Chapter 4

The Illegitimate Bride

I felt someone shake me awake. "Miss, we have arrived. You may leave now." I snapped awake and noticed that everyone was gone already. I thanked the flight attendant and left the plane quickly. 

I waited for my luggage and looked around the airport. It had many new posters, but all the shops were still the same. I sighed and took my suitcases out before turning around. 

Mother had said that she already called a driver for me, so I started to leave for the entrance. When I turned around, I noticed the man with red hair was there again. 

He was taking a phone call and had his back turned to me. I stared at him for a couple seconds. 

I swear that he seemed really familiar. Maybe if I saw his face....

I sighed and shook my head. Why am I so curious? It doesn't matter anyways. It was probably some stranger that decided to dye his hair. 

Just then, I got a call. I was surprised that it was from my old phone. It was my mother again. 

"Hello?" I answered. "Where are you? Your driver has been waiting for ten minutes outside." 

My mouth turned into an 'o' as I looked around. "Oh, okay. I'll be sure to come out." 

"Actually, no. I told your driver to just hold up a sign for you near the entrance. I'll see you later," my mother said. 

"Okay, goodbye," I said before she ended the call. I sighed and lugged my luggage along with my two big bags. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have taken all this stuff with me. 

"HYUNG!" I was startled by the loud voice as I passed by the red haired man. The man looked up to the voice, but then turned his head to my direction just as I looked back at him. 

My heart stopped. I stood there and stared at the man. 

He stared back at me with just as wide eyes. 

It was Mark. 

I was the first to recover from the shock and I quickly spun around, only to bump into the sturdy chest of someone. 

"I'm sorry, " I said, bowing and keeping my eyes lowered. I quickly grabbed my bags and wheeled my stuff to the entrance. 

I looked around and finally noticed an old man holding up a sign that said my name. I rushed forward and covered the sign. I bowed and took the sign. 

"Hello and welcome back Miss Chungae," the older man greeted. I bowed out of respect to him. "Hello. Thank you for coming to get me. Sorry I took so long." 

The old man gave me a friendly smile, "That's fine, miss. I'm your driver, Mr. Kim," he said. I smiled at him. I already liked him. 

He took one of my big bags from me, which took me by surprise. "A-Ahjusshi! Mr. Kim! I got it! You don't need to help me. I can put it in the trunk." 

Mr. Kim chuckled and shook his head. "I want to do this. Don't underestimate my strength just because I look old, miss Chungae." I bit my lip and let him take the bag. 

When we got out to the car, he opened the door for me. I stood there awkwardly, not really wanting to go in.

Mr. Kim turned back to me, "Get in, miss. You don't want any of the guys to see you, do you?" My eyes widened by his comment. 

"N-Nae? How did you--" Mr. Kim shushed me when he put a finger on his lips and ushered me in. "I know those boys since they visited a lot when you were gone. All seven of them are here, so get in quickly."

I didn't wait for him to say anymore as I climbed in. I clasped my hands together, hoping that the windows were tinted black and you couldn't see from the outside. 

I seat belted and sat straightforward, nervous that someone would see me. I saw Mr. Kim make his way around the car and about to open his driver door, when he stopped. 

The door was halfway opened and Mr. Kim stood there. I peered outside and gasped. 

He was right. All seven of them were there. 

"Mr. Kim! How are you? What are you doing here?" Youngjae asked, bowing respectfully. All the other boys followed suit. 

Mr. Kim laughed, "Oh, hello! I'm here to pick up a guest of ours from the States." 

Jinyoung perked up. "Really!? Is she perhaps someone we know?  Maybe someone by the name of 'Chungae'?" He asked. 

When he asked, BamBam bent down to look through the window. My eyes widened and I turned away from the window on their side. 

I counted to 20 before slowly turning my head to look out the window. BamBam wasn't looking anymore. 

Mr. Kim shook his head, "I don't know. I don't really get personal. I only call my riders 'miss' or 'mister'. But I heard that my passenger spent most of her adolescent life in America." 

Jackson raised an eyebrow, before glancing at the car again. I felt Jackson look straight at me from outside. 

"Can we greet the passenger?" Jinyoung persisted. Mr. Kim raised his hands and shook his head. "Jinyoung, I wouldn't do that. We're on a tight schedule and going to be late," Mr. Kim glanced at his watch, "Actually, we have to leave now. It was nice meeting you all again! Have a nice trip back!" 

Mr. Kim waved at them before he got into the car and started the engine. Finally, we left the airport. After we got out of the parking lot for the airport, I breathed out in relief. 

"Thank you so much, Mr. Kim. I seriously thought I was going to get caught," I said. Mr. Kim glanced at me from the mirror, "Of course. Glad I could help you....but won't you have to encounter them soon, miss?" 

I sighed and looked down at my hands, pursing my lips. "Yeah, but I just don't think is the right time to do so," I said. 

"Ahhh, I understand. It must be difficult for you. You haven't been here for three years and now you're back out of no where. Did your mother tell you why you came back?" 

I sat still for a moment, thinking. Did she tell me? I slowly shook my head, "Uh, no...I don't think so?" 

