier, she's fragile. She means the world to us and though broken three years ago when she came to us, she was such a light to us and others. That's just how she is. She doesn't like to burden others with her own problems, but will take the burdens of others," Yoon clasped his hands together, "Please, I just wish she has some sort of love and happiness from this marriage with you. We entrust her to you, Mark." 


HAI FRIENDS. FINALLY, AN UPDATE. Haha, ill try to update again soon this winter break (2 weeks off! WOOT!) as well as with my other stories! I hope yall enjoyed this update and have a wonderful Christmas! ^^ 

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Idk if I'll continue this story...I might start something new...but with the same concept.


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70V3LY #1
Chapter 7: It's been a year and 2 months since you last updated (?) and j really hope you come back. I miss this story and I just finished reading it again :/
70V3LY #2
Chapter 7: OMG you're backkkk! Thank you, thank you!!
70V3LY #3
Chapter 6: This is so good! Please update soon! ^_^
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update!! I love it! Can't wait to find out what happens next!!
ExoSHINee2PM #5
Chapter 6: Sorry chungae*
ExoSHINee2PM #6
Chapter 6: Yay an update!!!
Can't wait for the next update
Poor chungjae
ExoSHINee2PM #7
Chapter 5: Omg update soon they just found out
Chapter 4: Loving this fanfic!! Keep updating pleeeeeassssseeeee!!!