Chapter 3

The Illegitimate Bride

3 Years Later

"Chungae! You all packed!?" I glanced at all of my suitcases one last time before answering. 

"Yes! I think I have everything!" I yelled from my room upstairs. I grabbed all my suitcases and lugged them downstairs where my aunt, Semi, was waiting for me. 

"Where's Uncle Yoon?" I asked as I set down my last bag on the floor. I straightened up and stretched my back. "Right here with breakfast!" 

I turned around and saw Uncle Yoon run in with some pancakes, yogurt, and juice. I chuckled and took a bite out of the pancakes. I gave him a thumbs up. 

"So good! Gosh, I'm going to miss it so bad!" I said, taking more bites of it. Uncle Yoon laughed as he led us to the table and sat us all down. 

"I know you will! And we'll miss you the most!" Uncle Yoon said, winking at me. All three of us laughed as Aunt Semi gave me a bone crushing hug. "My dear Chungae is leaving again! It seems like just yesterday you came in looking like a lost puppy. Now you've matured and gained so much confidence!" She wiped away a tear from her face. 

"It's going to be so quiet without you here. Come visit us?" Semi suggested. I smiled, "I hope! That would be great! I wish I could stay here all the time..." 

Yoon ruffled my hair, "Same here, kiddo. But your dad wants you back. I almost forgot that I'm not your real dad and that I'm just an uncle," he said with a sad smile. Semi sniffed and wiped another tear away. 

I glanced at the two of them and pouted. "Oh, come on." I got up and embraced Yoon. "Uncle Yoon! Don't think like that! You will always be my dad! And Semi," I motioned her to me and she joined us in the hug, "-you will always be my mom!" 

"My family back home is my appa and ommanim. Not dad and mom." Semi laughed and pinched my cheek.

"You and your silly ways!" She said. I laughed along with them before we all headed out to the airport. 

We waited together for my plane to arrive. Uncle Yoon was sitting on my right while Aunt Semi sat on my left. 

"Did you say goodbye to your friends?" Semi said. I nodded, "Yeah, I did. We all cried for two hours," I said, chuckling. Semi laughed with me before I set my head down on her shoulder. 

"I'm going to miss our good moments," I whispered. Semi caressed my hair lovingly and kissed it. "I know, honey. I will to. Three years have gone by fast." 

I nodded before pulling away and pointing at her. "Mom," I said sternly. Then I turned to Uncle Yoon. "Dad," he glanced at me from his cellphone. 

"You guys have to have a baby. No kidding," I said. Semi turned a bright shade of pink as Yoon coughed nervously. I glanced back and forth between the two of them before I held out both my hands. 

"W-What?" Yoon asked. "Promise me!" I said, pushing my hands in front of them. Semi chuckled lightly before promising me as Yoon soon followed afterwards. 

"Fine. We promise. And you'll be the first to know if we do get one," Yoon said. I squealed and grabbed his arm. 

"You will!? Really!?" Yoon nodded, laughing. I squealed again, "YES! Does this mean I can return when you have the baby!? Can I be the godmother!?  Omo, I can help take care of him or her too!" 

Semi laughed and flicked my forehead, "Hey, you're thinking too far into the future. Focus on your studies for now, okay?" I pouted and rubbed my throbbing forehead. "Fine.." I murmured. 

I opened my mouth to say another thing, but I was caught off by the announcement of my flight. The three of us glanced at each other sadly before we all gathered into a group hug. 

"You'll always be our daughter, Chungae. Blood related or not, we still love you the same. We'll always be here for you if you ever need anything," Yoon said, kissing my forehead. Semi nodded along and kissed both my cheeks, sniffling and wiping away tears. 

"My dear Chungae! I still can't believe you're leaving again. I'll miss you so much! I love you!" She said. I could feel myself slowly getting teary eyed as they walked me to the entrance. 

I glanced back at them and gave them one last hug. Semi pushed me away, wiping more tears. "Go, or else you'll miss your flight! And if you don't leave now, I won't be able to let you go!" 

I chuckled as tears slowly cascaded down my face. I quickly wiped them away, giving them one last wave before turning my back on them. 

I wanted to run back so bad and stay with them, but I had to go back. 

'Here we go, Chungae. Back home and back to your troubles you had tried to run away from.' 

I got to my seat and sat down. I had gotten a seat right next to the window, which I was thankful for. I sighed and pouted sadly, thinking about Uncle Yoon and Aunt Semi. I was going to wish them so much! 