Mr. Kim nodded his head again, "Oh, okay. I guess you'll find out later." I nodded, "Yeah..but have you heard anything?" 

He shook his head to answer my head. "No, I haven't.  I don't really listen to house gossip." I nodded again. Why was it that she called me back? 

I pouted and leaned my head against the window. 'I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with the guys...just not yet,' I thought. 

Mark POV

I sat in shotgun as JB drove the car, the other guys in the back. I srill couldn't believe that i had seen Chungae. She had changed so much since I had last seen here. 

Chungae had side swept bangs and she had dyed her hair a shade lighter than it already was, so it was a rich brown color like her eyes. She had also lost some weight so she was more petite but she still had her small frame. It also seemed like she got a bit taller. 

"Hyung, who was that cute girl you were staring at earlier?" BamBam asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around to look at him. 

"What?" I asked. BamBam blinked a couple of times before asking me again. "Who was that cute girl? She looked familiar..." 

I shrugged, "I don't know...she seemed familiar too," I said. Jinyoung snapped his eyes open, "Oh, hyung! Guess what!?" he yelled out. 

My eyes widened in surprise. It had been a while since I'd last seen him look so excited and happy. 

"What?" I asked. Jinyoung was smiling so brightly that all of his teeth were showing. He ed a cellphone into my face. "CHUNGAE READ IT!" 

I blinked a couple of times before I focused on the small "read" at the bottom of the message. So the reason she was crying was because she saw the old messages? 

I pushed the cellphone away, "Did she even reply yet?" Jinyoung pouted, "No...but I know she will soon!" He smiled again and sat back down in his seat, beaming nonstop. 'He must be really happy..' I thought. I looked outside as we passed other cars on our way to my house. 

'So was Chungae in America this whole time? She left straight away after Eunae's funeral to leave?' I frowned as more thoughts and questions popped into mind. 'How could she leave right after her sister's funeral? Shouldn't she have payed more respect to her?'

Then I thought back to the night of Eunae's funeral. 

I was a total mess and I was barely responsive to everyone. Even though they were all trying to comfort me, their condolences didn't help. I sat next to Eunae's casket the whole time. I was so sad and when I glanced up to see Chungae being hugged by Jackson, I felt this ball of sadness and fury slowly build up. 

What was she doing? She wasn't even paying her respect to Eunae. This whole time she's been with Jackson, not even helping out. I saw her look up to meet my gaze. I stared back at her in disappointment. I thought she was smarter than that. 

As we went to Eunae's burial, Chungae was no where to be found. Jackson was worried like crazy and called up Jinyoung. I scoffed, how could they seriously be worrying about that now? Eunae was shot, and this was her funeral. 

I turned my attention back to the casket as it was lowered into the ground. I stared at it as her face flashed through my memory. Eunae was the first and probably the last girl I had given my heart to so fully. 

Eunae had no idea how much of a great impact she had on me and others. Her singing, her jokes, her pictures, her drawings. Everything about her was just perfect and everything I looked for in a girl. I couldn't help but to bitterly smile as they piled the earth back on top. 'You promised you'd stay with me...' I thought. 'You said we'd get through this together. We'd both make the company better...'

I sighed and wiped the stray tears away quickly. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I glanced to my left. It was my dad. 

"Mark..I understand if you won't marry right now..this is very tough for us too. Why don't we put off the marriage with the Cho's? It'll be easier for you," he said, concerned. I nodded slowly before my dad embraced me. I couldn't help but feel like a little boy again in his arms. I let out all the tears and cries I had bottled up inside. 

My dad rubbed my back, comfortingly. He patted my hair lovingly and said calming things into my ear. I couldn't stand there anymore and see Eunae being put into the ground. My dad escorted me away and to the car. I took one last glance at her final resting place. 

'Please, just...I hope you're happy where you are, Eunae...' 

End of Mark's POV

I looked out my window and gazed at my house. It looked exactly the same as I last saw it. Mr. Kim opened the door for me and I slwoly got out. I helped him grab some of my bags and we headed inside. I sighed behind Mr. Kim as he opened the door for us. 

"Your father is at work and your mother should be home soon from shopping," Mr. Kim said. He went upstairs first with some of my luggage as I stood in tbe doorway, my feet glued to the floor in surprise. 

The outside looked like the exact same, but the inside definitely was not. Everything had been moved around and there were new paintings on the wall. Even the pictures that used to be everywhere were taken down. 

I slowly took a step forward as Mr. Kim came back down the stairs. He glanced at me, "Miss Chungae, are you okay?" I nodded and picked up my other bag, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just...surprised." 

Mr. Kim chuckled, "Lots of things change during three years. Now, you should get some rest before meeting your parents again. Wouldn't want to fall asleep during dinner would you?" He joked. 

I smiled and shook my head, "No, I wouldn't. Is my room still the same?" 

Mr. Kim nodded, "Yes, miss. I'm sure that no one has ever moved a thing since you moved away. We only went in to change your dusty blankets occasionally. I smiled, "Thank you for all of your consideration. Oh, what happened to all of the ahjummas that used to work here too?" I asked. 

