
How Long Will It Last?

(Here's a song that I think will go well with the chapter...? Not to sure about, but hey! It's U-Kiss :D)

I hesitated to click the submit button. If I submitted the form, the chances I got accepted as an intern in the hospital of Seoul was pretty high. Like 90%.

I'm happy the way I'm living right?

I bit my lip and shook my head. I wasn't going to submit my form. No, I have to. I have to see how Dong Ho's doing. I know him. He's my friend. No, wait. I should be selfish. Shut up! He's your friend, Ji Hee.

Mindlessly, I clicked the button and watched as the page referred me to another that notified me that I have successfully submitted the form. I closed my laptop screen and sat back on my bed, closing my eyes.

I woke up when I heard shuffling around the dorm to see that Caroline came back from her date with her boyfriend, another sophomore like us, studying to be a doctor.

"You're back?" I stretched and let out a yawn as Caroline nodded happily, forgetting that she was supposed to be angry at me. Her boyfriend is always able to put her into a great mood.

"Yeah, my boyfriend and I decided that we should spend more time with each other before my internship. Have you decided where you're going for the intership?" She asked, taking off her light red sweater and tossed it on the chair.

"No." I answered, opening my laptop as she gave me puppy eyes. "I think I'll go to Spain for my internship. For the last time I do not want to go to Korea for my internship." Caroline continued to look at me with her puppy eyes as I continued to ignore it and read the message on my screen. "Thank you. You have successfully submitted your form. You will recieve an email to whether or not you have been accepted in two weeks."

"What?!" I rubbed my eyes and stared at my screen. "Caroline, did I submit my form?" Caroline took a look at my screen.

"Seems like it. Why do you seem so shocked?"

"I-I don't know it I chose which location I want to go yet. I think I might've chose the wrong one." I panicked and tried to go back to the form. It didn't allow me to and I fell back on my bed in frustration.

"Do you remember which location you picked?" Caroline asked, trying to be helpful. I shook my head no, when I knew what I had put. But there was a .01% that I picked Spain by accident because it was next to South Korea. But I wasn't sure as well, so I didn't want to raise her hope that I applied for the hospital in Seoul. "Well, hopefully you picked South Korea." Caroline smiled and headed off to the bathroom as I groaned. 

Was she trying to jinx me?


Two weeks later...

"YES! Emily, wake up!" Caroline jumped onto my bed and woke me up, shoving her phone in my face. "They accepted me into the hospital of Seoul!!!" Caroline bounced from room to room, finding my laptop as I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. When she found my laptop, she shoved it into my hands. "Check your email."

"Not right now." I fell back onto my bed and pushed the laptop off my lap and closed my eyes. Caroline yanked me up again and gave me her puppy eyes. How many times is she going to pull that trick on me before she realizes it doesn't work on me? Grumbling, I opened my laptop and then logged into my email.

My heart dropped as I typed the password to my email because I really didn't want to find out. But in my heart, there was still a tiny hope that they rejected me and I've been sent to another location. But it was hightly unlikely. I was able to speak Korean, in which I remember putting on my form, which gives them another reason to accept me. With Caroline giving me her puppy eyes and the fact that results are permanent and that they won't change if I looked at them now or later, I opened my email. Caroline sat next to me reading it me.

"Congratulations, You have been accepted to our hospital located in..." I started to read out loud.

"Seoul!" Caroline finished off excitedly. "Thank god you submitted the form by accident! Let's go celebrate!" I goraned and flopped back down onto my bed in frustration and distress as Caroline dragged me out of bed and forced me into the bathroom to get ready.

We spend the next week recieving plane tickets from the hospital, talking to our teachers and explaining our absences in advance, and packing. Once we boarded the plane, my heart sank.

Here I am. I swore to never go back to Seoul and here I am. Going back to Seoul. Great. Stupid soft-hearted Ji Hee.

As the flight took over ten hours, I spent those ten hours thinking about things to make me happier about going back to Seoul. Like real Korean food and not fake ones. Cheaper snacks. Familiar streets. People. The chances of me bumping into Horoscope and U-Kiss was pretty rare right?

Since it was night in Seoul when we arrived, we had to drag out jet lagged bodies to our dorm quickly and set up our luggages and such. I quickly fell asleep, totally exhausted. When I woke up the next morning, Caroline dragged me out of bed so I could help her navigate the crowded streets.

It was fall so I threw on a red plaid sweater over my white shirt and pulled on some jeans and a pair of red converse. As she dragged me out of the dorms and into the streets, something felt wrong and everything seemed strangely familiar. Caroline quickly pulled me away and into a bubble tea shop, marveling at how many things she could add into her bubble tea. As she dragged me back to the direction of the dorm I saw someone. 

Actually, cross that out. Not a 'someone', but a group.

That group was U-Kiss.

Why was U-Kiss here?

It was because the NH Media practice rooms were two blocks from my dorm.

And to think I said bumping into them was pretty rare.

How stupid I am.



*So another chapter done. Beginnings aren't my thing. :/ But special member for today is.... Yoon Ji! I have decided to do something special, so Yoon Ji is the special member once again!*


Jung (Jeong) Yoon Ji 


Age: 21

Date of Birth: August 24, 1993

Blood Type: B

Height: 167 cm (5'6)

Signed Under: NH Media

Group: Horoscope

Horoscope Signs: Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist

Occupation: Singer/Idol, Model, Actress


Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgos are very observant and no detail big or small can escape from them. Virgos are also very intelligent and loves to know a variety of subjects. They are also very practical and don't like to live in a world of fantasy nor dreams. Being practical is one of their greatest strengths. Virgos, with those sharp eyes of theirs are very analytical. They are able to make a clear analysis on things and can come up with solutions for problems. Virgos are also reliable and modest.

Though Virgos contain so many good traits, they have bad traits as well. Because Virgos are analytical, they can be overcritical. They oftened have things planned out and if things don't go their way, they can get fussy, which is another bad traits of theirs. Virgos are also perfectionists so impressing them will be harder than you think! They can also come across as harsh since they don't filter their opinions before saying it. Virgos are also conservative and they don't easily change their opinions. They are also judgemental because anything less than perfect will not satisfy them. 

Read more about it at this site!

I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and this tiny section about the Virgo. This does not mean are Virgos are neccessarily like what I mentioned. This was purely for the fun of it. Comment below and let me know if you're a Virgo! If not, what horoscope sign do you want me to do in the next chapter! Enjoy~

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KillaGurl #1
Chapter 6: I'm reading all of your stories right now and let me just say,, you're amazing! I love your plots! How i wish i could write like you. Could you tell me your secrets of writing? LOL.. Cant wait for your update!!!
Mochilla #2
I've read through all four chapter and to say the least, I'm very much interested in what's to come next. The back story is both unique and catching (if that makes sense ;;) and so I can't wait to find out what had happened in the past (why Jihee/Emily acted the way she did when she say Kevin) to cause her to leave without a goodbye.

For the first UKISS in the longest time, I'm glad I stumbled upon this one <3

And as for the horoscopes, I'm a Libra.
Cutedongli #3
Chapter 1: Love it so far!!
Please update :D