As I was looking outside, I didn't hear a person come sit next to me. I was too lost in my thoughts to realize a person was there until i turned around and nearly died of a heart attack. 

"Omona!" I gasped, holding on to my chest. I sat there a moment, trying to calm down my racing heart. I was about to say hi to the person but then I noticed that they had earbuds in. 

I sighed. It wasn't worth it. What if the person got mad at me? I sat back down in my seat and took out my cellphone. I smiled at it and turned it over in my hands. It was the new one I had gotten shortly after I moved to America. 

I traced the intricate design on the back of the cover and opened it to find a bunch of goodbye texts from classmates and friends. 

I smiled and posted on my Facebook, thanking everyone for their farewell wishes. I set it back down and looked at my bag. I sighed and took out my other cellphone. 

The one i had never after moving here. I stared down at it, contemplating whether or not to turn it on. I chuckled to myself. It probably wouldn't turn on anymore anyways! 

...but it didn't hurt to try. 

I held on to the power button, slightly wishing it did and didn't turn on. I closed my eyes and opened them back again when I felt a small vibrations. 

I gasped at my screen in surprise. 

It. Turned. On. 

I held the cellphone close, hoping no one heard my loud gasp. I glanced at the person who was next to me and noticed that he was reading something on an iPad. That was when I noticed his red hair. 

It instantly made me think of him. 


I shook my head, taking away the thought. 'Stupid Chungae! Mark wouldn't even remember you!' I lightly smacked my head. 

"Wake up, Chungae!" I whispered to myself. 

Mark POV

I was supposedly needed to come back from my small break to the States. It was one of the only breaks I could ever have since I was to inherit the company soon. Everything has been so hectic after three years. 

I was soon to inherit the company from my dad, I was looking over some of the buildings he left for me, and I was still trying to get through college. 

I sighed as I put in my earplugs and found my seat. I noticed that a girl was already there and staring outside. Hopefully, she wouldn't be a nuisance for the plane ride. 

When she sat back down in her chair and situated, she took out her cellphone. I couldn't help but to glance at her side profile as I tried to look outside. The girl was really pretty from what I could see. 

As I turned back around to the front, I glanced down at her hands and noticed the charm that her cellphone had. 

I thought a moment. I was sure the one earlier didn't have one. I glanced at it again and made out the word 'dongsaeng' in korean. So this girl was from Korea? 

I cocked my head to the side, sure that I had seen a charm like that before. I stared at it a bit before I finally remembered. 

Eunae...had one exactly like that. Excpet hers said 'unnie'. 

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped open a bit. Was this girl, Eunae's sister? Cho Chungae!? 

I quickly glanced away when i heard her gasp out loud. I focused on reading the article I randomly chose before. 

Since no music was , I listened to her as she murmured to herself. 

The only thing I was abke to catch was the last phrase. 

"Wake up, Chungae!" 

My eyes widened after hearing her say it herself. She really was Cho Chungae! 

Mark POV End

I waited for about five minutes, scared of what I might find on my old cellphone. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled. I slid my finger across the screen and was greeted by a passcode. 

I bit my lip before I saw my background. It was a selfie of Eunae and me. Then I remembered my passcode. It was the month and day of Eunae's birthday!


I was really afraid now to glance at everything. By now, all the notifications had been recieved. It was a whole three years worth. 

My hands shakily opened my text messages first. There were so many from Jinyoung and Jackson. The others were from the other five boys. 

Some of Jinyoung's said: 

Yah! Anwer your phone! 

Did something happen? 

YAH! You're making us worried!

please answer me? 

Chungae...answer me. Please. 

CHINGU-YAH! ITS MY BIRTHDAY! where's my happy birthday text? :(

Chungae. Dont you remember our promise? 

I could feel my heart clench when i read his three birthday texts and when he mentioned our promise. I sighed and opened the other messages from jackson. 

Some of them said:

Honey, why aren't you answering? is something wrong? Don't you remember what i said to you? 

Yeobo...i miss you.

YOUR OPPA MISSES HIS BABY G BADLY. Come home? Wherever you are?

Jinyoung's him. 

Chungae! My boo! Please answer? 

I miss you hun. Answer me soon...please, just come back. We need you. 

Chungae, if there's anything wrong, you can tell me. I won't judge you. I love you, call me.

I could feel tears threatening to fall already. Jackson, my bestie, my brother, my comfort. I wish I could just feel his hug again. 