Mr. Kim glanced at his watch, "They were on a break, but they should be back here in 20 some minutes." I nodded in understanding. "Thank you. I'll head to my room now. Thanks for driving me!" I said. Mr. Kim gave me a bow, "It's my pleasure." I bowed again before making my way to my room. 

I took in a deep breath before opening the door. I just hoped that no one really did touch my room. I would hate it if they moved stuff. 

I closed my eyes and twisted the handle. I pushed the door open and looked around, exhaling in relief. Everything was still the same. 

I dropped my bag onto the ground before jumping onto my bed. I breathed in the fresh smell of the new covers before laying on my back. I stayed still for a moment before turning onto my side. 

I noticed that the mirror that used to be there was replaced with a new one. I slowly sat up and walked towards it. 'I wonder if Jackson or Jinyoung replaced it...or maybe it was a maid?' I thought. 

I shrugged before sitting down in front of the mirror and my drawers. I opened the first cabinet and took out a jewelry box. 

Inside the box were old photos I had taken with Eunae and while we were on vacation. I smiled softly as I brushed a finger over them. They brought back such nice memories. I noticed a picture that I had taken of Eunae when we were at Jeju Island on the beach. 

She was smiling brightly at the camera, her beauty radiating off with confidence. 'Unnie, I hope you're happy where you are.' I sighed and put all the photos back. 

Just as I closed the drawer, there was a knock at my door. I glanced up as I pushed the drawer shut. "Yes?" I answered. The door opened and there stood one of the Ahjummas. "Welcome back, Miss Chungae," she said, bowing. I bowed back to her in respect. 

"Hello," I said. She gave me a smile, "Your mother would like to speak with you," she said. I nodded and stood up. "Thanks for telling me. Where is she?" 

The ahjumma sidestepped out of my way before suddenly embracing me. I stood rigid with surprise.

"A-Ahjumma..." I stuttered, confused. She sniffled and patted my back. "It must've been hard for you, Miss Chungae. Being shipped off to another country to live with people you never met before! I'm just so glad you're back!" 

I didn't know what to do, but pat her back. "Uh, thanks for your concern, Ahjumma, but I'm fine." She sniffled again and let go, bowing.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Chungae. That wasn't very professional," she said, chuckling. I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off. 

"Your mother is down in the living room with your father." The ahjumma quickly turned around and walked out. I stood there, confused. 

'Why was she all of a sudden so nice? And why was everyone so formal? Had everyone originally been this formal?' I thought to myself. I shrugged the thought off before making my way downstairs. 

I could hear my parents already talking as I slowly and quietly stepped down. I waited for a moment, listening. 

"--I just don't think we should push the meeting, yeobo. She just got back from America! She needs time to adjust again!" I heard my father say. I slowly peered over the wall and saw my mother cross her arms. 

"That's why I talked to his mother this morning. She also thought it was best to just let them get to know each other for a bit. She said we could postpone things for four months or so." My father sighed and raked a hand through his hair. I decided to make my entrance.

"Annyeonghaseyo, appa," I said, stepping out from behind the wall. My father looked up at me, slightly surprised. 

"O-Oh, Chungae-yah. How was America? Was your flight okay?" My mind flashbacked to the text messages I read and cried over. 

I gave him a small smile, "Yeah, it was great." I turned to my mother and bowed in respect and greeting. "Annyeonghaseyo, omonim," I said. She glanced at me and gave me a small nod. 

I stood there awkwardly for a moment, not knowing if I shiuld sit or stand. My father sat on the sofa, before motioning me to sit. "Take a sit, Chungae-yah. We have..something to tell you." 

I cautiously sat down on the sofa that was on my father's right, facing my mother. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. My father glanced at her. 

"Yeobo," he said softly. My mother glanced at him before sighing and reaching for a shopping bag that was next to her. She grabbed it and slid it over to me. 

"Here. I bought this for you. Wear it later tonight during dinner since we're going to have guests over." 

I nodded taking the bag and setting it down next to me. "Thank you, mother," I said. My father cleared his throat, bringing my attention back to him. He looked up at me and took my hand in his, sighing.

"Chungae...we called you back so that you could take on Eunae's role," he said. I stared at him blankly.

" Eunae's mean--!?"

My father nodded. "We want you to take Eunae's spot in the marriage." 


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Idk if I'll continue this story...I might start something new...but with the same concept.


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70V3LY #1
Chapter 7: It's been a year and 2 months since you last updated (?) and j really hope you come back. I miss this story and I just finished reading it again :/
70V3LY #2
Chapter 7: OMG you're backkkk! Thank you, thank you!!
70V3LY #3
Chapter 6: This is so good! Please update soon! ^_^
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update!! I love it! Can't wait to find out what happens next!!
ExoSHINee2PM #5
Chapter 6: Sorry chungae*
ExoSHINee2PM #6
Chapter 6: Yay an update!!!
Can't wait for the next update
Poor chungjae
ExoSHINee2PM #7
Chapter 5: Omg update soon they just found out
Chapter 4: Loving this fanfic!! Keep updating pleeeeeassssseeeee!!!