Now it was was from Yugyeom and BamBam. Most of them said: 

Noona! We miss you! Answer! 

where did you disappaer too noona...

NOOOONNAA! Its my birthday...I want some of your seawood soup. Come back to us!

We're starving. I want you're cooking. TAT

Noona, we're sorry. For everything. Did you leave because of us? Please dont be mad!

If you come back, we'll be the best dongsaengs EVER!

Then i checked Youngjae's. 

Chungae Noona...Where did you go? I miss you..

Can you come hear me sing? I have a competition next saturday..

Noona, where did you go? I need you. 

I miss you noona! I seriously need your help. life isnt the same without you.

was it something the hyungs did? Should i beat them up? 

Call me noona...i need your advice. The hyungs are no help. 

Then JB's : 

Chungae! Where are you? We're all worried. Call us? 

Saeng, we miss you. 

Chungae, im sorry we took you for granted. Come back? 

I, as leader, apologize for ever hurting you. Chungae, come back! 

YAH! Answer oppa? Hmm? Please!?'re hurting oppa's feelings. T^T

Chungae, please call me. Or notify someone where you are. The past two years haven't been the same. Your parents won't tell either. Love you. 

I could feel tears already flowing like crazy done my cheeks. I bit down on my lip, trying to stop the loud sobs feom coming out on the plane. I shakily pressed on to Mark's messages. There were only three. One for each year. 

Chungae, where did you go? What happened to you? Jr. told me to try to get a hold of you. 

Yah, did you fall off the face of the earth? We cant lose you too...

Chungae. Just call me when you look at this. Please. 

That was the last straw. I held my sleeve to my mouth as I tried to muffle my cries. The tears were flowing down nonstop now. 

I rocked myself back and forth, not caring if i looked like some crazy woman. It hurt knowing that i had been so selfish and seeing how much they all worried. 

After a while of silent crying, i finally knocked out. The one thing i didn't know was that someone was watching the whole time. 

Jackson was laying on his bed, throwing up a basketball in the air before throwing it towards BamBam. 

"when did mark say he was coming back again?" Jackson asked. JB looked down at his watch, "He said 3PM." 

Jackson glanced at the clock too. It was 2:45PM. "Should we head out too? To greet him?" Jackson asked. JB nodded and got up. He held a hand out to Youngjae who was sprawled out on the floor. Youngjae took it and stood up. 

Just then, the door to the room was thrown open by an ecstatic Jinyoung. 

"Who else has an iPhone here!? Please tell me that i'm not dreaming!" He yelled out. Jackson raised an eyebrow, "Bro, what are you talking about?" 

Jinyoung pointed to Jackson's phone and then pointed to his messages. "Check it. Check it now!" He said, eyes wide and a wide smile sprawled on his lips. 

Jackson opened his messages, and didn't find any knew messages. "What am i looking for?" he asked. 

Jinyoung rushed forward and snatched his phone away he glanced at both phones, screens both turned away from the view of everyone else. Suddenly he yelled out. 

"YESSSS! SHE SAW IT! SHE SAW IT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?" Jinyoung yelled out. Jackson took both phones away from Jinyoung and stared at the screen. 

Both messages had a 'read' underneath the most recent messages. Jackson slowly looked up at Jinyoung before yelling out with him and embracing him. 

"WOOHOO! SHE SAW IT! SHE'S OKAY!" Jackson said. Soon, all six boys were celebrating. Jinyoung couldn't sit still as they were in the car, driving to the airport. 

"Where do you think she is? Is she in Korea? Or in some other country?" Youngjae asked, excitedly. Jinyoung shook his head, "I don't know! But i hope she comes soon!" 


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Idk if I'll continue this story...I might start something new...but with the same concept.


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70V3LY #1
Chapter 7: It's been a year and 2 months since you last updated (?) and j really hope you come back. I miss this story and I just finished reading it again :/
70V3LY #2
Chapter 7: OMG you're backkkk! Thank you, thank you!!
70V3LY #3
Chapter 6: This is so good! Please update soon! ^_^
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update!! I love it! Can't wait to find out what happens next!!
ExoSHINee2PM #5
Chapter 6: Sorry chungae*
ExoSHINee2PM #6
Chapter 6: Yay an update!!!
Can't wait for the next update
Poor chungjae
ExoSHINee2PM #7
Chapter 5: Omg update soon they just found out
Chapter 4: Loving this fanfic!! Keep updating pleeeeeassssseeeee!!!